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regulars, Captain Sanders commanding, were sent away to the left. Colonel Davis, of the Eighth New-York, went to the right, and Colonel Farnsworth, with the Third Illinois, and the Third Indiana, Major Chapman commanding, operated on the centre. Pennington's battery was placed in position by sections, and, after the rebel guns had been driven from the hill, Lieut. Pennington himself commanded the section in a field to the right, Lieut. Chapin the one on the hill, in the centre, and Lieutenant Hamilton that on the high ground to the left. This was the position of the brigade when one of the most magnificent cavalry engagements of the whole war took place. Mounted and dismounted men were deployed in front as skirmishers on the right, left, and centre. General Pleasanton, with his aids, and a number of other officers, including Captain Custer, of McClellan's stiff, were on the hill, close by Lieut. Chapin's section. At that moment columns of rebel cavalry came sweeping down the
process of construction at Hamilton, but discovered nothing of the kind. On the sixth, we left Hamilton, in pursuit of the enemy toward Tarboro, and encamped on the same night within ten miles of thay plans, and on the following morning, the seventh instant, I countermarched the column, making Hamilton the same night, where we remained till the next morning, when we marched for Williamston in the senior officer, cooperated heartily with me during the whole time, by sending five gunboats to Hamilton, and their placing four boat-howitzers, with their crews, at my disposal. I desire to mentio moving again on the morning of the fourth, proceeded without opposition to within two miles of Hamilton, when it was obliged to halt two hours to repair a bridge destroyed by the retreating foe. Thislls. The troops who fell out on the march were left on board the gunboats at Williamston and Hamilton. Two deaths from exhaustion occurred on board the boats, but I have not been able to learn the
orning, (twenty-ninth,) the advance of the Federal army passed through Holly Springs. No halt was made there, but all day Saturday, and all the fore-part of to-day, regiment after regiment, division close on the heels of division, yesterday General Hamilton's column, and to-day General McPherson's, until the citizens began to think the entire North was emptying itself through their streets. I entered the town with Gen. Ross's division, or rather in advance of it, with two of the General's st encamped on the eastern hill summits, McArthur's on the south side of the valley. General Ross's command soon commenced winding its way serpent-like up the hills, and bivouacked on the north side of the basin, so that the three divisions of Gen. Hamilton's column surrounded the valley. No more picturesque scene could be imagined than that of yesterday evening — the little lakes, deep set like mirrors in the bosom of the hills, the thousands of soldiers filling their canteens, the thousands o
scertained that Generals Price and Van Dorn were concentrating their forces at Ripley, with the probable intention of attacking Corinth. The enemy crossed the Hatchie River, and took possession of the railroad north of Corinth, thus cutting off all direct communication with Jackson and Bolivar. He then advanced toward Corinth, and some skirmishing took place on the second of November. Major-General Rosecrans commanded our forces at Gorinth, which consisted of the divisions of Brigadier-Generals Hamilton, McKean, Davies, and Stanley. The first three were placed in line of battle near the old rebel intrenchments, and the last held in reserve in the town. The skirmishing was renewed on the morning of the third, and by ten or eleven o'clock the engagement became pretty general and continued until dark. It was fiercely renewed on the morning of the fourth, and fought with varied success till near noon, when the rebels were defeated and driven from the field, leaving their dead and
r more. Some of the men took positions on top of the mound and acted as sharp-shooters; and, strange to say, not a man in the fort was hurt. There we stood-- Woundless and well, may Heaven's high name be blessed for't, As erst, ere treason raised a hand against us. It would be but a repetition of the above, were I to speak of the conduct of the men in the redan. Much nearer the enemy, they received a large share of his attention, and three of them were slightly wounded. General Hamilton remarked, while speaking of the fight a few days ago, that: The Twenty-fifth Indiana was not only an honor to its commander, but to the State of Indiana, and the whole army; and that had it not been for the victory of Davis's Mills, both Lagrange and Grand Junction would have fallen into the hands of the rebels. And General Grant's father, now at Lagrange, remarked that General Grant said: The fight at Davis's Mills was the most brilliant of the war. Colonel Morgan deserves the hi
r comprehension. The facts are these: On the morning of the thirtieth, Colonel Deitzler, Colonel First Kansas infantry, commanding the First brigade of McArthur's division, was ordered to take four regiments of infantry, the First Kansas, Eleventh Illinois, Thirty-ninth and Twenty-seventh Ohio, and, assisted by Col. Lee with the Seventh Kansas, Third Michigan, and Fourth Illinois cavalry, make a reconnoissance of the enemy's position. The men were ordered to take three days rations, General Hamilton supposing it would take at least two days to accomplish the object of the movement. The battery consisted of four ten-pounder Parrott guns, and was worked under the immediate supervision of Colonel Deitzler. About half-way between our camp and the enemy, something over four miles from each, we encountered the enemy's cavalry and a battery of artillery, when our line was formed with the battery in the road, the Eleventh Illinois supporting on the right, and the First Kansas on the left
mander, and a number of officers and men, just as he was abandoning his vessel. Inquiry traced the rumor to a telegraphic despatch received by General Banks from down the river. For an hour or two its purport was questioned, contested, disbelieved — presently admitted, but indefinitely. This morning brings confirmation, in all its appalling particulars. I derive the following narrative (which I shall endeavor to render as clear and coherent as is possible) from Major W. L. Burt, of Gen. Hamilton's staff, who has this morning returned from the scene of the recent tragedy. He was despatched thither as the General's representative in his future capacity of Military Governor of Texas; his duties comprising the assisting of Union men, and the raising of recruits for the wresting of the State from the bloody misrule of treason now rampant there. With him went also Capt. S. W. Cozzens, of Texas, to be assigned to a command. Both gentlemen left this port in the Mary A. Boardman, on t
re in camp near Stanford, when our scouts announced the approach of a large force of the enemy by way of Monticello. From the fact that they had a long wagon-train, and the advance was composed of cavalry and artillery as they passed through Wayne County from the direction of Knoxville, we all concluded that they told the truth for once when they announced a formidable invasion of the State under Breckinridge, Morgan, and Pegram. They left their wagon-train beyond the river with Chenault, Hamilton, and Champ Ferguson, with their commands, to protect their crossings on the Cumberland, and to press wagons, horses, negroes, and cattle in that vicinity, while the rest made an invasion of the central parts of the State. A printed handbill was also found by our scouts, signed by Morgan's Adjutant-General, giving all Union men of conscript age three days to leave the State or be conscripted into the Southern army. They crossed the Cumberland in three places, and those coming into Somerset