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Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 23: return to his profession.—1840-41.—Age, 29-30. (search)
ness of the office to which Hillard had solely attended in his absence. Professor Greenleaf and Mr. Fletcher gave him a place as junior in some causes in which theyps patent for friction matches. William Brooks v. Ezekiel Byam et al. Professor Greenleaf, who had been employed to contest the validity of this patent, entrustedHouse, where Felton usually joined them at dinner. At Judge Story's and Professor Greenleaf's he was, as before his visit to Europe, received with a hearty greetingd in the literary work of his friends, Prescott, Bancroft, Sparks, Story, and Greenleaf,—all active at this time in authorship. Hardly a day passed that some one ofon Agency since you left the country. All these are republished in England. Greenleaf is engaged upon a work on Evidence. Prescott, you know, is writing the Conqu more health and spirits than I have known him blessed with for a long time. Greenleaf is putting to press his long-pondered work on the Law of Evidence. I have re
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 24: Slavery and the law of nations.—1842.—Age, 31. (search)
lavery question arising under international law, his only published article, during the year 1842, was a review of Professor Greenleaf's treatise on the Law of Evidence, then first issued. American Jurist, July, 1842, Vol. XXVII. pp. 379-408. Inch sails from New York for Havre to-morrow, April 24. They excite universal admiration. Judge Story, Quincy, Prescott, Greenleaf, all admire them. Howe wrote me a note this morning, telling me that illness prevented his going down to make his lastsolace and strength, and to give him the pride and pleasure of being her protector. I have always taken very much to Mrs. Greenleaf; and I believe the strong element in my attachment to her is my admiration of her love for Mr. Greenleaf. She knows Mr. Greenleaf. She knows all his labors in his profession, and has been over all his work on Evidence,-a heavy octavo volume, of six hundred and fifty pages. But you-you, dear Lieber — have such a wife! There you sit, in what you call seclusion; Lieber had complained o
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, Chapter 25: service for Crawford.—The Somers Mutiny.—The nation's duty as to slavery.—1843.—Age, 32. (search)
ction of close observers, and even the consciousness of the person himself. It is certain that, since his return from Europe, he had not taken any genuine and sustained interest in the practice of his profession. This was a grief to Story and Greenleaf, who observed in him the change which they feared when he went abroad. His sense of disappointment was not, under the circumstances, unnatural. He saw how others, with none of his high enthusiasm in the study of the law, and none of his elevaates now. The commissioners in Massachusetts will probably make their report this winter. It has been expected for a long time. One of the most successful juridical treatises that has appeared in our country for many years is the work of Professor Greenleaf on Evidence. It is now passing through a second edition. It is written with singular neatness and exactness, and has already become a classical work among the lawyers of America. The author is now preparing a second volume on the same s
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 2, chapter 30 (search)
I am glad for your own sake also that you have done this work; because, from its permanent character, it gives greater permanency to your professional fame. I shall be very well satisfied to do for Cruise what you have done for Vesey. Accept also my thanks for your kind mention of my book (that publication which frightened me so), and still more for the corrigenda. . . . Heaven lend me in perpetuity your ever-gushing fountain of self-denying kindness to friends! Faithfully yours, S. Greenleaf. Phrenology and animal magnetism had at this time an earnest following with many who were, by habit of mind, hospitable to new ideas. In 1832, Spurzheim gave lectures on phrenology in Boston. George Combe followed a few years later; and among those who gave full credence to his intellectual and moral system was Horace Mann. Dr. Howe undertook to test both phrenology and animal magnetism by experiments. At his rooms persons were put into the magnetic state; and then the parts of t
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 30: addresses before colleges and lyceums.—active interest in reforms.—friendships.—personal life.—1845-1850. (search)
