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Bradshaw, and Mr. Ebenezer Brooks, as a Committee to defend the town against any suits in law having reference to the rebuilding of Mistic Bridge. The decision was in favor of Medford. When the tract on the south of the river became annexed to Medford from Charlestown in 1754, the town says: April 30, 1754: The southerly half of Mistic Bridge, and the causey adjoining, by a resolve of the General Assembly, is now within the limits of Medford. May 8, 1754: Samuel Brooks, Esq., Lieut. Stephen Hall, jun., and Jos. Tufts, were chosen a Committee to manage the affairs relating to the southerly half of the Mistic Bridge, and the causey adjoining thereto. The increase of travel over this bridge rendered it liable to frequent repairs, and Medford became sole owner of it. The annexation, in 1754, of that part of Charlestown which lies near the south bank of Mystic River, released that town from all obligations connected with the Great Bridge, as it was called. Accordingly, July 25, 1
wn-meeting, in the early times, may be new to many of our day. It ran thus:-- To Mr. Stephen Hall, jun., Constable of Medford, Greeting: You are hereby required, in His Majesty's name, to warnAndrew Hall was chosen Moderator. Dea. Benj. Willis,Selectmen. Capt. Samuel Brooks, Lieut. Stephen Hall, Thomas Seccomb, Town-clerk. Benj. Parker, Town-treasurer. Joseph Tufts,Assessors. Thnds now belonging to Charlestown, with the inhabitants thereon. Capt. Samuel Brooks, Lieut. Stephen Hall, jun., Zechariah Poole, Ebenezer Brooks, Joseph Tufts,A Committee to audit the Town-treasurer's accounts for the year past, 1747, and the town's accounts likewise. Lieut. Stephen Hall, jun., Thomas Brooks, Nov. 28, 1748: Voted to sell the Town's farm at auction. This vote was recommittee for Medford. Z. Pool, Committee for Medford. Joseph Tufts, Committee for Medford. Stephen Hall, Committee for Medford. Caleb Brooks, Benjamin Parker, Benjamin Teal, James Tufts, Eben
776, found our fathers assembled to discuss it. They voted that they were ready for a constitution and a form of government for the future. That year, for the first and only time, two representatives were chosen,--Captain Thomas Brooks, and Mr. Stephen Hall, 3d. When towns were dissatisfied with any laws, it was usual to instruct their representative to declare against them. The expenses of war were borne without a murmur in Medford; and every person made a cheerful sacrifice of whatever e belonging to one Clewly, in Halifax, left in the hands of Ichabod Jones, of Boston, his trustee: two pieces of land leased to Paul Wyman, one year, for £ 10. Joshua Symonds, Committee of Safety, &c. Samuel Kidder, Committee of Safety, &c. Stephen Hall, Jun., Committee of Safety, &c. Ebenezer Hall, Committee of Safety, &c. Medford, Aug. 26, 1776. Dr. Simon Tufts, that skilful physician and polished gentleman, was persuaded to accept the agency of Colonel Royal's affairs during an absen
idst of us. And, that we may keep our covenant with God, we desire to deny ourselves, and to depend wholly on the free mercy of God, and upon the merits of Jesus Christ; and wherein we fail to wait upon him for pardon through his name, beseeching the Lord to own us as a church of Christ, and delight to abide in the midst of us. John Whitmore. Thomas Hall. Nathaniel Pierce. Ebenezer Brooks. John Francis. Samuel Brooks. Thomas Willis. Stephen Willis. John Whitmore. John Bradshaw. Stephen Hall. Persival Hall. Jonathan Hall. Francis Whitmore. Thomas Willis, jun. Signed Feb. 11, 1713. This being done, we went to the place of public worship, where the Rev. Mr. Simon Bradstreet began with prayer. Prayer being ended, I preached from those words in First Epistle to the Corinthians IV. 2: Moreover, it is required of stewards that a man be found faithful. This being done, the Rev. Mr. Angier proceeded to ordination; Mr. Hancock, Mr. Bradstreet, and Mr. Parsons joining in t
tute. This interesting society was formed, March 10, 1853, by several intelligent and enterprising young men, for their advancement in literature. They began well, and have proceeded with enthusiasm. At their anniversary exhibitions, the Town Hall is always crowded. Forti et fideli nihil difficile. Medford social library. This excellent institution was established about 1825, and has been silently doing its good work ever since. Turell Tufts, Esq., bequeathed to it five hundred dolunity, and have instructed and charmed thousands by their learning and eloquence. Medford early adopted the prevalent system; and, for several years, has enjoyed, through the winter, a weekly lecture from the circle of favorite orators. The Town Hall has been filled, and the most friendly feelings promoted. As each itinerant lecturer prepares but one address in a year, he selects the most engrossing topic; and then, with great study, condenses into one hour all the philosophy, wit, and pathos
