Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: March 11, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Grant or search for Grant in all documents.

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unnel Hill. Confident that the movements of Gen. Grant's columns Atlanta has been cleared of the ehe principal columns on both sides, as between Grant and the enemy, are operating near Dalton and KGeneral Butler. Major General Banks, or Major General Grant, to be far preferable as a Presidentialh has since been filed by the appointment of Gen. Grant. All such discussions are interesting in thdesigned to be of an advisory character, but Gen. Grant is a man of action, and would desire to be lt the operations in South Carolina. Some of Gen. Grant's best friends in the army were satisfied aswas not equal at any time to the one army of Gen. Grant No man on the continent had won such victori entitled to higher rank than the others? General Grant is that man. He was not prepared to condemby Messrs. Howe and Wilkinson in advocacy of Gen. Grant and in derogation of the conduct of the Armyaken on striking out the recommendation of General Grant, it was carried — yeas 28, nays 12. M[10 more...]
rk of the pioneers building a bridge over Flat Creek, on the way to Knoxville, and there were other signs of a forward movement. But yesterday the pontoons were taken up immediately after the infantry had been ordered back on this side, and sent on the cars back towards Morristown. To-day we are expecting orders to move after them on the same route, and rumors are afloat that the enemy has been reinforced and is moving a column up the valley beyond Clinch Mountain, to fall suddenly across the Holston up near Rogersville on Gen. Longstreet's rear. No doubt Grant has discovered the necessity of removing this force from his left flank before venturing to penetrate the interior of Georgia. This may be a step for that purpose, and Gen. L. discovering it, is preparing to meet it. Great numbers of the troops have re-enlisted for the war, in the face of all the hard ships and sufferings which are before them. Our admiration for such noble courage and fortitude cannot be expressed.
force with Sherman at Meridian, was the key of the whole scheme of the Yankee plan for the occupation and subjugation of the Southwest. If successful, Sherman would have been in a condition to advance upon Demopolis and Selma, or Mobile; and these important points, as well as the rich countries adjacent, would have been at the mercy of the enemy. They could only have been driven back at the enormous risk of weakening Johnston's army, so as to open Northern Georgia and Rome and Atlanta, to Grant's army. Gen. Polk, with his scant infantry force, quickly perceived the momentous issue, which depended upon the result of the cavalry movement from Memphis, and after securing his small army on the east side of the Tombigbee, and removing all his supplies and munitions and returning to Mobile the troops he had borrowed from General Maury, sent imperative orders to Lee and Forrest to unite their forces, and at every cost to crush and drive back Smith and Grierson's cavalry. Lee did not