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Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: November 7, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Grant or search for Grant in all documents.
Your search returned 5 results in 3 document sections:
Large Yankee fleet in Hampton Roads — raid up Nansemond river. Petersburg, November 6.
--The enemy have an unusually large in Hampton Roads; among it several monitors and other peculiar-looking specimens of naval architecture.
Lardner is in command in James river, and D. D. Porter has been selected for an attack on Wilmington; whither part of the fleet has sailed.
Two gunboats asbended the Nansemond river on Tuesday last and landed a party of about sixty men, who made a dash in Chuchblack and arrested all the male citizens, but three.
Learning, however, that Nansemond county is from conscription, they released their prisoners, with an admiration to keep out of the rebel service.
They made severe throats against Smithfield, and it will not be matter of surprise of they burn any moment.
Grant is lying on his counting, by means of select commissioners, find votes in the New York regiments that will not get.
The Congress of the Confederate States meets this day in this city of Richmond, which General Grant was to have taken six months ago, but which he has not taken to this day. There are very serious doubts, indeed, among the best disposed of his friends and admirers outside of the city whether he ever will take it at all; while inside of it there does not exist a doubt upon the subject, so far as we have been able to learn.
The Congress of the Confederate States, at least, must feel entirely secure upon that point, or they would hardly have ventured within the sound of his guns, knowing what a prise they would be should be capture the city and make prisoners of them all.
The object of the present session will be, no doubt, to make every provision possible for the prosecution of the war. That great duty, indeed, comprehends everything.
No question can arise which is not connected in some degree with it. The country expects from Congress that calm, dignified, deliberate cons