's statements, 701; division of colored troops, 896.
Hitchcock, General, commissioner of exchange, 589.
Hoar, Hon., Ebenezer Rockwood, Butler's opponent in the Lowell district, 925; defeated, 926; reference to, 976.
Hoffman House, N. Y., Butler's headquarters at, 756.
Hoke, division of, 704; reference to, 795; at Fort Fisher, 796.
Holabird, Col. S. B., in garrison, 532.
Holmes, Oliver Wendell, dinner to Butler, 566.
Holmes, Professor, at Waterville College, 59.
Hamilton, Alexander, 86.
Hamilton Corporation, notice served by, 99; calling meeting, action on notice of, 100.
Homans, Charles E., locomotive, 202.
Hotel Chamberlain, Washington, Mahone's letter to Lacy written at, 881.
Hood, General, reference to, 655; and Batte's battalions of Virginia militia, 679.
Hopping, Nicholas, teacher, anecdote of, 56.
Howard, Gen. O. O., graduate of West Point, 58.
Howe, Elias, reference to, 1007.
Hudson Bay Company, 1001.
Hudson, Chaplain, attacks Butl
Hagerstown, Md., flag raising at, D. 47; Federal forces at, D. 107
Haggerty, Peter, Capt., D. 76
Haldeman, —, minister, D. 85
Hall, —, Judge, charge to the grand jury at Rochester, D. 84
Hallett, B. F. D. 49
Hamilton, Alexander, Int. 18
Hamilton, Lieut.---, commander of the rebel steam-tug Aid, D. 13
Hamlin, Hannibal, a free negro, P. 10; vice-president of the U. S., D. 17; speech at New York, Doc. 163
Hammond, James H., candidate for vice-presidenHamilton, Lieut.---, commander of the rebel steam-tug Aid, D. 13
Hamlin, Hannibal, a free negro, P. 10; vice-president of the U. S., D. 17; speech at New York, Doc. 163
Hammond, James H., candidate for vice-president of Southern confederacy D. 14
Hammond, Thomas S., rebel D. 8<*>
Hampton Roads, Va., blockaded, D. 53
Hampton, Va., rebels attempt to destroy the bridge at, D. 78; Colonel Duryea's proclamation to the people of, Doc. 296
Hardy, A. H., Commssioner from Miss.
to Maryland, Doc. 1
Hardee, Colonel, P. 9; his Tactics not literary, P. 111
Harney, —, Gen., arrested, D. 44; released by the rebels, D. 51; his loyalty, D. 5; his proclamation, D. 68; notices of, D. 67, <