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61], 1.379.
Graham Journal, 2.223.
Grant, Moses [1785-862], paper dealer (Grant & Daniell), 1.223; attends G.'s lecture, 212.
Grattan, Henry and James, 1.379.
Greele, Samuel [1783-1861], type-founder, 1.73, (Greele & Willis), 220.
Greeley, Horace [1811-1872], praises Journal of the Times, 1.113.—Portrait in Life.
Green, Beriah, Rev. [b. Preston, Conn., Mar. 24, 1795; d. Whitesboro, N. Y., May 4, 1874], professor in Western Reserve College, 1.300; drops Colonization, 299; delegPhillips, 2.383.
Johnson, William Cost [1806-1860], 2.433.
Journal (Camden, S. C.), 1.234.
Journal (Milledgeville, Ga.), 1.310.
Journal of Commerce (N. Y.), 2.40.
Journal of the Times, founded by G., 1.101; success, 115; praised by H. Greeley, 113; end after G.'s retirement, 122, name retained in Liberator, 219.
Judson, Andrew T. [1784-1853], colonization agent, 1.322; home in Canterbury, 315; town clerk, 323; persecutes Miss Crandall, 322; address to Colonization Soc., 322; libe