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General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox, Chapter 23: battle of Fredericksburg (continued). (search)
y on A. P. Hill's right, and two other field batteries on the plain on his left. Stuart's horse artillery and cavalry were on the plain on the right, in the valley of the Massaponax, supporting the Second Corps. About 7.45 in the morning General Hardie, of Burnside's staff, reported to General Franklin that his orders would reach him in a few minutes by the hands of an aide-de-camp. Hardie was ordered to remain near General Franklin's Headquarters. At eight o'clock the order came, and at Hardie was ordered to remain near General Franklin's Headquarters. At eight o'clock the order came, and at 8.30 Meade's division moved towards the general direction of Jackson's position. At ten o'clock the fog lifted and revealed Meade's lines, six batteries on his left and four on his right, Gibbon's division supporting the right and Doubleday's covering the left. The order for the commander of the Left Grand Division was to make the advance by at least one division. The divisions of the First Corps were thought to fully meet the terms of the order. Meade's lines advanced in handsome, so