Lord, 175.
Guizot, Francois, 256, 314.
Haase, 482.
Haileybury. See Mackintosh.
Hale, Nathan, 12.
Hallam, Henry, 58.
Halle, visits, 110.
Hamilton, Alexander, Talleyrand's opinion of, 261; Washington's letter to, 261 note.
Hamilton, Lady, 211.
Hamilton, Professor, Sir William Rowan, 420, 422, 423, 425 and notHamilton, Lady, 211.
Hamilton, Professor, Sir William Rowan, 420, 422, 423, 425 and note.
Hamilton, Sir, George, 501.
Hand, Professor, 115.
Hanover, N. H., 3 note, 4, 5, 6, 334, 385 and note; Elisha Ticknor dies there, 2, 335.
Hanover, visits, 77.
Harcourt, Rev., William Vernon, 424, 435, 436, 437.
Hardenberg, Prince, 485.
Harness, Rev., William, 411, 416 note.
Harper, General, Robert, 351
HarrisonHamilton, Professor, Sir William Rowan, 420, 422, 423, 425 and note.
Hamilton, Sir, George, 501.
Hand, Professor, 115.
Hanover, N. H., 3 note, 4, 5, 6, 334, 385 and note; Elisha Ticknor dies there, 2, 335.
Hanover, visits, 77.
Harcourt, Rev., William Vernon, 424, 435, 436, 437.
Hardenberg, Prince, 485.
Harness, Rev., William, 411, 416 note.
Harper, General, Robert, 351
Harrison, George, 193 note.
Hartford Convention, 12-14.
Hartford, visits, 14.
Harvard College, G. T. nominated to a Professorship in, 116; accepts, 120; enters on Professorship, 319-326; attempted reforms in, 353-369, 379, 399-401.
Hatfield. See Salisbury.
Hatton, visits, 52.
Haven, Miss, 68.
Haven, N. A., 123 note, 316 no