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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book I:—the American army. (search)
tal doctrine of the absolute sovereignty of the States, which had come to be a kind of dogma among them, abandoned the Federal flag en masse to go and organize the infant forces of the rebellion. Many among them did not adopt this course, so much at variance with the common notions of military honor, without regret. These regrets, well known to their old comrades, contributed to mitigate the horrors of war, by removing from it all bitterness and passion; and their recollection actuated General Grant when, four years later, he extended a friendly hand to his conquered adversary. There were some, however, who by their conduct aggravated the always painful spectacle of military defection. General Twiggs, who commanded the troops in Texas, was seen conniving at the success of the rebellion while still wearing the Federal uniform, and delivering into the hands of the rebels the depots of provisions and ammunition of his own soldiers, in order to take away from the latter every means
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book II:—secession. (search)
d be almost equivalent to a victory. At the very outset of the campaign, the inexperience of the Federal volunteers was made evident, even more on the march than on the battle-field. In fact, a body of troops which has had no practice cannot, with the best intentions in the world, make a long march without straggling on the road. We shall see at the end of the war Sherman's soldiers traversing the half of a continent and conquering success through the vigor of their legs, while those of Grant carried a load of forty-five pounds on their shoulders. But at the time of which we speak, they had not yet acquired that great art of the soldier which consists in bearing fatigue and taking rest in a systematic manner. They ate a great deal, did not know how to economize their food, adjusted their knapsacks clumsily, and could only carry two days rations. The first day's march, which used up a great number, although very short, already filled the road with stragglers, who, while direct
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book III:—the first conflict. (search)
belonging to officers, 4300 wagons, and 835 ambulances—56,499 animals in all—when it took the field under the command of Grant, prepared to fight and march for three weeks, if necessary, before rejoining any of its depots. The rations had been gre army provided for three more. So that, while McClellan had only provisions for ten days at the utmost, two years later, Grant, with the same army and the same resources, was able to take with him sixteen days supply. These figures fully show thaisher, and was thus both the first and the last general beaten by the Confederates. But, on the other hand, the names of Grant, Sherman, Meade, Kearney, Hooker, Slocum, and Thomas, which were among the first promotions, show that Mr. Lincoln knew ft given the Federal government the means for securing enlistments, the formation of new regiments was prohibited, and General Grant infused new vigor into the army by the consolidation of two or three regiments into one. Such was the general cond
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the first autumn. (search)
er, there were landed two regiments, which General Grant had sent by water from Cairo, and which foirst of the former towns. In the mean time, Grant prepared to execute the orders of Fremont, not all his forces there. On the 2d of November, Grant was ordered by Fremont to send a few troops ind reached the St. Francis River, in Missouri. Grant despatched Colonel Oglesby with four regimentser their respective commands. The name of General Grant, who had been in command at Cairo and the rapidity. Once landed, the small forces of Grant deploy and march upon Belmont. The fire of thon his part, was fully determined not to allow Grant to enjoy his success in peace, and sent, at twering any enemy. The battle of Belmont cost Grant, it is said, thirty-four killed, two hundred and to the westward Polk, who had just repulsed Grant's attack upon Belmont. Under the protection oan attack on Bowling Green; we shall find that Grant, a few weeks later, by piercing the Confederat[18 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book V:—the first winter. (search)
uary, but the Federals did not give him time. Grant's command had been extended and his forces inc the capital of Tennessee. Consequently, when Grant had broken at Fort Henry one link in the chainder McClernand and C. F. Smith, and with these Grant started for the purpose of investing by land tten him. In the mean time, the condition of Grant's army gave its chief considerable anxiety. T army to the other side of the Cumberland; and Grant's attitude was a sufficient guarantee that he by land. And this movement came near costing Grant his command. He was accused of having oversteiously molesting him. It was at this time that Grant's troops, transported by way of the Tennessee,d incapable of serving them; but an officer of Grant's staff, Colonel Webster, conceives the happy ible. Notwithstanding Halleck's instructions, Grant and his generals had neglected to fortify thei an excuse for such tardiness in Halleck's and Grant's despatches. Once beyond Duck River, he acce[79 more...]
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Bibliographical note (search)
d archives, subsequently taken to Washington after the war, there are several of which the author possesses copies, for which he is indebted to the kindness of General Grant. All the depositions received by the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War have been collected into seven volumes which, among interminable repetitions, pshed and unpublished documents they had on hand. These are, The Illustrated History of the War, by Mr. Lossing; The American Civil War, three volumes; Life of General Grant, by his former aid-de-camp, General Badeau, of which only the first volume has appeared; the two books of Mr. Swinton, entitled, respectively, History of the At of works written from a Union point of view, we will mention, without attempting to classify them, History of the Rebellion, by Appleton, one volume; Life of General Grant, by Coppee, one volume; Life of General Sherman, by Bowman and Irwin, one volume; Thirteen Months in the Rebel Army, by Stevenson, one volume; The Volunteer Qu