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the troops were exercised in squad drill, which was witnessed by Gov. Letcher, Adjutant General Richardson, Col. Wm. H. Richardson, and others who are interested in military matters. The following is a list of the officers and companies who have reported at the Camp: Roster of field, Staff and officers of the line. Col. Sherwin McRae, Commanding. Maj. J. J. Werth, 1st Major. Maj. Thos. G. Armstead, 2d Major. John F. Wren, Adjutant. Daniel E. Gardner, Quartermaster. F. W. Hancock, Assistant Surgeon. Edmund Fontaine, Sergeant Major. Walter K. Martin, Paymaster. Miles C. Selden, Assistant Commissary. Companies. Hanover Troop--Capt. Wms. C. Wickham, Lieut. Wm. B. Newton, Lieut. B. H. Bowles. Henrico Troop--Col. J. L Davis, Lieut. Comm'g B. W. Green, Jr., Lieut. John E. Friend. Governor's Guard, Richmond City--Capt. J. G. Cabell, Lieut. O. A. Crenshaw, Lieut. R. B. Kennon. Chesterfield Troop A--Capt. Henry W. Cox, Lieut. Jos. T. Mason, Lieut. Geo.
irginia states that thirteen counties, which gave Goggin 700 majority, now go for Breckinridge by 2,700.--this will throw Bell's vote behind, as only two or three of the counties alluded to in the dispatch are given in the following table: Breckinridge Major's Accomac150 Allegheny301 Amherst175 Appomattox341 Barbour587 Brooke250 Caroline211 Charlotte47 Clarke47 Cumberland3 Doddridge204 Fauquier47 Frederick352 Floyd35 Gloucester157 Goochland189 Greene457 Halifax766 Hancock200 Harrison260 Isle of Wight609 King George42 King and Queen255 King William173 Lewis.300 Lunenburg275 Madison750 Mecklenburg471 Northumberland126 Orange48 page796 Prince Edward47 Prince William479 Roanoke80 Shenandoah1440 Tyler100 Warren186 Washington280 Wetzel549 Wythe177 11,943 Bell's majorities Albemarle201 Alexandria446 Amelia24 Augusta2330 Bath40 Berkeley83 Botetourt1 Bedford429 Buckingham22 Campbell317 Chesterfield456 Culpeper1 Dinwiddie135
The Daily Dispatch: January 22, 1861., [Electronic resource], Financial condition of South Carolina. (search)
Virginia militia. --The standing army of the "Old Dominion" now consists of 5 Divisions, 28 Brigades, 5 Regiments of Cavalry, 5 of Artillery, 3 Regiments and 4 Battalions of volunteers, and 195 Regiments of the line.--All the Regiments of the line are now organized, except the 68th James City and part of York, the 94th Lee, the 161st Ohio, and the 163d Hancock, No return has been received from the 24th Brigade, Gen. B. W. Price, composed of the counties of Brooke, Ohio, Marshall and Hancock, numbering 5 Regiments; and including these, there are in the whole State 5 Regiments of the line, not less than 10,000 men, from which no returns have been received. There are undoubtedly at least 200,000 men in the State subject to militia duty, yet the annual consolidated return gives nearly 60,000 short of that number. The volunteer force is increasing vastly.--There are now in commission 92 troops of Cavalry, 20 companies of Artillery, 111 companies of Light Infantry, and 113 compa
The Daily Dispatch: January 22, 1861., [Electronic resource], The capture of the New Orleans Barracks. (search)
ar containing full particulars will be furnished those who may desire further information. Terms.--Patients per week, $5; less than a week, $1 per diem; but the aggregate shall not exceed the charge for a full week. Patients attending the daily examinations (not fit subjects for Hospital Confinement,) charged the regular fee adopted by the profession at large. The above charges include board, medicine, medical attendance and nursing. Surgical operations charged according to rules of other Hospitals of the city. For further information, apply to the Physician resident at the Hospital, or to either of the undersigned Physicians and Proprietors. Frs. W. Hancock, M. D., Main st., bet. 3d and 4th, or No. 130 Main st. st. Geo. Peachy, M. D., Exchange Hotel, or Grace st., bet. 5th and 6th. R. S. Vest, M. D., Franklin st., Near Ballard House, or cor. Main and 7th sts. Philip S. Hancock, M. D., Resident Physician. J. G. Trevillian, M. D., Resident Assistant. ap 19--1y
ar containing full particulars will be furnished those who may desire further information. Terms.--Patients per week, $5; less than a week, $1 per diem; but the aggregate shall not exceed the charge for a full week. Patients attending the daily examinations (not fit subjects for Hospital Confinement,) charged the regular fee adopted by the profession at large. The above charges include board, medicine, medical attendance and nursing. Surgical operations charged according to rules of other Hospitals of the city. For further information, apply to the Physician resident at the Hospital, or to either of the undersigned Physicians and Proprietors. Frs. W. Hancock, M. D., Main st., bet. 3d and 4th, or No. 130 Main st. St. Geo. Peachy, M. D., Exchange Hotel, or Grace st., bet. 5th and 6th. R. S. Vest, M. D., Franklin st., Near Ballard House, or cor. Main and 7th sts. Philip S. Hancock, M. D., Resident Physician. J. G. Trevillian, M. D., Resident Assistant. ap 19--1y
