Browsing named entities in Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 3. (ed. Frank Moore). You can also browse the collection for Robert Handy or search for Robert Handy in all documents.

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poop; our shot, however, falling short of the enemy, while their shell burst on all sides of us, and several passed directly over the ship. At half-past 9, Commander Handy of the Vincennes, mistaking my signal to the ships outside the bar to get under way, for a signal to him to abandon his ship, came on board the Richmond, with all his officers and a large number of the crew, the remainder having gone on board the Water Witch. Captain Handy before leaving his ship had placed a lighted slow match at the magazine. Having waited a reasonable time for an explosion, I directed Commander Handy to return to his ship, with his crew, to start his water, and, if Commander Handy to return to his ship, with his crew, to start his water, and, if necessary, at his own request, to throw overboard his small guns, for the purpose of lightening his ship, and to carry out his kedge with a cable to heave off by. At ten A. M. the enemy ceased firing, and withdrew up the river. During the engagement a shell entered our quarter-port, and one of the boats was stove by another shell.
leet at the Passes of the Mississippi. Commander Handy's report. see Doc. 78, page 180 ante. sir, respectfully, your obedient servant, Robert Handy, Commander. Captain Pope's report. h several of his officers, came on board; Commander Handy having wrapped around his waist, in broadh signal; that when he was asked by one of Captain Handy's officers if that was the meaning of the signal, sent word to Captain Handy that it was impossible to get guns out of his stern ports and fin of the slow match, that it had gone out, Captain Handy, his officers and crew, returned to their ip. In the evening I received a note from Captain Handy, a copy of which, and my reply, is encloseg is a copy of a note received from Commmander Handy on the eve of his ship getting aground, and my burn her when I leave her? Respectfully, Robert Handy. United States steamer Richmond, Southwesr obedient servant, John Pope, Captain. Commander R. Handy. Commanding U. S. ship Vincennes. Co[1 more...]