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Decisions of the Supreme Court of Appeals. --The above Court adjourned on the 23d ult., to meet again on January 5th, 1861. The following decisions were rendered on the day of adjournment: Brown, &c., vs. Shoemaker, &c. Argued by James Garland for the appellants, and C. R. Slaughter for the appellees. Decree of the Circuit Court of Lynchburg affirmed. Hall's adm'rs vs. Hall and others. Argued by Con. Robinson and J. Alfred Jones for the appellants, and C. G. Griswold for the appellees. Decree of the Circuit Court of Gloucester county reversed. Sale vs. Sale's ex'or and als., and Sale's ex'or vs. Sale and others. Argued by John Thompson, Jr., for the appellants, and John O. L. Goggin for the appellees. Decree of the Circuit Court of Amherst county reversed. Reid's adm'r vs. Blackstone. Argued by Tucker & Patton for the appellants, and L. W. Taylor for the appellees. Decree of the Circuit Court of Fairfax county affirmed. Delk and others vs. Barbara
o with the South. Mr. G. did not look upon the election of Lincoln as sufficient cause for a dissolution. His election was constitutional, and could not be objected to, but for the fact that it is a further indication of the deadly hostility of the people of the North to the institutions of the South. He alluded to the refusal of the Vermont Legislature to repeal the Personal Liberty bill of that State, and concluded by advising moderation, firmness, and a spirit of concession. Mr. C. G. Griswold was called on and briefly addressed the meeting. He spoke for the Union-- of its glory and power — and urged the meeting to reflect calmly and dispassionately on their action. He was not for precipitating the State into revolution. The cotton States have nothing to lose by union of disunion. It dissolution come, the border Slaves must do the fighting, while the cotton States are resting in quiet. Virginia had already cost $1,000,000 on the value of her property by the agitation of
Supreme Court of Appeals. --Present, Judges Allen, Daniel, Moncure, Robertson. The following decisions have been rendered since our last report: Want vs. Jennings and others. Argued by C. G. Griswold for the appellant, and Arthur A. Morson, and Tucker & Patton for appellees. Decree of the Circuit Court of Fauquier county affirmed. Smith vs. Smith's administrator and others. Argued by R. T. Daniel and John B. Young for the appellant, and James Lyons for the appellees. Decree of the Circuit Court of Henrico county reversed. Spratley's executor and others vs. Spratley and others. Argued by Jas. Alfred Jones and Conway Robinson for the appellants. No counsel for appellees. Decree of the Circuit Court of Surry county reversed. Pemberton against the Justices of the Hustings Court of the city of Richmond on an appeal from a decision of the Circuit Court of the city of Richmond refusing a rule to the said Pemberton to be directed to the Court of Hustings to show ca
Supreme Court of Appeals. --The following decisions have been rendered by this tribunal since our last report: Robbins vs. Todd's Ex'or. Argued by C. G. Griswold for the plaintiff, and R. T. Daniel for the defendant. Judgment of the Circuit Court of King and Queen county affirmed. Davis, Sheriff, vs. Commonwealth. Argued by Arthur A. Morson for the plaintiff, and John R. Tucker, Attorney General. on behalf of the Commonwealth. Judgment of the Circuit Court of the city of Richmond affirmed. Brown vs. Reucher. &c. Argued by Peachy R. Grattan, R. T. Daniel and L. J. Bowden for the appellant, and John O. Steger, Cyrus A. Branch and Wm. S. Peachey for the appellees. Decree of the Circuit Court of the city of Williamsburg and county of James City reversed. Davis vs. the Commonwealth. Argued by James Garland for the plaintiff, and the Attorney General for the Commonwealth.--Judgment of the Circuit Court of Amherst county reversed. Holman vs. Hart. Argued
Supreme Court of Appeals. --The following decisions have been rendered by this Court since our last report: Murphy vs. McCourt. Argued by Robt. R. Collier for the appellant, and John Lyon for the appellee. Decree of the Circuit Court of the city of Petersburg affirmed. Crenshaw, &c., vs. Crenshaw's adm'r, &c. Argued by C. G. Griswold for the appellant, and August & Randolph for the appellee.--Decree of the Circuit Court of the county of Hanover affirmed. Epes vs. Williams' ex'or, and others. Argued by Wm. T. Joynes for the appellants, and James Alfred Jones and John Lyon for the appellees. Decree of the Circuit Court of the city of Petersburg affirmed. Cockerel vs. Flowerree's adm'r, and others. Argued by Messrs. Tucker " Patton for the appellants, and Arthur A. Morson and R. E. Scott for the appellees. Decree of the Circuit Court of Fauquier county reversed. The Court adjourned to the 5th day of April next.
