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The Daily Dispatch: July 27, 1864., [Electronic resource] 38 0 Browse Search
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Your search returned 38 results in 1 document section:

House, Niagara Falls, July 21, 1864, To Hon Horace Greeley: Sir --The paper handed to Mr Holc note admonishing us of the departure of Hon Horace Greeley from the Falls; that he regrets the sad n for negotiations unconditionally, and that Mr Greeley will be pleased to receive any answer we mayselves of this offer to enclose a letter to Mr. Greeley, which you will oblige us by delivering. Wmediary through whom our correspondence with Mr Greeley has been conducted, and assuring you that weply yesterday. It was of such a nature that Mr Greeley would not deliver it to Sanders, but came ovay, who handed it in person to Sanders. When Greeley was leaving Sanders, the latter said: "This ins submitted by Sanders through Greeley. Greeley left, out of humor, and will probably fight ie for negotiation. I communicated with Mr. Greeley, who obtained the sanction of President Lintter under the Government authority held by Mr. Greeley. I rely on the Constitution for protection[9 more...]