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William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 1: Louisiana. (search)
re fixed in passionate hope and dread. President Grant affirms that anarchy reigns in Louisiana.t that this reign of anarchy was introduced by Grant, and is maintained in New Orleans for purposeurged by Attorney-General Williams, President Grant's legal adviser, to call out troops in order td the Capitol. No living man, not even President Grant, pretends to think that order of Durell l order to oppose the policy attributed to President Grant of meaning to rule Louisiana and her sistcond term for Warmoth, and no second term for Grant, proved a bad cry. The contest for Governor anawags and Negroes who have lost their faith in Grant. Young, bold, and dexterous, Warmoth is not ted him an order in the terms set down. President Grant is faithful to his tools; yet President President Grant has been compelled to own that the order made by Judge Durell on the application of Antoine wtted, and the grave mistake denounced by President Grant himself. In fact, this order, hardly to
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 2: reign of anarchy. (search)
. Unable to move without Pinch, as Pinch was unable to move without Packard, Kellogg threw himself on his patron, President Grant, and wired this message to Attorney General Williams:-- New Orleans: Dec. 11, 1872. If President in some wayLike Pinch, he had a Federal army at his back. Through all these usurpations General Emory stood by the nominees of President Grant. For four or five weeks Pinch ruled the State, as Jacques rules his duchy in the Honeymoon. Jesters squibbed himmight be put down in true republican fashion, by a public vote. When pressed by the Senate to explain his action, President Grant admitted that the late election in Louisiana was a gigantic fraud. He yielded to the Senate, that a new election ouonement of these lands and mules, and it was dangerous to tempt them in their angry mood. So Kellogg was allowed by President Grant to put off the new elections to a safer time. Two Senates and three Governors contended with each other for the m
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 3: White reaction. (search)
of Tribunals which reversed each other's decrees. Kellogg, though backed by Grant, was repudiated by Congress. McEnery though supported by the main body of Whit carpet-bagger, sure to stand by Kellogg while his fortunes were upheld by President Grant. Longstreet, the famous soldier, was uncertain. In a question of disputes complete. But such a change in New Orleans was fatal to the policy of President Grant. Election-day was nigh; and if Governor McEnery sat in the State House oft that, with prompt support, the vote might yet be saved to the Republicans. Grant ordered Emory to crush the victorious citizens and restore the beaten scalawagsctory. The one thing certain. was, that Kellogg had not carried the State for Grant. Kellogg had promised his patron five votes out of the six possessed by Louisiana. Of the six votes only two were won for Grant. In the State Legislature, the elections for which were held at the same time as the elections for Congress, th
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 4: General Sheridan. (search)
s fought his way to one of the highest seats within a soldier's reach. Five names emerge from the confusion of the war, and that of Sheridan is one of these five. If Lee and Jackson leave a brighter record, who among the Northern men, excepting Grant and Sherman, have a greater name than Sheridan? These captains are immortals, and Sheridan is youngest of the five. Alert as Mosby, he is hot as Hood and cool as Bragg. Think of poor Early in his grasp! Few strokes of war excel the charge bydialects and mixing in their feuds. It is a saying in the camp that Little Phil is one-half Irish savage, the other half Indian savage. If a merciless deed has to be done, everyone expects Sheridan to do it. When a cruel need of war induced General Grant to order the Shenandoah Valley to be burnt, the torch was placed in Sheridan's hands. The whole country, from the Blue Ridge to the North Mountain, has been made untenable! was his brief report; and never since the French generals, under ad
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 7: banditti (search)
camp is pitched, the sword is king! If President Grant will leave Sheridan as free to act in Louters for such license as Sheridan asks of President Grant. His scheme for governing the South restorkings of a general assembly. What is President Grant to say? Caesar — as General Grant is nGeneral Grant is now called, not only in the South, but in the North and West-is not so confident as Belknap and his riand's acts. Are we in France? they ask. Is Grant a Bonaparte? Are Emory and De Trobriand the heries? Each word pronounced of late by President Grant is scanned, and in their present temper pd seem no worse than awkward forms of speech. Grant is seldom happy in his words. Knowing his wea of happiness. By way of better reading, President Grant describes Americans as a people engaged longer of opinion that a proclamation by President Grant is sufficient, Sheridan now asks the minirica, branded as outlaws by a subaltern of General Grant! You see a female bandit, sneers a yo
