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The Daily Dispatch: April 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. (search)
umiliation and obscurity, while all Yankeedom shall squat and trade upon thy lovely plains, thy quiet valleys, and thy mountain summits. But, it cannot be-- "Must we but weep o'er days more blest ! Must we but blush ! Our Fathers Bled ! Earth ! render back form out thy breast, A remant of our Spartan dead ! Of the three hundred, grant but three, To make a new Thermopylaeæ !" Our young men are already rallying beneath that flag of which we have before spoken.--Two sons of Hampton were recently in commission at Fort Barrancas, Fla.; two have since gone to the sunny South, to seek service in the army of the Confederate States; one Lieutenant in the United States army, and one Midshipman in the navy, have resigned, to fight the battles of the ever-glorious seven, and other are preparing to imitate their noble example. It is but just to add that all of these chivalrous soldiers are former students of the Hampton Academy, and one Professor in that institution but awaits