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Browsing named entities in Historic leaves, volume 4, April, 1905 - January, 1906. You can also browse the collection for Thomas S. Harlow or search for Thomas S. Harlow in all documents.
Your search returned 2 results in 2 document sections:
Elmer Hewitt Capen By David L. Maulsby
Elmer Hewitt Capen was born at Stoughton, April 5, 1838.
He died at Tufts College, March 22, 1905.
He received his preparatory education at Pierce Academy, Middleborough, and at the Green Mountain Institute, Woodstock, Vt. He entered Tufts in 1856, and was graduated with the degree of A. B. in 1860.
During the year 1859-60 Mr. Capen served in the Massachusetts legislature.
He studied law with Thomas S. Harlow, of Boston, and at the Harvard Law School, but although admitted to the bar in 1864, he never practiced.
Instead, he studied theology with the Rev. A. St. John Chambre, and in 1864 began to preach.
From 1865 till 1869 he was pastor of the Independent Christian church in Gloucester.
The next year, partly on account of his wife's health, he removed to St. Paul, Minn., to take charge of the Universalist church there.
In 1870 he was called to the First Universalist church in Providence, R. I. Here he remained for five years, mea