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cked. On the contrary, although he harassed his enemy — and that enemy, be it recollected, was Hannibal — by a series of skillful movements, marching, counter-marching, choosing unassailable positionry opportunity to attack, when it could be done to advantage. The manner in which he entrapped Hannibal among the mountains, and the strategem of the burning faggots tied to the cows' horns, by meansrcellus took Syracuse, and Scipio invaded and conquered Spain, and finally carried the war into Hannibal's own country. Fabius opposed this last enterprise, maintaining that Hannibal should be drivenHannibal should be driven from Italy before the war should be carried abroad. Neverthless, notwithstanding his high authority, it seems to us very doubtful whether the Romans would ever have gotten rid of Hannibal if Scipio Hannibal if Scipio had not invaded Carthage. Washigton's campaigns were somewhat on the Fabian system. Yet it was repugnant to his disposition, which was naturally ardent and impetuous. He had to form an army out