ar containing full particulars will be furnished those who may desire further information. Terms.--Patients per week, $5; less than a week, $1 per diem; but the aggregate shall not exceed the charge for a full week. Patients attending the daily examinations (not fit subjects for Hospital Confinement,) charged the regular fee adopted by the profession at large. The above charges include board, medicine, medical attendance and nursing. Surgical operations charged according to rules of other Hospitals of the city. For further information, apply to the Physician resident at the Hospital, or to either of the undersigned Physicians and Proprietors. Frs. W. Hancock, M. D., Main st., bet. 3d and 4th, or No. 130 Main st. St. Geo. Peachy, M. D., Exchange Hotel, or Grace st., bet. 5th and 6th. R. S. Vest, M. D., Franklin st., Near Ballard House, or cor. Main and 7th sts. Philip S. Hancock, M. D., Resident Physician. J. G. Trevillian, M. D., Resident Assistant. ap 19--1y
The Daily Dispatch: January 25, 1861., [Electronic resource], A man killed by a lion at Astley's Theatre — a Thrilling scene. (search)
ar containing full particulars will be furnished those who may desire further information. Terms.--Patients per week, $5; less than a week, $1 per diem; but the aggregate shall not exceed the charge for a full week. Patients attending the daily examinations (not fit subjects for Hospital Confinement,) charged the regular fee adopted by the profession at large. The above charges include board, medicine, medical attendance and nursing. Surgical operations charged according to rules of other Hospitals of the city. For further information, apply to the Physician resident at the Hospital, or to either of the undersigned Physicians and Proprietors. Frs. W. Hancock, M. D., Main st., bet. 3d and 4th, or No. 130 Main st. st. Geo. Peachy, M. D., Exchange Hotel, or Grace st., bet. 5th and 6th. R. S. Vest, M. D., Franklin st., Near Ballard House, or cor. Main and 7th sts. Philip S. Hancock, M. D., Resident Physician. J. G. Trevillian, M. D., Resident Assistant. ap 19--1y
The Daily Dispatch: January 26, 1861., [Electronic resource], To J. M. Estes. W. M. Caldwell, J. B. Ferguson, and others. (search)
ar containing full particulars will be furnished those who may desire further information. Terms.--Patients per week, $5; less than a week, $1 per diem; but the aggregate shall not exceed the charge for a full week. Patients attending the daily examinations (not fit subjects for Hospital Confinement,) charged the regular fee adopted by the profession at large. The above charges include board, medicine, medical attendance and nursing. Surgical operations charged according to rules of other Hospitals of the city. For further information, apply to the Physician resident at the Hospital, or to either of the undersigned Physicians and Proprietors. Frs. W. Hancock, M. D., Main st., bet. 3d and 4th, or No. 130 Main st. St. Geo. Peachy, M. D., Exchange Hotel, or Grace st., bet. 5th and 6th. R. S. Vest, M. D., Franklin st., Near Ballard House, or cor. Main and 7th sts. Philip S. Hancock, M. D., Resident Physician. J. G. Trevillian, M. D., Resident Assistant. ap 19--1y
ar containing full particulars will be furnished those who may desire further information. Terms.--Patients per week, $5; less than a week, $1 per diem; but the aggregate shall not exceed the charge for a full week. Patients attending the daily examinations (not fit subjects for Hospital Confinement,) charged the regular fee adopted by the profession at large. The above charges include board, medicine, medical attendance and nursing. Surgical operations charged according to rules of other Hospitals of the city. For further information, apply to the Physician resident at the Hospital, or to either of the undersigned Physicians and Proprietors. Frs. W. Hancock, M. D., Main st., bet. 3d and 4th, or No. 130 Main st. St. Geo. Peachy, M. D., Exchange Hotel, or Grace st., bet. 5th and 6th. R. S. Vest, M. D., Franklin st., Near Ballard House, or cor. Main and 7th sts. Philip S. Hancock, M. D., Resident Physician. J. G. Trevillian, M. D., Resident Assistant. ap 19--1y
attendance and nursing. Surgical operations charged according to rules of other Hospitals of the city. For further information, apply to the Physician resident at the Hospital, or to either of the undersigned Physicians and Proprietors. Frs. W. Hancock, M. D., Main st., bet. 3d and 4th, or No. 130 Main st. st. Geo. Peachy, M. D., Exchange Hotel, or Grace st., bet. 5th and 6th. R. S. Vest, M. D., Franklin st., Near Ballard House, or cor. Main and 7th sts. Philips. Hancock, M. D.,. r Hospitals of the city. For further information, apply to the Physician resident at the Hospital, or to either of the undersigned Physicians and Proprietors. Frs. W. Hancock, M. D., Main st., bet. 3d and 4th, or No. 130 Main st. st. Geo. Peachy, M. D., Exchange Hotel, or Grace st., bet. 5th and 6th. R. S. Vest, M. D., Franklin st., Near Ballard House, or cor. Main and 7th sts. Philips. Hancock, M. D.,. Resident Physician. J. G. Trevilian, M. D., Resident Assistant. ap 19--ly