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this city, Judge John A. Meredith presiding, commenced its fall term yesterday, at the State Court House. The main point of interest was the institution of proceedings against some of the parties, including the corporation of Richmond, who have been issuing small notes, in violation of the laws of the Commonwealth. The following named gentlemen, composing the Grand Jury, were sworn: Archibald Pleasants, (foreman,) L. W. Glazebrook. Charles C. Ellett, Charles T. Wortham, Wm. Beers, Wm. F. Gray, Alfred T. Harris, Thos. M. Jones, James E. Lipscomb, Fleming Grirth, Robert Harver, Wm. H. Haxall, Mark Downcy, Thos. Boudar, Geo. W. Smith, Jas. T. Butler, Ambrose Cariton, Wm. A. Armistead, Charles Gennett, Garrett F. Watson, George T. Booker, Thos. R. Price, and Wm. K, Watts; and, having received their charge, retired from the court room, and after some time returned and presented-- An indictment against the City of Richmond for a misdemeanor — a true bill. An indictment agai
. Cullingsworth P. B. Price. Luther Libby, Andrew Johnston, Wm. Groanor, J. H. Wilson. Mect at Old Market at 9 A M. Tuesday morning. Madison Ward — H E C. Baskervill, Chairman; James H. Burross, Ro. E. Williams, James Alfred Jones Wm. G. Paine, William Gray, John Caskie, Ro. H. Maury, Robert Richardson. Wm. F. Butler, Wm. Ira Smith, Wm. K. Watts, John P. Ballard. Hugh W. Fry, John D. Harvey, Alfred Moses, T. W. Reisinger, P. Henry Aylett, A K. Parker, A. L. Ellett, D. T. Williams, Wm. F. Gray, James H. Grant, John Dooley, John Purcell, Jaquelin P. Taylor, Joel B. Watkins, E. H. Gill. R. H. Dibrell, Arthur A. Horson. Meet at Tobacco Exchange at 9 o'clock Tuesday morning. Monroe Ward--Judge Wm. H. Lyons, Chairman; Henry K. Eliyson, Wm, G. Dandridge, A. P Fox, Geo A Herring E. H. Skinker, John O Chiles, Thomas D. Quarles, Wm. H. Haxall, Dr. C. G. Barney, Samuel J. Harrison, Ro, A. Lancaster, A. P Harvey, John Enders. Wm. Barrett, Thos W. McCance, Benjamin Davis, T. H. Elle
Hustings Court Grand Jury. --The following gentlemen were sworn in as grand jurymen for the fall term of the Hustings Court, Judge Lyons presiding: John Purcell, foremen; G. F. Watson, George W. Smith, Miles George, Ambrose, Carlton, Wm. K. Watts, H. F. C. Baskerville, S. C. Greenhow, Edwin Wortham, Wm. Palmer, R. H. Dibrell, George T. Booker, John D. Quarles, Wm. F. Gray, George K. Crutchfield, Wm. S. Donnan, Samuel C. Tardy, N. C. Read, Wm. M. Allen, R. H. Maury, and Wm. Beers.
For Hire, a Negro Woman, who is a good washer and ironer and house-cleaner, and a good seamstress also, for the remainder of this year. William F. Gray, corner of Capitol and Ninth streets. ap 1--2t*