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the original body. My camp was located at one time near a regiment which had only thirty-eight men present for duty. There were twenty-five army corps in the service, at different times, exclusive of cavalry, engineer, and signal corps, and Hancock's veteran corps. The same causes which operated to reduce brigades and divisions naturally decimated corps, so that some of them were consolidated; as, for example, the First and Third Corps were merged in the Second, Fifth, and Sixth, in the sed wholly of colored troops. In the late fall of 1864, Major-General W. S. Hancock resigned his command of the Second Corps to take charge of the First Veteran Corps, then organizing. The badge adopted originated with Colonel C. H. Morgan, Hancock's chief-of-staff. The centre is a circle half the diameter of the whole design, surrounded by a wreath of laurel. Through the circle a wide red band passes vertically. From the wreath radiate rays in such a manner as to form a heptagon wit
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Grand movement of the Army of the Potomac- crossing the Rapidan-entering the Wilderness- battle of the Wilderness (search)
th bank, on the right of Warren, by sundown. Hancock, with the 2d corps, moved parallel with Warren as he could prepare for it. At nine o'clock Hancock was ordered to come up to the support of Gettm Meade a few minutes later to attack whether Hancock was ready or not. He met the enemy under Hethhe left and envelop the right of Lee's army. Hancock was informed of all the movements ordered. n now, that if the country had been such that Hancock and his command could have seen the confusiontacked, and again the enemy was repulsed. Hancock heard the firing between Sheridan and Stuart,ent happened during the day to further induce Hancock to weaken his attacking column. Word reached being discovered. Falling upon a brigade of Hancock's corps thrown to the advance, they swept it at right angles to the intrenchments held by Hancock's command, swept down the whole length of thets not on fire. But owing to the efforts of Hancock, their success was but temporary. Carroll, o[22 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, After the battle-telegraph and signal service- movement by the left flank (search)
ld be advisable in making the change to leave Hancock where he is until Warren passes him. He couldt the enemy concentrate for a heavy attack on Hancock this afternoon. In case they do we must be parried him immediately behind the works where Hancock's command lay on the Brock Road. With my stame. The greatest enthusiasm was manifested by Hancock's men as we passed by. No doubt it was inspirnch Church, was ordered to Warren's support. Hancock, who was at Todd's Tavern, was notified of Wa he had been following us when he ran against Hancock at Todd's Tavern. His coming detained HancocHancock from the battle-field of Spottsylvania for that day; but he, in like manner, kept Early back and f the 7th by my left flank, it would have put Hancock in the lead. It would also have given us an to get the head of his column to the left of Hancock after he had got his troops out of their line confronting the enemy. This hour, and Hancock's capacity to use his whole force when necessary, w
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Battle of Spottsylvania-Hancock's position-assault of Warren's and Wright's corps-upton promoted on the field-good news from Butler and Sheridan (search)
to cross the Po at Wooden Bridge. Warren and Hancock came by the Brock Road. Sedgwick crossed theeived the news of this attack, word came from Hancock that Early had left his front. He had been ft as soon as it was known that Early had left Hancock's front the latter was ordered up to Warren'son the enemy's flank. The fourth division of Hancock's corps, Mott commanding, was left at Todd's ese were in rear. The position assumed by Hancock's corps forced Lee to reinforce his left duriAccordingly on the morning of the 10th, when Hancock renewed his effort to get over the Po to his nched in his front, no more were crossed. Hancock reconnoitred his front on the morning of the the Po, where it turns south; therefore, for Hancock to cross over-although it would bring him to on the centre by Warren's and Wright's corps, Hancock to command all the attacking force. Two of hs and Wright's corps, with Mott's division of Hancock's corps, to move simultaneously. The movemen[6 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Hancock's assault-losses of the Confederates- promotions recommended-discomfiture of the enemy-ewell's attack-reducing the artillery (search)
t for receiving information from all points. Hancock put Barlow on his left, in double column, and as clubs. The hand conflict was soon over. Hancock's corps captured some four thousand prisonersral thousand stand of arms, and many colors. Hancock, as soon as the hand-to-hand conflict was oveck I ordered Warren's corps to the support of Hancock's. Burnside, on the left, had advanced up easrom his left and attacked Hancock furiously. Hancock was forced to fall back: but he did so slowly to hold. Wright was ordered up to reinforce Hancock, and arrived by six o'clock. He was wounded sm his command if he failed to move promptly. Hancock placed batteries on high ground in his rear, e grade of Major-General in the regular army; Hancock for Brigadier-General; Wright, Gibbon and Humnothing was done on the 17th. But that night Hancock and Wright were to make a night march back toinforced, in a manner worthy of veterans. Hancock was in a position to reinforce speedily, and [15 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Movement by the left flank-battle of North Anna-an incident of the March-moving on Richmond-South of the Pamunkey-position of the National Army (search)
