Browsing named entities in HISTORY OF THE TOWN OF MEDFORD, Middlesex County, Massachusetts, FROM ITS FIRST SETTLEMENT, IN 1630, TO THE PRESENT TIME, 1855. (ed. Charles Brooks). You can also browse the collection for Thomas S. Harlow or search for Thomas S. Harlow in all documents.

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H. Furness1820 Edward B. Hall1820 George B. Osborn1820 John Angier1821 Ward C. Brooks1822 Caleb Stetson1822 Charles Angier1827 Elijah N. Train1827 John James Gilchrist1828 Joseph Angier1829 Charles V. Bemis1835 George Clisby1836 Thomas S. Harlow1836 Thompson Kidder1836 Andrew D. Blanchard1842 Horace D. Train1842 Benjamin L. Swan1844 Hosea Ballou, 2d1844 Timothy Bigelow1845 Sanford B. Perry1845 James A. Hervey1849 Albert F. Sawyer1849 Thomas Meriam Stetson1849 George D. PoSanford B. Perry, Esq., has taken the place of Mr. Bartlett, and has already been elected a member of the Senate of Massachusetts. May it be long before his name can come under the care of the historian. A similar wish we may express for Thomas S. Harlow, Esq., who is a permanent and valuable resident in Medford, but attends to his professional business in Boston. Public characters. Medford has furnished its share of public characters, who have done it honor; and they include a governo