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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 19: battle of Sharpsburg, or Antietam (continued). (search)
(Md.) Art. (Brown's battery), Courtney (Va.) Art. (Latiner's battery), Johnson's (Va.) battery, La. Guard Art. (D'Aquin's battery), 1st Md. Batt. (Dement's battery), Staunton (Va.) Art. (Balthis's battery). Hill's Light Division, Maj.-Gen. Ambrose P. Hill:--Branch's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. L. O'B. Branch, Col. James H. Lane; 7th N. C., 18th N. C., Lieut.-Col. Purdie; 28th, 33d, and 37th N. C. Gregg's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Maxcy Gregg; 1st S. C. (provisional army), Maj. E. McCrady, Jr., Col. D. H. Hamilton; 1st S. C. Rifles, Lieut.-Col. James M. Perrin; 12th S. C., Col. Dixon Barnes, Lieut.-Col. C. Jones, and Maj. W. H. McCorkle; 13th S. C., Col. O. E. Edwards; 14th S. C., Lieut.-Col. W. D. Simpson. Field's Brigade, Col. Brockenbrough ; 40th, 47th, and 55th Va., 22d Va. Battn. Archer's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. J. J. Archer, Col. Peter Turney; 5th Ala. Battn., Captain Hooper; 19th Ga., Maj. J. H. Neal and Capt. F. M. Johnston; 1st Tenn. (provisional army), Col. Peter Turney; 7th Tenn., Maj.
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 23: battle of Fredericksburg (continued). (search)
J. M. Brockenbrough; 40th, 47th (Col. Robert M. Mayo), 55th, and 22d Va. Battn., Lieut.-Col. E. P. Taylor. Second Brigade, (1). Brig.-Gen. Maxcy Gregg, (2) Col. D. H. Hamilton; 1st S. C. (P. A.), Col. D. H. Hamilton; 1st S. C. Rifles; 12th, 13th, and 14th S. C. (Col. Samuel McGowan). Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. E. L. Thomas; 14th, 3Col. D. H. Hamilton; 1st S. C. Rifles; 12th, 13th, and 14th S. C. (Col. Samuel McGowan). Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. E. L. Thomas; 14th, 35th, 45th, and 49th Ga. Fourth Brigade, Brig.-Gen. J. H. Lane; 7th N. C., Lieut.-Col. J. L. Hill; 18th N. C., Col. Thomas J. Purdie; 28th N. C., Col. S. D. Lowe; 33d N. C., Col. Clark M. Avery; 37th N. C., Col. W. M. Barbour. Fifth Brigade, Brig.-Gen. J. J. Archer; 5th Ala. Battn., Maj. A. S. Van de Graaff, Capt. S. D. Stewart; 19t., Capt. G. W. Wooding; Hampden (Va.) Art., Capt. W. H. Caskie; Lee (Va.) Art., Lieut. C. W. Statham; Lusk's (Va.) battery. reserve artillery,Majors Garnett, Hamilton, and T. J. Page, Jr., are mentioned in the reports as commanding artillery battalions, but their composition is not stated. Brig.-Gen. W. N. Pendleton :--Brown's
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., chapter 7.42 (search)
oss: k, 51; w, 281; m, 69 ==401. Hill's (light) division (attached to Longstreet's command June 29th-July 1st), Maj.-Gen. Ambrose P. Hill. First Brigade, Brig.--Gen. Charles W. Field: 40th Va., Col. J. M. Brockenbrough; 47th Va., Col. Robert M. Mayo; 55th Va., Col. Francis Mallory; 60th Va., Col. William E. Starke (w), Lieut.-Col. B. H. Jones, Col. William E. Starke, Maj. J. C. Summers. Brigade loss: k, 78; w, 500; m, 2 == 580. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Maxcy Gregg: 1st S. C., Col. D. H. Hamilton; 1st S. C. (Rifles), Col. J. Foster Marshall; 12th S. C., Col. Dixon Barnes (w); 13th S. C., Col. 0. E. Edwards; 14th S. C., Col. Samuel McGowan. Brigade loss: k, 152; w, 773; m, 4 == 929. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Joseph R. Anderson (w), Col. Edward L. Thomas: 14th Ga., Lieut.-Col. Robert W. Folsom (w); 35th Ga., Col. Edward L. Thomas (w); 45th Ga., Col. Thomas Hardeman (w); 49th Ga., Col. A. J. Lane (w); 3d La. Battalion, Lieut.-Col. Edmund Pendleton. Brigade loss: k, 62; w, 300;
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2., The opposing forces in the Maryland campaign. (search)
