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ing by the steamer Matagorda.-Galveston Bulletin. This is General Griffin's order: headquarters district of Texas, Galveston, January 2 This order was without warrant of law. It was represented to General Griffin that no military or political significance was intended in theation to the Federal authority. Such arguments were in vain. General Griffin was inexorable. He affected to mistrust the statements that oort, from steamer to cars, to the remains of General Johnston. General Griffin, commanding, has issued a prohibitory order. Will you give au24, 1867. I am in receipt of a communication from brevet Major-General Charles Griffin, dated headquarters, District of Texas, Galveston, Jerence was the presentation of the following request, to which General Griffin gave a verbal assent: Mayor's Office, Galveston, January 13, ends. Respectfully, etc., (Signed) Charles H. Leonard, Mayor. General Griffin, commanding District of Texas, Galveston, Texas. Mayor's Offi
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Washington on the Eve of the War. (search)
on of the Treasury Department for the benefit of the new Provisional Government. Whatever may have been the project, it was effectually foiled. With the breaking up of the National volunteers ; with the transformation of the secession company of National Rifles into a thoroughly faithful and admirably drilled company ready for the service of the Government; with the arrival from West Point of the company of sappers and miners, and, later, the arrival of the Military Academy battery under Griffin; and with the formation in the District of thirty new companies of infantry and riflemen from among the citizens of Washington and Georgetown, the face of things in the capital had much changed before the 4th of March. I must now go back a little in time, to mention one fact which will show in how weak and dangerous a condition our Government was in the latter part of January and the early part of February, 1861. The invitations which I had issued for the raising of companies of volunt
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., McDowell's advance to Bull Run. (search)
ans rallied on the southern part of Captain Charles Griffin, afterward Major-General. the plateautalion of regular cavalry, and Ricketts's and Griffin's regular batteries. Porter's brigade had beit was carried, the batteries of Ricketts and Griffin were planted near the Henry house, and McDoweregiment of infantry came out of the woods on Griffin's right, and as he was in the act of opening olonel Heintzelman to support the battery. Griffin himself told me so as we rode together after ing to the position occupied by Ricketts' and Griffin's batteries, I received an order from Generaloved its identity by a deadly volley, and, as Griffin states in his official report, every cannoneeand Henry houses, with most of Ricketts's and Griffin's batteries, the men of which were mostly shoew York Fire Zouaves, who had been supporting Griffin's battery, fleeing to the rear in their gaudyto regain the Henry Hill after the capture of Griffin's and Ricketts's batteries: Before reaching t[2 more...]
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., The opposing armies at the first Bull Run. (search)
E. B. Fowler 27th N. Y., Col. H. W. Slocum (w), Major J. J. Bartlett Battalion U. S. Infantry, Major George Sykes Battalion U. S. Marines, Major J. G. Reynolds Battalion U. S. Cavalry, Major I. N. Palmer D, 5th U. S. Arty., Capt. Charles Griffin Brigade loss: k, 86; w, 177; m, 201 = 464. Second Brigade, Col. Ambrose E. Burnside 2d N. H., Col. Gilman Marston (w), Lieut.-Col. F. S. Fiske 1st R. I., Major J. P. Balch 2d R. I. (with battery), Col. John S. Slocum (k), Lied Bull Run with 896 officers, 17,676 rank and file, and 24 pieces of artillery. The artillerymen who crossed Bull Run are embraced in the figures of the foregoing table. The guns were as follows: Ricketts's Battery, 6 10-pounder rifle guns; Griffin's Battery, 4 10-pounder rifle guns, 2 12-pounder howitzers; Arnold's Battery, 2 13-pounder rifle guns, 2 6-pounder smooth-bores; R. I. Battery, 6 13-pounder rifles; 71st N. Y. Reg't's Battery, 2 Dahlgren howitzers. The artillery, in addition
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: The Opening Battles. Volume 1., Incidents of the first Bull Run. (search)
ed twenty-six Confederate guns in the semicircle east of the Sudley road, when Griffin and Ricketts had taken position near the Henry house.-editors. turnpike, so lor a few rounds. We were hardly more than fairly engaged with Ricketts when Griffin's splendid battery came to his aid, and took position full five hundred yards , in a field on the left of the Sudley road. Ricketts had 6 Parrott guns, and Griffin had as many more, and, I think, 2 12-pounder howitzers besides. These last huetreat was so chosen that for 200 or 300 yards the house would conceal us from Griffin's battery, and, in a measure, shelter us from the dreaded fire of the infantry when they should reach the crest we had just abandoned. Several of Griffin's shot passed through the house, scattering shingles, boards, and splinters all around uted, as I think, the fatal blunder of the day, by ordering both Ricketts's and Griffin's batteries to cease firing and move across the turnpike to the top of the Hen
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 2: the overture. (search)
ision commanders of the First and Second were Griffin and Ayres of the regular artillery, and veter Dinwiddie Court House. At about noon General Griffin directed me to return upon the Vaughan Ro I formed a plan which I communicated to General Griffin, who approved it and directed General Gree Oak and the Boydton Plank. We found General Griffin there, and were relieved to see that he d our work was still before us. I saw that General Griffin was anxious to carry the enemy's positioneneral, you are gone, the kindly voice of General Griffin who had ridden up beside me. At that mome newly gained alignment. In response up rode Griffin, anxious and pale, his voice ringing with a s too looked something the worse for wear, for Griffin's first word was: General, you must not leave the kindness, and possibly the favor, of General Griffin in so ordering my reinforcements as not tit, shows not only the generous traits of General Griffin's character, but shows also how strange a[3 more...]