guarded, he turned east to the road taken by Hancock and Warren without an attempt to dislodge the, with troops intrenched, on the north side. Hancock sent two brigades, Egan's and Pierce's, to thers were captured. The hour was so late that Hancock did not cross until next morning. Burnsidtoo late to cross that night. On the 24th Hancock's corps crossed to the south side of the rive connect with Crawford's left. Potter joined Hancock by way of the wooden bridge. Crittenden had tle River guarded as far up as we have gone. Hancock with his corps and one division of the 9th co their road to follow the 5th and 6th corps. Hancock should hold his command in readiness to folloSheridan was sent to meet it. On the 30th Hancock moved to the Totopotomoy, where he found the d and crossed, taking position to the left of Hancock. Warren moved up near Huntley Corners on the. As the best means of reinforcing the left, Hancock was ordered to attack in his front. He carri[18 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Advance on Cold Harbor-an anecdote of the war- battle of Cold Harbor-correspondence with Lee-Retrospective (search)
the enemy forced him to it. There was also an attack upon Hancock's and Burnside's corps at the same time; but it was feebleion we had gained, but without effecting their object. Hancock was moved from his place in line during the night and ordearren's corps was moved to the left to connect with Smith: Hancock's corps was got into position to the left of Wright's, and was ordered for the 3d, to be made mainly by the corps of Hancock, Wright and Smith; but Warren and Burnside were to support The move was to commence at half-past 4 in the morning. Hancock sent Barlow and Gibbon forward at the appointed hour, withity of doing anything more in their respective fronts. Hancock gave the opinion that in his front the enemy was too stronines of the enemy, but it would require the cooperation of Hancock's and Smith's corps. Smith thought a lodgment possible, bf Richmond than to have them go back there. Wright and Hancock should be ready to assault in case the enemy should break
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Left flank movement across the Chickahominy and James-General Lee-visit to Butler-the movement on Petersburg-the investment of Petersburg (search)
orning of the 13th had his whole corps over. Hancock followed Warren. Burnside took the road to Jd in their front. By the evening of the 13th Hancock's corps was at Charles City Court House on [ne evening of the 14th the crossing commenced, Hancock in advance, using both the bridge and boats. eral Butler and directed him (Meade) to cross Hancock's corps over under cover of night, and push t The rations did not reach him, however, and Hancock, while he got all his corps over during the nis seems to be the first information that General Hancock had received of the fact that he was to gtained artillery, which fell into our hands. Hancock came up and proposed to take any part assignin the trenches.3 Next morning, the 16th, Hancock himself was in command, and captured another served so faithfully and so well. If General Hancock's orders of the 15th had been communicateth Side Railroad if possible. Meade moved Hancock's corps, now commanded by Birney, to the left[4 more...]
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Raid on the Virginia Central Railroad-raid on the Weldon Railroad-Early's movement upon Washington-mining the works before Petersburg-explosion of the mine before Petersburg- campaign in the Shenandoah Valley-capture of the Weldon Railroad (search)
troops away from the south side of the James River as possible. Accordingly, on the 26th, we commenced a movement with Hancock's corps and Sheridan's cavalry to the north side by the way of Deep Bottom, where Butler had a pontoon bridge laid. Thed been left, requiring a ton of powder each to charge them. All was ready by the time I had prescribed; and on the 29th Hancock and Sheridan were brought back near the James River with their troops. Under cover of night they started to recross thebout his capital. I therefore gave orders for another move to the north side of the James River, to threaten Richmond. Hancock's corps, part of the 10th corps under Birney, and Gregg's division of cavalry were crossed to the north side of the Jameto him as compared with ours. On the night of the 20th our troops on the north side of the James were withdrawn, and Hancock and Gregg were sent south to destroy the Weldon Railroad. They were attacked on the 25th at Reams's Station, and after
Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs of U. S. Grant, Sheridan's advance-visit to Sheridan-Sheridan's victory in the Shenandoah-Sheridan's ride to Winchester-close of the campaign for the winter (search)
y of my campaigns, and also in the publications of the War Department, including both the National and Confederate reports. In the latter part of November General Hancock was relieved from the command of the 2d corps by the Secretary of War and ordered to Washington, to organize and command a corps of veteran troops to be desigps. It was expected that this would give him a large command to co-operate with in the spring. It was my expectation, at the time, that in the final operations Hancock should move either up the valley, or else east of the Blue Ridge to Lynchburg; the idea being to make the spring campaign the close of the war. I expected, with Sove from the direction of Washington or the valley towards Lynchburg. We would then have Lee so surrounded that his supplies would be cut off entirely, making it impossible for him to support his army. General Humphreys, chief-of-staff of the Army of the Potomac, was assigned to the command of the 2d corps, to succeed Hancock.