Browsing named entities in Horace Greeley, The American Conflict: A History of the Great Rebellion in the United States of America, 1860-65: its Causes, Incidents, and Results: Intended to exhibit especially its moral and political phases with the drift and progress of American opinion respecting human slavery from 1776 to the close of the War for the Union. Volume I.. You can also browse the collection for John T. Greble or search for John T. Greble in all documents.

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were exposed to a deadly fire from the Rebels. For four hours, the action thus continued — necessarily with considerable loss on our side and very little on the other. Finally, a more determined assault was made by a part of our infantry, led by Major Theodore Winthrop, Aid to Gen. Butler, who was shot dead while standing on a log, cheering his men to the charge. His courage and conduct throughout the fight rendered him conspicuous to, and excited the admiration of; his enemies. Lieut. John T. Greble, of the 2d regular artillery, was likewise killed instantly by a ball through the head, while serving his gun in the face of the foe. Our total loss, in the advance and the attack, was hardly less than 100 men; while the Rebels reported theirs at 1 killed and 7 wounded. Gen. Pierce, whose inexperience and incapacity had largely contributed to our misfortune, finally ordered a retreat, which was made, and in good order; the Rebels following for some miles with cavalry, but at a respec
regard to the Indians, 1402; accused of intriguing against our Annexation schemes, 169 to 171; controversy with regard to fugitive slaves, 175 to 177; the Holy Alliance, 267; proposes to guarantee Cuba to Spain, 270; 499; action with respect to Rebel privateers; precedents furnished by England in the War of 112, 60; Mason and Slidell, 606: extract from the Prince Regent's Manifesto of 1813; the Queen's Proclamation of 1861, 607; demands and receives the persons of Mason and Slidell, 608. Greble, Lt. John T., killed at Great Bethel, 531. Greene, Mrs. Gen., befriends Whitney, 60-61. Green, one of John Brown's men, 294; 298-9. Greenville, Tenn., Union Convention at, 483. Gregg, Col. Maxcy, at Vienna, Va., 533. Grier, Justice, 217; on Dred Scott, 257. grow, Galusha, of Pa., offers a bill for the admission of Kansas, 251; is a candidate for Speaker, 804; chosen Speaker at the Extra Session, 555. Gruber, Rev. Jacob, 109. Grundy, Felix, beaten by John Bell, 179.