Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: May 12, 1862., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Grant or search for Grant in all documents.

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rovidential, here was no more preparation by Gen. Grant for an attack than if he had been on a Fourty skill, energy, temperance, and modesty. General Grant had stood the baptism of fire. He had beee. He believed there was no surprise and that Grant was in the field by 8 o'clock commanding, everur annals, thirty eight thousand troops led by Grant holding at bay he entire rebel force of eightya man as ever drew a sword. He claimed that Gen. Grant had line more and better fighting than any G, E and Goddard, who were killed. He believed Grant's army, supported, would have the next day. The last grand charge made by Grant on Monday was one on record. It had sent Beauregard showing toman, said he had no idea that while defining Gen. Grant the soldiers of other States should be attac; but one of the most atrocious attacks on General Grant came from an Ohio paper. [haughter] Iowa,) said no charge has been made against Gen. Grant, though there are differences of opinion. [2 more...]