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 3: the White Oak Road. (search)
Grant also telegraphed President Lincoln: General Griffin was attacked near where the Quaker Road iAyres. Gregory, who had been directed by General Griffin to report to me for orders with his brigable anxiety. There was a queer expression on Griffin's face when he showed me a copy of a message ack to see what the order meant. I found General Griffin and General Warren in the edge of the woored two incidents concerning the selection of Griffin's Division for this movement: first, that Barte muddle. It was from Meade to Warren: Send Griffin promptly as ordered by the Boydton Plank Roady the way Bartlett had gone, and insisting on Griffin's going by Boydton Road. This would causeto relieve Sheridan. This from Grant. 3. Griffin to be pushed down the Boydton Road, but the re. Somehow — I never quite understood it-General Griffin, in the confusion of that dashing and lea has a peculiar history since that time. General Griffin at the close of the war was ordered to a [34 more...]
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 4: Five Forks. (search)
k. Nevertheless, just as we were moving, General Griffin cautioned me: Don't be too sure about Macrd the cavalry,--quite a way from any support Griffin's division could give him. Ill at ease ionel of the I 8th Pennsylvania Volunteers, in Griffin's Division, and had been assigned to command that. Soon thereafter Sheridan came upon General Griffin, and, without preface or index, told the ooner they got there, the safer for them. Griffin came down now from the right, dashed ahead of I could not be sorry for the corps, nor that Griffin was in command of it-he had the confidence of II., page 443), uses the following language: Griffin's Division, in backing to get out of the way he 4th Delaware on Gwyn's right, who say that Griffin's troops were on the flank and rear of the ren his other divisions to support Ayres — that Griffin's troops quite as much as Ayres' took part ine for Griffin. It would have been better (as Griffin and Ayres said later in the day) to put Griff[54 more...]
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 5: the week of flying fights. (search)
e most of our corps was moved out towards the Claiborne on the White Oak Road, and that part of Griffin's Division now commanded by Bartlett remained on the field with a guard at the Ford of Hatcher'e Danville and Lynchburg roadcrossings. We had moved in this way five miles of the eight, when Griffin learns that Lee's army is not at Amelia Court House, having left there on the evening before, acts his several corps by different roads to follow, outmarch, and intercept Lee's flying army. Griffin is sent by the most northerly and roundabout way, through Paineville (well-named), Ligontown, ach was on the extreme right, to be moved to the left, past the whole army, to take the place of Griffin's, and ordered the latter at the same time to move by, and place itself on the right. The objetreams, only to find at every crossing some hot vanguard of Sheridan or Humphreys or Wright or Griffin, or at last of Ord; and each time, too, after fighting more or less severe to be beaten off wit
Joshua Lawrence Chamberlain, The Passing of the Armies: The Last Campaign of the Armies., Chapter 6: Appomattox. (search)
y, without question. Sending word forward to Griffin, in command of our Fifth Corps, that he may utensity may have seemed like excitement. For Griffin comes up, quizzing me in his queer way of hitoo hard on our stomachs. In a few minutes Griffin rides up again, in quite a different mood. Ghe message goes up to my corps commander, General Griffin, leaving me mazed at the boding change. o resume hostilities. As I turned to go, General Griffin said to me in a low voice, Prepare to maktrains the night before. Generals Gibbon, Griffin, and Merritt were appointed commissioners to ght I was summoned to headquarters, where General Griffin informed me that I was to command the parn, I declined the offer at the request of General Griffin, who desired me to remain with the First consideration of meekness in small things General Griffin placed under my orders for all the activeorps. So I had reason to believe that General Griffin had something to do with General Grant's [3 more...]