(Staunton Art'y), Lieut. A. W. Garber. Artillery not engaged at Antietam. light division, Maj.-Gen. Ambrose P. Hill. Branch's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. L. O'B. Branch (k), Col. James r. Lane: 7th N. C.,----; 18th N. C., Lieut.-Col. T. J. Purdie; 28th N. C., Col. James H. Lane; 33d N. C.,----; 37th N. C.,----. Brigade loss: Harper's Ferry, w, 4. Antietam, k, 21; w, 79; m, 4 = 104. Shepherdstown, k, 3; w, 71 = 74. Gregg's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Maxcy Gregg (w): 1st S. C. (Prov. Army), Col. D. H. Hamilton; 1st S. C. (Rifles), Lieut.-Col. James M. Perrin (w); 12th S. C., Col. Dixon Barnes (k), Maj. W. H. McCorkle; 13th S. C., Col. O. E. Edwards; 14th S. C., Lieut.-Col. W. D. Simpson. Brigade loss: Antietam, k, 28; w, 135; m, 2 = 165. Shepherdstown, k, 10; w, 53 = 63. Field's Brigade, Col. J. M. Brocken brough: 40th Va.,----; 47th Va.,----; 55th Va.,----; 22d Va. Battalion,----. Brigade loss not separately reported. Archer's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. James J. Archer, Col. Peter Turney: 5th
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 2.20 (search)
y other troops or until Lee's right wing should be in full retreat. and you will send out at once a division, at least, to pass below Smithfield,--a hamlet occupied by Reynolds on the previous evening,--to seize if possible the heights near Captain Hamilton's, on this side of the Massaponax, taking care to keep it well supported and its line of retreat open. the peculiar wording of the order is positive evidence that when it was penned Burnside's mind was still filled with the fallacy of efof a mass of troops, the word carry is instinctively used. In corroboration of this proposition, I will state that in the Third interview I had with Burnside, after the battle, he said, I should have ordered Franklin to carry the heights at Captain Hamilton's at all hazards. just as General Burnside was leaving, shortly after nightfall, I asked to be permitted to order General Stoneman's Corps (the Third) to cross at once. He declined to give the permission, but assured me I would have the
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The opposing forces at Fredericksburg, Va. (search)
Robert M. Mayo; 55th Va.,----; 22d Va. Battalion, Lieut.-Col. E. P. Tayloe. Brigade loss: k, 10; w, 73 == 83. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Maxcy Gregg (m w), Col. D. H. Hamilton: 1st S. C. (Prov. Army), Col. D. H. Hamilton; 1st S. C. Rifles,----; 12th S. C.,----; 13th S. C.,----; 14th S. C., Col. Samuel McGowan. Brigade loss: k anCol. D. H. Hamilton; 1st S. C. Rifles,----; 12th S. C.,----; 13th S. C.,----; 14th S. C., Col. Samuel McGowan. Brigade loss: k and w, 363. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Edward L. Thomas: 14th Ga.,----; 35th Ga.,----; 45th Ga.,----; 49th Ga.,----. Brigade loss: k, 42; w, 288 == 330. Fourth Brigade, Brig.-Gen. James H. Lane: 7th N. C., Lieut.-Col. J. L. Hill; 18th N. C., Col. Thomas J. Purdie (w); 28th N. C., Col. S. D. Lowe; 33d N. C., Col. Clark M. Avery; 37th Nm H. Caskie; Va. Battery (Lee Art'y), Lieut. C. W. Statham; Va. Battery (Lusk's). Artillery loss: k, 2; w, 48; m, 1 == 51. Reserve artillery, Majors Garnett, Hamilton, and T. J. Page, Jr., are mentioned in the reports as commanding artillery battalions, but the composition of their commands is not given.--editors. Brig.-Gen. W
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., The Confederate army. (search)
ovill; 33d N. C., Col. Clark M. Avery (w), Capt. Joseph H. Saunders; 37th N. C., Col. W. M. Barbour (w). Brigade loss: k,161; w,626; m, 122 = 909. McGowan's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Samuel McGowan (w), Col. O. E. Edwards (w), Col. Abner Perrin, Col. D. H. Hamilton: 1st S. C. (Prov. Army), Col. D. H. Hamilton, Capt. W. P. Shooter; 1st S. C. Rifles, Col. James M. Perrin (m w), Lieut.-Col. F. E. Harrison; 12th S. C.,----; 13th S. C., Col. O. E. Edwards, Lieut.-Col. B. T. Brockman; 14th S. C., Col. AbnCol. D. H. Hamilton, Capt. W. P. Shooter; 1st S. C. Rifles, Col. James M. Perrin (m w), Lieut.