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 8: the Conservatives. (search)
they will not be easily beaten from the ground they once take up. General McEnery is a small man, something like President Grant in face, with meditative eyes, and dreamy features, half-concealed by thick whiskers and heavy moustache. General Perman has sent these warnings on to Washington, marked by him with the significant words- for the personal perusal of General Grant. What say the Sub-Committee? Foster of Ohio, and Phelps of New Jersey, agree with Potter of New York, in a Reportth, has so much passion found a vent in speech. Statesmen who weigh their words are coming to the front, arraigning President Grant of something like high treason to the commonwealth. Adams in Boston, Bryant in New York, are giving the highest intest tools of a despotic power. The curses showered on Kellogg have a bitterness unequalled since the war. Should President Grant back down, repudiating Sheridan and letting Kellogg go, where, in such. a reign of anarchy, will the legal governme
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 9: Governor Warmoth. (search)
foremost advocate. Jewell is manager of a paper called The commercial Bulletin; a lively sheet, in which he carries on a war of insult and reproach against his former chief; not on the ground of high principle, but on a minor question springing out of the great conflict of race. Shall Negroes be allowed to ride in street cars? Ladies answer, No. Car owners, unable to offend their customers, answer, No. It is a bitter feud, dividing families, like the acts of Kellogg and the messages of Grant. A group of other questions stand, as one may say, around that of the street cars. Shall Negroes be allowed to lodge in good hotels? Shall Negroes be allowed to dine at common tables? Shall Negroes be allowed to sit in any part of church? The carpet-baggers, who depend on Negro suffrages, assert that all these privileges spring from the admitted theory of equal rights. If White and Black are equal before a judge, they are equal before a car-conductor and a tavern clerk. So say the
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 10: carpet-baggers. (search)
tobacco-juice into a huge spittoon, he informs us that he never seed sich a thing as dat affair with Wiltz; also that the culled people in Louisiana don't mind General Grant having a third term, if he like, or even a sixth term if he like. Caesar in New Orleans sails in the same boat with Csesar in the White House. The Negro s caucus and no more; but Hahn is fond of titles, and the coloured members like to hear themselves called a Legislature. We are waiting for a compromise. If President Grant is firm, the other side will soon make terms. I could find the three voters to make up my quorum, but I will not pay the price. I wish to have an honest GovChambers are burning to pass an Appropriation Bill; but I refuse to let them bring it in; and tell the leaders plainly that they have no legal powers. If President Grant decides to support General Sheridan, do you think the new Legislature may be got to work? I hope the best; but I am sickening of my tasks. I shall be hap
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 11: the Rotunda. (search)
he affair is on, and must be settled .either yea or nay. If Grant backs down, there will be peace; if not, there will be war.a living face on which a man might read the secrets of President Grant's Cabinet. All ears are strained towards the telegrapning voices with Democrats in denouncing the policy of President Grant. The venerable Bryant leads the way in New York; the politics, leave their books and join these enemies of President Grant. Here is an act done in a time of peace, says Curtis, ay for their political friends, the cause is lost; yet President Grant was minded to go on, assume the burthen of events, andperior, and some of the leading journals are demanding that Grant shall retire from the White House, leaving his powers in Wite. This menace tells. Fish is not only the ablest man in Grant's Cabinet, but one of the ablest men in America. Bristow, s. On what a thread the issue seems to hang! While President Grant is pondering pros and cons, a pistol-shot, fired by a
William Hepworth Dixon, White Conquest: Volume 2, Chapter 12: Georgia. (search)
dence. She has now a native Governor in James M. Smith. The Legislature and the Government are Conservative; and being Conservative, are bitterly opposed to President Grant. Though suffering less than the Virginians and South Carolinians by the war, the Georgians are more exasperated than their neighbours in either of their sihe false White League is a creation of the President's private cabinet. You think that much of this trouble is excited by the Government in order to favour General Grant's campaign for a third term? For nothing else. These hubbubs in Vicksburg and New Orleans suit his game. If Billy Ross were President, and Bear's Paw hisfrom distant towns. These regiments of coloured troops, commanded by strangers and adventurers, are the cause of much distrust. Some scalawag whispers that General Grant desires to see the Negro uppermost in the State, his hands in White men's pockets, and his heels on White men's necks. The Negroes and Mulattoes think these s