the like reasons, we enter against said vote as being illegal and unjust. John Whitmore. Caleb Brooks. Nathaniel Francis. John Winship. William Willis. Stephen Hall. Jonathan Hall. Stephen Willis. Oliver Attwood. Abner Harris. John Francis. Samuel Francis. Thomas Willis. John Whitmore. John Francis. Ebenezer Broouse were Thomas Tufts, Esq., Captain Ebenezer Brooks, Mr. Peter Seccombe, Mr. John Richardson, Captain Samuel Brooks, Mr. John Willis, Mr. William Willis, Lieutenant Stephen Hall, Mr. John Francis, Mr. Benjamin Parker, and Mr. John Whitmore. They reported that it would be proper for this town to build a meeting-house fifty-two feeorder fixed according to the supposed social rank of each:-- Mr. John Francis, sen., Mr. John Bradshaw, Captain Ebenezer Brooks, Captain Samuel Brooks, Lieutenant Stephen Hall, Mr. Peter Seccombe, Thomas Tufts, Esq., Captain Samuel Wade, Francis Whitmore, John Willis, Mr. John Whitmore, Mr. John Richardson, William Willis, Mr. J
ings per thousand (lawful money). Mr. Brooks carried on the manufacture in 1760, and sold them at fifteen shillings. Mr. Stephen Hall was the next occupant of that yard, which has been discontinued since 1800. In 1795, the price was four dollars. muel G. PerkinsBoston312 90 BrigTalismanS. Lapham's------RogersEnoch SilsbyBoston262 91 BrigCreoleS. Lapham's------RogersHall & WilliamsBoston230 92 BrigNigerGeorge Fuller'sGeorge FullerHenry HoveyBoston205 93 ShipIsraelSprague & James'sSprague &er, and othersBoston388 96 ShipNew EnglandT. Magoun'sT. MagounD. P. ParkerBoston380 97 BrigClarionS. Lapham's------RogersHall & CurtisBoston165 98 Sch.LucretiaS. Lapham's------RogersE. HaywoodBoston82 99 Sch.TremiumS. Lapham's------RogersRobert Rston & Medford156 160 ShipBrooklineT. Magoun'sT. MagounHenry OxnardBoston & Medford364 161 BrigTuskerS. Lapham'sS. LaphamHall, Curtis, & GloverMed., Bost., Roxb244 162 ShipLionS. Lapham'sS. LaphamBenjamin RichBoston325 163 ShipGrotonSprague
Willis0176 Nathaniel Hall054 John Francis0126 John Hall, jun.086 Jonathan Tufts01910 Stephen Willis, jun.068 Stephen Hall, sen.066 Serg. Stephen Willis114 Ebenezer Brooks0178 Samuel Brooks01010 Mr. Richard Rookes070 Mrs. Elizabeth Wade018in Samuel Wade0600176030 Thomas Tufts, Esq.0000184047 Mr. Peter Seccombe0900140094 Mr. John Willis0300168067 Lieutenant Stephen Hall0300140034 Deacon Thomas Hall0300122028 Deacon Thomas Willis0600115019 Mr. Francis Whitmore0300144033 Mr. Joh750: Voted to abate Thomas Brooks, jun.‘s rates (£ 4. 13s. 4d., old tenor), he being not of age. Voted to abate Lieutenant Stephen Hall's rates for his head (£ 3. 5s., old tenor), he being very old. In our earliest history, when the inhabitants hathe affirmative; and the selectmen, Captain Tufts, Deacon Willis, Deacon Whitmore, Ensign Francis, Captain Brooks, and Ensign Hall, were appointed the committee to plan the enlargement proposed. The committee reported June 10th of the next month, w
oviding for the young. The order of the sons of Temperance. Mystic Division, No. 20, of Massachusetts. This branch of a widely extended and benevolent fraternity was organized Oct. 5, 1853, and already numbers over thirty members. The first office, of W. P., has a new occupant every three months. The gentlemen who have held it are S. D. Poole, J. M. Usher, Benjamin H. Samson, William A. Sanborn, John Brown, and Richard G. Pinkham. A public installation of officers was had in the Town Hall, April 11, 1854, when delegations from other branches were present; and a supper afterwards made members and friends of both sexes happy. Fidelis ad urnam. Mount Hermon Lodge of free and accepted Masons. Last year, a few Freemasons, who were wont to attend the meetings of Hiram Lodge, West Cambridge, determined to establish a lodge in Medford, so that they might enjoy the pleasures of Masonry nearer home. Hearing of their determination, others of their brethren in Medford united with
housand pounds (old tenor); and therefore chose Lieutenant Stephen Hall, jun., and Captain Samuel Brooks, to go to Portsmouthe that gentleman in his entry. The servant told him that Mr. Hall could not be disturbed, because he was engaged at a sittiing from this surprise, he told the servant to go and ask Mr. Hall to step here a moment. She went; and soon Mr. Hall appeaMr. Hall appeared, leaving behind him Joshua Symonds, Samuel Kidder, Stephen Hall, jun., and Ebenezer Hall. The stranger asked an intervint. They went together into a side room, when he said to Mr. Hall, I come to put myself under your protection. I am a Brited, if I am caught. I throw myself on your magnanimity. Mr. Hall replied, You could not have appealed to any man who feels He therefore only asked to be shielded for a few hours. Mr. Hall now felt that protection to such an unarmed man was an ace he lay, in total darkness, till the promised hour, when Mr. Hall showed him the front door; and he went in safety, thankin
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