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d killed and wounded. Among the former I regret to report the death of the patriotic soldier and statesman, Brigadier-General Thomas R. R. Cobb, who fell upon our left; and among the latter that brave soldier and accomplished gentlemen, Brig.-General Maxcy Gregg, who was very seriously, and, it is feared, mortally wounded during the attack on our right. The enemy to-day has been apparently engaged in caring for his wounded and burying his dead. His troops are visible in their first position which would have witnessed his nuptials, was killed, and Gen. Jackson, of Pennsylvania, shared his fate. Many other general officers were carried to the Federal rear, grievously wounded; whereas of the confederates only one officer of rank (General Gregg) fell upon the right, and only one (General Cobb) upon the left. Meanwhile the battle, which had dashed furiously against the lines of Gens. Hood, A. P. Hill, and Early, was little more than child's play, as compared with the onslaught dir
anted. As our cavalry came in sight the enemy opened on them. General Pleasanton, at the head of the column, speedily made his dispositions for the fight. Colonel Gregg, with the Eighth Pennsylvania, and the Sixth regulars, Captain Sanders commanding, were sent away to the left. Colonel Davis, of the Eighth New-York, went to the effects of a fearful sabre-cut in the head. Colonel Davis had his own horse shot. While this brilliant cavalry encounter was taking place on the right, Colonel Gregg, with the Eighth Pennsylvania, and Captain Sanders, with the Sixth regulars, were briskly engaged with the enemy on the left, and Colonel Farnsworth, with the in, then moved off, and after a little more slight skirmishing the enemy fled in hot haste toward Chester Gap, in the mountain. Among the prisoners taken by Colonel Gregg on the left was Lieut. Taliaferro, Adjutant of the Ninth Virginia regiment, a personal friend of the Colonel, and several other officers. He was severely woun
the Fifth Rhode Island and one company of the Fifty-eighth Pensylvania went up the railroad, and the enemy in small force retired beyond Coal Creek. At dusk the outer pickets were driven in. Col. Arnold suggested that tattoo be beaten at several points. The cars were kept running and the enemy would suppose our force much larger than in fact it was. The scouts reported a small force within half a mile of a camp at nine o'clock. Major Tew of the Fifth Rhode Island, with the companies of Captains Gregg and Moran, and one piece of artillery, were posted to defend the road leading from the Trent road to our camp, and the other end of which was supposed to be in possession of the enemy. Major Tew spent the night in throwing up a rifle-pit, and every preparation was made by Cols. Jones and Arnold for a desperate defence. Col. Arnold informed me that unless an attack was made before morning, one would not be made. We slept with watchful interest to hear the whistle of the first shell, an
ceeded in escaping with a piece of artillery which they had intended to use upon the head of General Gregg's column. Lieutenant Penn Gaskell followed the flying fugitives for five miles on the road toward Orange Court-House, (capturing a lieutenant and nine men — mostly artillerymen,) and General Gregg crossed the river at Raccoon Ford without difficulty. At night the whole force encamped on a, but the march was not commenced till after daylight — a guide was wanted. Major Falls, of General Gregg's staff, foraged to supply the deficiency, and soon after caused much amusement by dashing aeveral hundred horses, and was followed into camp by a drove of negroes. The movements of General Gregg's command upon the Fredericksburgh and Richmond Railroad at Ashland and vicinity; that of Covement was commenced. General Buford's division made a circuit, passing near Gordonsville. General Gregg's division crossed the South-Anna at Yanceyville, and on Friday morning, May eighth, the who
te we can make places the rebel strength at six thousand men. Citizens tell us they had but three thousand, but there were prisoners captured from ten different regiments--Tennessee, Alabama, Texas and Mississippi. They were under command of General Gregg, of Texas. We fought them with General Logan's division, of McPherson's army corps, between five and six thousand strong. General Crocker's division came up in the afternoon, but not in time to participate in the fight. It is fair to say te eleventh (the day previous) in the town, and were a little amused and a good deal instructed, to learn by them that the Yankees had been whipped at Grand Gulf and Port Gibson, and were falling back to seek protection from their gunboats. We were told by the citizens that the confederates had fallen back only a couple of miles, and would give us a big battle when we advanced upon them; that Gregg had been strongly reenforced, and would prevent us from reaching the railroad at all hazards.