-Col. F. E. Harrison; 12th S. C.,----; 13th S. C., Col. O. E. Edwards, Lieut.-Col. B. T. Brockman; 14th S. C., Col. Abner Perrin. Brigade loss: k, 46; w, 402; nm, 7 = 455. Archer's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. James J. Archer, Col. B. D. Fry: 13th Ala., Col. B. D. Fry; 5th Ala. Battalion, Capt. S. D. Stewart (k), Capt. A. N. Porter; 1st Tenn. (Prov. Army), Lieut.-Col. N. J. George; 7th Tenn., Lieut.-Col. John A. Fite; 14th Tenn., Col. William McComb (w), Capt. R. C. Wilson. Brigade loss: k, 44; w, 305; In, 16 = 365. Pender's Brigade, Brig.-Gen. W. D. Ponder: 13th N. C., Col. Alfred M. Scales (w), Lieut.-Col. J. H. Hy
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 3., chapter 4.47 (search)
e of front on the part of the enemy, the abandonment of his strong position on the heights, and force him to attack us in position. General Hood called up Captain Hamilton, of his staff, and requested me to repeat the protest to him, and the grounds on which it was made. He then directed Captain Hamilton to find General LongstCaptain Hamilton to find General Longstreet as quickly as possible and deliver the protest, and to say to him that he (Hood) indorsed it fully. Hamilton rode off at once, but in about ten minutes returned, accompanied by a staff-officer of General Longstreet, who said to General Hood, in my hearing, General Longstreet orders that you begin the attack at once. Hood tuHamilton rode off at once, but in about ten minutes returned, accompanied by a staff-officer of General Longstreet, who said to General Hood, in my hearing, General Longstreet orders that you begin the attack at once. Hood turned to me and merely said, You hear the order? I at once moved my brigade to the assault. I do not know whether the protest ever reached General Lee. From the brief interval that elapsed between the time it was sent to General Longstreet and the receipt of the order to begin the attack, I am inclined to think it did not. Gener
ime and place aforesaid, together with these presents. Witness, the Hon. A. G. Magrath, Judge of the said Court, at Charleston, the 30th day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one. B. C. Pressley, Libellant's Proctor. H. Y. Gray, Clerk Confederate Court. The Confederate States of America, South Carolina District--In the Court of Admiralty of the Confederate States of America for South Carolina District.--The Confederate States of America to D. H. Hamilton, Marshal of the Confederate States for the district aforesaid, or his lawful deputy, greeting:--You, and each of you, are hereby commanded, without delay, to cite and admonish, and these are, therefore, to cite and admonish all persons in general, except citizens of the United States, who have, or pretend to have, any right, title, claim, interest, property,or demand, whatsoever, in, to, or out of the brig Grenada, her tackle, etc., and cargo, against which a libel hath been exhibited an
entucky cavalry, Lieutenant-Colonel King; Second Kentucky cavalry, Captain Foreman; and Tenth Wisconsin light artillery, Captain Beebe commanding, amounting to two thousand eight hundred (2800) men. The Second brigade, Colonel Smith D. Atkins, Ninety-second Illinois mounted infantry, commanding, was composed of the following regiments, namely, Ninety-second Illinois mounted infantry, Lieutenant-Colonel Van Buskirk; Tenth Ohio cavalry, Lieutenant-Colonel Sanderson; Ninth Ohio cavalry, Colonel Hamilton; Eighth Ohio cavalry, Colonel Heath; squadron First Ohio cavalry, Captain Dazel; and Ninth Michigan cavalry, Colonel Acker, amounting to two thousand seven hundred (2700) men. I left my encampment at Marietta on the morning of November fourteenth, with five thousand five hundred (5500) men and six (6) pieces of artillery; reached Atlanta same day, and bivouacked for the night. Was informed by the General-in-Chief that Milledgeville was our first objective point; that my command woul
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