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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 15., Communicated by Miss Eliza M. Gill. (search)
Communicated by Miss Eliza M. Gill. Town meeting, April 4, 1796; Voted that Benjamin Hall, Esqr, Honb John Brooks Esqr, James Wyman Richd Hall & Samuel Swan be a Commte to view and considder the expediency of having a Road from the Market-place to Oak's road so called & make report thereon. Query, Where was Oak's road?
s, also by Daniel Webster, Edward Everett, John C. Warren and others. When funds were needed for the completion of Bunker Hill Monument the women gave their help and held a fair in Quincy Hall, Boston, September 8, 1840, that lasted seven days. Twenty cities and towns supplied tables, Boston having quite a number, and on a list of forty tables Medford ranked number seven in the net sum handed in, making a creditable showing of $606. The Medford table was presided over by Mrs. Angier and Mrs. Hall.— E. M. G. On page 23, vol. XIV., the Register gives the names of thirty-seven Medford men who contributed to the monument fund, doubtless in the earlier days of its erection. The table of the Medford women in the fair in Quincy Hall was numbered 11, three Boston tables being 9, 10, 12, and Maiden 13; all on the side next North Market street. The contract for the completion of the work was awarded (signed) November 4, 1840, to James Sullivan Savage for $43,800. Of this sum $30,000
ning, was born in Chelmsford, Mass., in 1799. His mother was Lucy Andrews of Carlisle. Father was in the employ of Mr. Dudley Hall of Medford from 1820 to 1825. Mr. Hall owned a large amount of land extending north into what is now known as the FeMr. Hall owned a large amount of land extending north into what is now known as the Fells. Considerable domestic stock was kept, and butter and cheese were made on the farm. The stock barns were north of the Hall homestead on the hill. To get to them there were fifty stone steps up the steep ascent just back of the house. The granite steps were taken from Tyngsboro, coming by boats on the Middlesex Canal. Farming was done with oxen. Mr. Hall also had a distillery where Medford rum was made. Molasses was brought from the wharves in Boston to Medford by ox teams and boats of rum by sunrise when the thermometer was below zero. There was no complaint of hard work or long days then. One day Mr. Hall said to father, who was his foreman or outside manager, Solomon, I hope you will not drink this rum we make here, it is