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ducation, he suggested the establishment of a Law School at Cambridge. This recommendation was joyfully greeted; and, in 1817, the law school was established. Thus Colonel Royal was indirectly an originator of that school. Professor Parker held office for eleven years, and, in 1827, resigned. Hon. Asahel Stearns (brother of Dr. Stearns, of Medford) was then chosen, 1817, and served acceptably till 1829, when John Hooker Ashman succeeded. He died, in office, in 1833; and, in 1834, Hon. Simon Greenleaf was chosen, and performed his duties with eminent success. He resigned in 1848, and was succeeded by Hon. Theophilus Parsons, who is now in office. These distinguished jurisconsults have each paid a tribute of respect to the memory of Colonel Royal, of Medford, and have recognized him as the primal cause of the establishment of a permanent school for that second of sciences, jurisprudence. Colonel Isaac Royal was born, in the Island of Antigua, in 1719. The English had establi
. F. J. Higginson, Rev. Thomas W. Coit, Jonas Wyeth, Jr., John G. Palfrey, William Newell, Nehemiah Adams, R. H. Dana, Ebenezer Francis, Jr., Andrews Norton, Alexander H. Ramsay, Richard M. Hodges, William Saunders, J. B. Dana, C. C. Little, Simon Greenleaf, J. E. Worcester, John A. Albro, C. C. Felton, Charles Beck, Morrill Wyman, James Walker, E. S. Dixwell, Converse Francis, William T. Richardson, H. W. Longfellow, Edward Everett, Asa Gray, Francis Bowen, Joseph Lovering, John Ware, John Hols of this Society. During the eighty-one years of the life of the society it has had eleven presidents. Dr. Holmes served for the longest term,—twenty-three years. He was followed by Professor Joseph Story, the distinguished jurist; Professor Simon Greenleaf, whose widow, sister of the poet Longfellow, still lives in Cambridge; Hon. John G. Palfrey, the historian; William M. Vaughan, the late revered founder of the Social Union; and later, by Dr. Francis Greenwood Peabody, Plummer Professo
24, 1834, but his resignation was read at the next meeting, December 19, 1834, so that he never presided at any of its deliberations. The first active president was Asahel Stearns, elected January 5, 1835. The first vice-presidents were Simon Greenleaf, Samuel King, Charles Everett, and Sidney Willard, who were elected November 24, 1834. The first board of trustees were the above-named president and vice-presidents, John Chamberlin, Eliab W. Metcalf, Anson Hooker, Joseph N. Howe, Jr., Wilunity cannot easily be estimated. The names of the presidents and treasurers who have served the bank, with dates of election, are here given. Presidents: Asahel Stearns, elected January 5, 1835; Levi Farwell, elected December 10, 1838; Simon Greenleaf, elected January 22, 1845; Sidney Willard, elected January 24, 1849; Jacob H. Bates, elected January 21, 1852; Charles C. Little, elected January 25, 1854; Dr. Charles Beck, elected February 8, 1860; Stephen T. Farwell, elected April 9, 1866
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 1, Chapter 9: organization: New-England Anti-slavery Society.—Thoughts on colonization.—1832. (search)
ed himself also in favor of your views. This is getting the two first men in the State for talents and influence in benevolent effort. I have no doubt they will head the list of those who will subscribe to form here an anti-slavery society. Mr. Greenleaf, also, will cordially come in, and I need not say he is one of the first [men] in the State, for his character is known. The reference here is to the Hon. Stephen Longfellow, father of the poet, who had been a delegate to the Hartford Convention, and a Representative from Maine in the 18th Congress (1823-25); and to Simon Greenleaf, the eminent jurist, shortly to be law professor at the Harvard School, and eventually the successor of Story. The practical use of the Thoughts was as an arsenal of facts for the public speakers engaged in exposing the pretensions of the Colonization Society. This task had been the immediate concern of the New-England Anti-Slavery Society, both in its regular and special meetings, and through its
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 6: Law School.—September, 1831, to December, 1833.—Age, 20-22. (search)
ted much by it. Professor Ashmun was succeeded, in July, by Simon Greenleaf, 1783-1853; practised law in Maine, 1806-1833; professor ata student of large promise, and became at once his friends. Professor Greenleaf's interest in him was hardly second to Judge Story's, and wahigh rank, and numbered among its contributors Theron Metcalf, Simon Greenleaf, Luther S. Cushing, George S. Hillard, and Dr. I. Ray. Some onot thought to have what is called a legal mind; though Story and Greenleaf, each of whom counted on him as colleague or successor, do not apuest at the firesides of the two professors, and Mrs. Story and Mrs. Greenleaf took an interest in him almost equal to that of their husbands. or next September. You have seen him announced in the papers,—Mr. Greenleaf, of Maine; a fine man, learned lawyer, good scholar, ardent sture worth your coming from New York to study under Judge Story and Greenleaf next term. I shall not be here after this year; not but I should
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 7: study in a law office.—Visit to Washington.—January, 1854, to September, 1834.—Age, 23. (search)
