Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 26, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Grant or search for Grant in all documents.

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oken yesterday even by a solitary gun. If there was any firing at Dutch gap, the cannon were not heard in this city. The weather was clear and drying; should it continue for three or four days, the ground will be in the condition for which alone Grant is waiting to resume active operations. But the season when any considerable length of good weather can be expected has passed.--The period of snows and winter rains is at hand. The report that there was any fighting on the Petersburg lines at reaches us, we should be guilty of the offence known as "giving information to the enemy," and would, in no respect, except in motive, differ from the man who should collect information here, and committing it to writing, send it direct to General Grant's headquarters; therefore we have concluded, until such time as reticence shall certainly be no longer necessary, to ignore the Georgia campaign. So far as we are concerned, the Yankees shall be thrown upon their own resources to obtain inte
e thousand men will be free to act as circumstances demand, and will be on the sea-coast, ready for embarkation at a moment's notice, so that they can be used with Grant or Sheridan, as may be most advantageous; or, after recruiting, they may be moved through Central South and North Carolina, utterly annihilating every railroad by l circles. It is supposed to have originated in the transfer of troops from Petersburg to the north side of James river to meet an apprehended attack there by General Grant. All the Union iron-clads previously lying at Fortress Monroe were, on last Friday morning, sent up the James river to Dutch gap, and this and other significan on Saturday last, en route to the in accordance with the order above named. Miscellaneous. Gold was quoted in New York on the 23d at 223 3.4. General Grant was in Philadelphia on the 22d instant. The leasing of South Carolina cotton plantations within the lines of the National armies, for the ensuing year, wi
cott calls being the greatest general in the world? This judgment is rendered to the disparagement of General Lee, whose campaign against the overwhelming odds of Grant places him in the highest rank of captains, living or dead, and to whose genius Scott is indebted for all the credit he derived, so far as able design is concerned, from the Mexican war. Had Grant even been what his adversary certainly is, the ablest general in the world, it certainly could become nobody, born in Virginia, but a renegade and traitor, like Scott, to bestow this or any other compliment upon him. His laurels — such as they are — have been gathered at the expense of his own natiword for gallant services in the field.--The very county in which he was born, and in which repose the remains of his father and mother, is occupied by the army of Grant, who has filled it with blood and flames and stripped it of everything else. His hands are literally streaming with the blood of his countrymen. It is difficult