Trustee's Sale of land and Slaves in Hanover country. --In pursuance of the provisions of a deed of trust, executed to the undersigned by Benjamin T. Doswell, dated January 16th, 1861, and duly recorded in Hanover county, I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, on Tuesday, the 9th day of April, 1861, all the interest of the said Benjamin T. Doswell in the tract of land called New market, on which Mrs. Lilly Ann Doswell now resides, containing about five hundred and thirty-seven acres; " and also, in thirteen Slaves, now held for life by Mrs. Lilly Ann Doswell. The interest of the said Benjamin T. Doswell in the land is a present vested fee in one-third thereof, and a vested remainder in fee in one-half of another third. His interest in the slaves is a vested remainder in fee, in one-half. C. G. Griswold, Trustee. mh 7--T&Ftds
Trustee's Sale of Land and Slaves in Hanover county. --In pursuance of the provisions of a deed of trust, executed to the undersigned by Benjamin T. Doswell, dated January 16th, 1861, and duly recorded in Hanover county, I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for Cash at New Market, in the county of Hanover, on Tuesday, the 9th day of April, 1861, all the interest of the said Benjamin T. Doswell in the tract of land called New Market, on which Mrs. Lilly Ann Doswell now resides, containing about five hundred and thirty-seven acres; and also; in thirteen Slaves, now held for life by Mrs. Lilly Ann Doswell. The interest of the said Benjamin T. Doswell in the land is a present vested fee in one-third thereof, and a vested remainder in fee in one-half of another third. His interest in the slaves is a vested remainder in fee, in one-half. C. G. Griswold. Trustee. mh 7--T&Ftds
Trustee's Sale of land and Slaves in Hanover county. --In pursuance of the provisions of a deed of trust, executed to the undersigned by Benjamin T. Doswell, dated January 16th, 1861, and duly recorded in Hanover county, I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder, for Cash, at New Market, in the county of Hanover, on Tuesday, the 9th day of April, 1861, all the interest of the said Benjamin T. Doswell in the tract of land called New Market, on which Mrs. Lilly Ann Doswell now resides, containing about five hundred and thirty-seven acres; and also, in thirteen Slaves, now held for life by Mrs. Lilly Ann Doswell. The interest of the said Benjamin T. Doswell in the land is a present vested fee in one-third thereof, and a vested remainder in fee in one-half of another third. His interest in the slaves is a vested remainder in fee, in one-half. C. G. Griswold, Trustee. mh 7--T&Ftds
in 13 Slaves, now held for life by Mrs. Lilly Ann Doswell. The interest of the said Benjamin T. Doswell in the land is a present vested fee in one-third thereof, and a vested remainder in fee in one-half of another third. His interest in the slaves is a vested remainder in fee, in one-half. C. G. Griswold, Trustee. Postponement.--In consequence of the inclemency of the weather, the above sale is postponed until Friday, the 19th April, 1861., C. G. Griswold, Trustee. ap 12--T&Ftds in 13 Slaves, now held for life by Mrs. Lilly Ann Doswell. The interest of the said Benjamin T. Doswell in the land is a present vested fee in one-third thereof, and a vested remainder in fee in one-half of another third. His interest in the slaves is a vested remainder in fee, in one-half. C. G. Griswold, Trustee. Postponement.--In consequence of the inclemency of the weather, the above sale is postponed until Friday, the 19th April, 1861., C. G. Griswold, Trustee. ap 12--T&Ftds
Important will case. --At the recent term of the Circuit Court of Roanoke county, Va., a will case of considerable importance was decided. The Salem Register says: This was an important and highly interesting suit, in which the will of Chileon O. White, deceased, was contested by the Rev. Andrew McDowell and others. Mr. McDowell is from the county of Hanover and married a sister of C. O. White. The amount of property involved is between forty and fifty thousand dollars. The counsel in favor of the will were Messrs. Edmundson and Blair, Watts and Allen, J. B. I. Logan and Colonel Winfield, of Bedford. Those for the contestants, C. G. Griswold, of Richmond, Col. Jno. T. Anderson, of Botetourt, and F. J. Ribble, of Roanoke. After able arguments on both sides, the jury borough in a verdict establishing the will.