Your search returned 37 results in 14 document sections:

H. Furness1820 Edward B. Hall1820 George B. Osborn1820 John Angier1821 Ward C. Brooks1822 Caleb Stetson1822 Charles Angier1827 Elijah N. Train1827 John James Gilchrist1828 Joseph Angier1829 Charles V. Bemis1835 George Clisby1836 Thomas S. Harlow1836 Thompson Kidder1836 Andrew D. Blanchard1842 Horace D. Train1842 Benjamin L. Swan1844 Hosea Ballou, 2d1844 Timothy Bigelow1845 Sanford B. Perry1845 James A. Hervey1849 Albert F. Sawyer1849 Thomas Meriam Stetson1849 George D. PoSanford B. Perry, Esq., has taken the place of Mr. Bartlett, and has already been elected a member of the Senate of Massachusetts. May it be long before his name can come under the care of the historian. A similar wish we may express for Thomas S. Harlow, Esq., who is a permanent and valuable resident in Medford, but attends to his professional business in Boston. Public characters. Medford has furnished its share of public characters, who have done it honor; and they include a governo
Elmer Hewitt Capen By David L. Maulsby Elmer Hewitt Capen was born at Stoughton, April 5, 1838. He died at Tufts College, March 22, 1905. He received his preparatory education at Pierce Academy, Middleborough, and at the Green Mountain Institute, Woodstock, Vt. He entered Tufts in 1856, and was graduated with the degree of A. B. in 1860. During the year 1859-60 Mr. Capen served in the Massachusetts legislature. He studied law with Thomas S. Harlow, of Boston, and at the Harvard Law School, but although admitted to the bar in 1864, he never practiced. Instead, he studied theology with the Rev. A. St. John Chambre, and in 1864 began to preach. From 1865 till 1869 he was pastor of the Independent Christian church in Gloucester. The next year, partly on account of his wife's health, he removed to St. Paul, Minn., to take charge of the Universalist church there. In 1870 he was called to the First Universalist church in Providence, R. I. Here he remained for five years, mea
agg, Mr., 93, 95. Graves, Thomas, 4. Gray, P. T., 70. Greaves, Doct., 83. Greaves, Katherine, 84. Greaves, Margaret, 84. Greaves, Phoebe, 84. Greaves, Dr., Thomas, 84, 85. Greene, 79. Green, General, 6. Green, James, 63. Green Mountain Institute, 1. Green, Nathaniel, 68, 69. Grubb, William, 41. Halifax, 86. Hall, Moses, 68. Hall, Richard, 89. Hall, Stephen, 85, 86. Hampton, 87. Hancock, Governor, 15. Hancock, Captain, John, 15, 21. Hancock, Rev., John, 15. Harlow, Thomas S., 1. Harris, Charlotte, 65. Harris, Thomas, 39, 44, 66. Harris, Captain, Thomas, 40, 63. Hartford, The, 51. Harvard College, 20, 23, 38, 39, 79, 92. Harvard Law School, 1, 23. Hawes, Frank Mortimer, 14, 38, 63, 90. Hawes, Levi Lindley, 25, 49. Hawes, Sergeant, 35. Hawkins, Christopher, 64. Hawkins, Collector, 18. 19. Hawkins, Nathaniel, 20, 42, 63, 64. Hawkins, Samuel, 64. Hawkins, Sarah, 64. Hay, John, 21. Haywood, I., 73, 74. Henchman, Nathaniel H., 90. Henderson,
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Foster, Mrs. Blanche. Gibson, George A. Gibson, Mrs. Ruth. Gill, Mrs. Ellen M. Gill, Miss Eliza M. Gill, Miss Emmna F. Gleason, Charles M. Gleason, Hon. Daniel A. Goodwin, James O. Goodwin, Mrs. Emma W. Goodwin, Dr. R. J. P. Green, Dr. Charles M. Grimes, Mark M. Guild, Gustavus F. Gunn, J. Newton. Hall, George S. Hall, Horace D. Hall, Dr. W. L. Hallowell, Mrs. Anna D. Hallowell, Miss May. Hallowell, N. P. Hallowell, Richard P. Harlow, Miss Catherine E. Haskins, Mrs. M. J. Hatch, Frank E. Hayes, Edward W. Hayes, Miss Martha E. Hedenberg, Dr. James. Hervey, James A. Hillman, Charles H. Hinckley, Miss Ella S. Hodges, Gilbert. Hogan, Mrs. Mary. Hollis, Benjamin P. Hooper, John H. Howard, Daniel N. Johnson, Cleophas B. Jones, Charles N. Jones, Mrs. Frances W. Jones, Miss Amy W. Jones, James E. Joyce, Allston P. Kidder, Fred H. Kidder, Mrs. C. Edith. Kingman, W
istorical Society was held in its rooms, March 21. Reports of officers and committees were presented, and officers for the ensuing year elected. The list will be found elsewhere. Facts and figures showed the Society to be in a flourishing and progressive condition. During the year past the following papers and addresses have been given before the members: April 14.—The Early Physicians of Medford. Dr. Charles M. Green. May 12.—Medford in the First Half of the Present Century. Hon. T. S. Harlow. October 18.—Medford's Interest in the Metropolitan Park System. Mr. Sylvester Baxter, of Malden. November 15.—The Hancock-Clark House, of Lexington. Rev. Carlton A. Staples, of Lexington. December 20.—Maps of Medford at Different Periods. Mr. William Cushing Wait. January 17.—Roads and Bridges of Old Medford. Mr. John H. Hooper. February 21.—Governor Cradock's Plantation. Mr. Walter H. Cushing. To be followed. April 18.—Medford in the War of the Revolution.