aving, that morning, he wrote a note to Professor Greenleaf, accompanying a copy of Story's Conflic to whom I sent the kind note and package, Mr. Greenleaf had furnished me. At eleven o'clock, A. M.hout it I should have frozen. To Professor Simon Greenleaf, Cambridge, Mass. New York, Wednesday Evening, Feb. 19, 1834. That Mr. Greenleaf is a civil sort of a man, said Chancellor Kent, thew with Kent, I wrote a full letter to Professor Greenleaf, giving him an account of it. Thursdaf. Washington, March 3, 1834. my dear Mr. Greenleaf,—Mr. F. S. Key Francis Scott Key, 1779-e fatigue of a wordy argument. My love to Mrs. Greenleaf, and hope your son is well of that cough. our affectionate brother, Chas To Professor Simon Greenleaf. Washington, March 18, 1834. my ffectionately, your son Chas. To Professor Simon Greenleaf. Washington, March 21, 1834. my dear Mr. Greenleaf,—Let me congratulate you upon the presence of your fellow-laborer in instruction[8 more...]<
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 8: early professional life.—September, 1834, to December, 1837.—Age, 23-26. (search)
Felton, Park Benjamin, and George Bancroft. Greenleaf deposited his writing-desk, table, and chairubject. Your success (for so I learn from Mr. Greenleaf) has been complete and every way gratifyin be prepared by him in connection with Professor Greenleaf, and a similar series of the English Ch XIII. pp. 107-130.—taking for its text Professor Greenleaf's inaugural discourse, and giving a hisonsisting of Judge Story, Theron Metcalf, Simon Greenleaf, Charles E. Forbes, and Luther S. Cushingnt]; talked with him about Judge Story and Mr. Greenleaf, and accepted an invitation to take tea wictionately Yours, Chas. S. To Professor Simon Greenleaf. Clifton House, Canada, Niagara Falter triumph than to storm a citadel. Professor Greenleaf was attending the Supreme Court as counte, p. 174. The absence of Judge Story and Mr. Greenleaf has actually swamped the whole of the lastiliation at thus finding myself a debtor. Mr. Greenleaf's return in a few days will leave me a fre[13 more...]
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 9: going to Europe.—December, 1837.—Age, 26. (search)
his purpose, and bade him Godspeed. Judge Story and Professor Greenleaf feared—an apprehension well founded—that the foreignpoet. After leave-takings with his teachers, Story and Greenleaf, and President Quincy, at Cambridge, his family at home, quite a lone man, and I am sure misses you exceedingly. Greenleaf is very well, and he and I talk you over constantly. ... ve me most truly and affectionately your friend. Professor Greenleaf wrote, Jan. 28, 1838:— And so, my dear friend, richest blessings for ever, yours affectionately. Mrs. Greenleaf added a postscript:— My dear friend,—I cannot reructor in the Law School; to Mr. Daveis, Dr. Lieber, Professor Greenleaf, Longfellow, Cleveland, and Hillard. His luggage inly and affectionately yours, Chas. Sumner. To Professor Simon Greenleaf, Cambridge. Astor House, Dec. 7, 1837. my dea but no time in which to express them; so with love to Mrs. Greenleaf, farewell, and believe me Your affectionate frie
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 11: Paris.—its schools.—January and February, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
iani, and Grisi; in the church, Coquerel; and in the Chambers of Peers and Deputies, Dupin, Berryer, Guizot, Thiers, Odilon Barrot, Arago, and Lamartine. During his sojourn in Paris, he wrote fully of his experiences to Judge Story, Hillard, Greenleaf, Longfellow, Felton, Cleveland, Charles S. Daveis, Dr. Lieber, and William W. Story. Most of these letters, as well as some to his family, are preserved,—from which extracts, in connection with the journal, will be given. One remarks, in reaith clients and familiar law books. Travelling, with my desires and determinations, is no sinecure. I am obliged to husband all my minutes. . . . Has William written me yet? He must tell every thing about Cambridge and your family. I hope Mr. Greenleaf will not forget me because I have not lately written him. As ever, affectionately yours, C. S. Journal. Feb. 15, 1838. In the morning before breakfast, heard Berriat Saint-Prix at the Law School. He did not appear less venerable t
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 1, Chapter 12: Paris.—Society and the courts.—March to May, 1838.—Age, 27. (search)
ith something approaching contempt of our laws; and said, Dans votre pays il n'y a pas de justice du tout: if he could have the making of the laws, he would make a law by which all thieves should be hung! Here the Journal ends. To Simon Greenleaf, Cambridge. Paris, April 13, 1838. my dear friend,—Your letter was a green leaf cast up by the ocean, —fresh, cheering, and full of goodly tokens. Would that I could take the wings of the morning,—or of the evening rather,—and cross forh me at my room yesterday, during which we talked much of you. As ever affectionately, C. S. Since writing this, I have spent a long evening talking with Bravard, Professor of Commercial Law and the successor of Pardessus. To Professor Simon Greenleaf. Paris, May 6, 1838. my dear friend,—I think you have hardly yet lost your interest in inaugurations, particularly of law-professors. I will, therefore, tell you how this affair is ordered in France. Another professorship, in a