erest; on the duties of kings. What right, she said, have kings to live merely for carriages, horses, and palaces? Her appearance on the stage was very fine. Her pose, movement, and expression were beautiful. My place was in the front gallery, directly opposite the singer. To R. H. Dana, Jr., November 1:— What can have turned you to those old fields? Dana had written, Will you lend me your article on Replevin, written years ago in the Jurist, and much commended to us by Professor Greenleaf at the school? I send you the volume containing the article on Replevin. American Jurist, July, 1834. Ante, Memoir, vol. i. p. 124. Looking at this and my other labors in that volume, I am reminded how completely my mind has flowed into other channels since those early days of precocious judicial enthusiasm. That volume contains some eighteen articles, or notices of books, written and published while I was yet a student. To George Sumner, November 26:— I rejoice in you
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3, Chapter 37: the national election of 1852.—the Massachusetts constitutional convention.—final defeat of the coalition.— 1852-1853. (search)
tion included, among lawyers, Rufus Choate, Sidney Bartlett, F. B. Crowninshield, George S. Hillard, Thomas Hopkinson, Samuel D. Parker, George Morey, and Judge Peleg Sprague; among physicians, Jacob Bigelow and George Hayward; among clergymen, Samuel K. Lothrop and George W. Blagden; among editors, Nathan Hale, William Schouler, and J. S. Sleeper; and among merchants, William Appleton, Samuel A. Eliot, John C. Gray, J. Thomas Stevenson, and George B. Upton. Cambridge sent two jurists, Simon Greenleaf and Joel Parker, a former and a present professor in the Law School. Salem sent Otis P. Lord, later a judge; and Pittsfield, George N. Briggs. Against this array of Whigs was an equally formidable list of Democrats and Free Soilers. Among the former were Banks, Boutwell, Hallett, B. F. Butler (since known as General Butler), W. Griswold, and J. G. Abbott; and among the latter were Wilson, Dana, Sumner, Burlingame, Charles Allen, Marcus Morton (two of the name, father and son), Amasa
eaving the Town-house, being confident that some change in the method of conducting the public business was highly desirable, if not indeed imperatively necessary, signed a petition requesting the Selectmen to appoint a legal meeting, to see if the town would ask for a City Charter. Accordingly the inhabitants of the town met, Jan. 14, 1846, and voted, that the Selectmen be instructed to petition the Legislature for the grant of a City Charter. Voted, that the Selectmen, together with Simon Greenleaf, Omen S. Keith, Abraham Edwards, Sidney Willard, Thomas Whittemore, Isaac Livermore, William Parmenter, Ephraim Buttrick, Thomas F. Norris, and the Town Clerk, be a Committee to draft a Bill in conformity to the preceding vote, and to use all proper means to procure its passage. A renewed effort was made for a division of the town, while action on the petition for a City Charter was pending; but now, as before, a large majority of the whole town opposed the division. At a town meeti
Lucius R. Paige, History of Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1630-1877, with a genealogical register, Chapter 16: ecclesiastical History. (search)
1847, to April 7, 1851; Rev. William-Putnam Page, from Aug. 1851, to April 26, 1863; Rev. Charles Seymour, from Sept. 23, 1863, to March 31, 1866; Rev. Edwin-Bailey Chase, from Aug. 1, 1866, to Oct. 1, 1874, who died May 6, 1875. Rev. Edward M. Gushee, B. U. 1858, became Rector at Easter, 1875. With the exception of the Reverend grade of the several Rectors is unknown Messrs. Slafter and Gushee, the College to the writer of this history. The Wardens have been as follows:— 1842,Simon Greenleaf,G. F. R. Wadleigh. 1843-1844,Isaac Lum,G. F. R. Wadleigh. 1845-1846,Isaac Lum,John Dallinger. 1847-1848,Isaac Lum,Charles S. Newell. 1849,Isaac Lum,John Dallinger. 1850,Stephen P. Greenwood,Benjamin H. Ordway. 1851,Stephen P. Greenwood,Bela F. Jacobs. 1852,Isaac Lum,Asa P. Morse. 1853,Benjamin Woodward,Asa P. Morse. 1854-1855,Luther Crane,Asa P. Morse. 1856,Isaac Lum,Ethan Earle. 1857,Swain Winkley,John K. Palmer, M. D. 1858,Goodrich M. Dayton,William Page. 1859,Goodrich
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Additional Sketches Illustrating the services of officers and Privates and patriotic citizens of South Carolina. (search)
most prominent men in the county. He married Elizabeth Satterwhite, of Virginia, and two sons were born to them: J. Wistar and William Dunlap. William Dnnlap Simpson was born in Laurens county on October 27, 1823. His boyhood days were spent in that county, where he received his primary education, and he entered the South Carolina college and graduated from it with distinction in 1843. He next entered Harvard law school, when that department was under the charge of Joseph Story and Simon Greenleaf, but on account of ill health attended only one session. Returning home he entered the law office of Hon. Henry C. Young, one of the most distinguished lawyers of upper Carolina, who afterward became his father-in-law. He was admitted to practice his profession in 1846, became the partner of Mr. Young and practiced with him until his death, shortly after the late war. Previous to the war Judge Simpson was prominent in politics and several times represented his county in the legislatur
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