Some notes of the history of Medford from 1801 to 1851. read before the Medford Historical Society. by Hon. Thomas S. Harlow. I have been requested to speak of the history of Medford during the first half of the present century. An old writer once said, Happy are the people who have no history. This is only another mode of expressing the quiet happiness of the calm, contented life in which so many of our New England towns moved on, with little to record and little to disturb them. ons, often acting as a wholesome check upon the exuberance of her sister. Let me mention an incident which will give you some idea of Miss Mary's —shall I say character? One morning as I passed her window on my way to school she called to me— Mr. Harlow, are you a sinner? I pleaded guilty, quoting the assembly's catechism as evidence. Well, said she, if you are a sinner, come and take tea with us to-night; a few of our friends will be here to pass the evening, and they will all be saints but
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., The development of the public School of Medford. (search)
. 1819Mch.-April, 1820Peter T. Gray 1819Nov.-Nov. 1820Nathaniel Cogswell 1820Nov.-Feb. 1821William H. Furness1820from Medford 1821Feb.-Oct. 1822George W. Osborne1820from Bostonb. 1779 d. 1876 1821Nov.-July, 1826Luther Angier 1822Jan.-Feb. 1822Calvin Lincoln1820from Hingham 1823Jan.-Feb. 1823George W. Burnap1824from Merrimack 1827Jan.-June, 1827Jacob Gutterson 1827June-May, 1828William B. Duggan 1828May-Sept. 1832Amos P. Baker 1832Oct.-June, 1833Seth Pettee 1833June-May, 1834Thomas S. Harlow 1834May-April, 1835Alexander GreggHigh School established 1835 FromTo 1835May-Aug. 1838Benjamin F. Tweed 1838July-April, 1840James G. Foster 1840May-Nov. 1842Benjamin F. Gilman 1842Nov.-Aug. 1843Thomas Starr King 1843Aug.-Apr. 1846Aaron K. Hathaway High School in third School-house 1835-1844 1835May-Aug. 1835Charles Mason 835Aug.-Mch. 1836Luther Farrar 1836April-Feb. 1841Daniel H. Forbes 1841Mch.-April, 1844Isaac Ames 1844April-Sept. 1844M. T. Gardner The easterly
Membership of the Society. Number previously reported256 Rev. Charles W. Loomis1 — 257 Honorary members. Hon. T. S. Harlow, M. E. Chandler, Charles Cummings3 — 260 Deaths, 4; dropped, 3; withdrawals, 714 —
mber 7, 1876, he married Mary Hall, daughter of Judge Thomas S. and Lucy (Hall) Harlow of Medford. Judge Hayes was both a familiar and well-known figure to us all.ibute to the memory of one of Medford's most distinguished citizens, Mr. Justice Thomas S. Harlow. Judge Harlow was born in Castine, Maine, November 15, 1812, and wasJudge Harlow was born in Castine, Maine, November 15, 1812, and was the son of Bradford and Nancy (Stetson) Harlow. After the usual course of study at the public schools of his native town, he removed to Medford in 1831, and there tHarlow. After the usual course of study at the public schools of his native town, he removed to Medford in 1831, and there taught school three years, in the meantime preparing himself for college. During 1833 he took charge of the grammar school, and in 1834 entered Bowdoin College, gradu permanently in the practice of law, practicing in both Boston and Medford. Judge Harlow married Lucy J., daughter of Ebenezer Hall of Medford, November 7, 1843, andd find. The judge had many and interesting tales of his life in the South. Judge Harlow was a better lawyer than he was credited to be. He was quiet and reserved an
hs in the 5th Massachusetts, leaving three, one a paroled prisoner, as a home guard. The Lawrence Light Guard stipulated that the members should elect their own officers. The selectmen granted their request and they chose Capt. John Hutchins, 1st Lieut. Perry Colman, 2d Lieut. I. F. R. Hosea, all veterans of the first campaign. The day fixed for departure was August 25, 1862, and the ceremonies were similar to those of 1861. The minister of the Unitarian Church offered prayer and Thomas S. Harlow, Esq., made an address. The company went first to Lynnfield and then to Boxford, where the 39th Regiment was organized. The Light Guard became Co. C. The colonel was P. S. Davis. Co. C was what might be called a family company; nearly all were Medford boys. Three families furnished three sons each; several, two sons, and two families, father and son; beside, there were several cousins. All had been friends and acquaintances for years. One of the comrades says, They were a jolly