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Browsing named entities in Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1.. You can also browse the collection for Thomas S. Harlow or search for Thomas S. Harlow in all documents.
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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 1., chapter 21 (search)
Some notes of the history of Medford from 1801 to 1851.
read before the Medford Historical Society. by Hon. Thomas S. Harlow.
I have been requested to speak of the history of Medford during the first half of the present century.
An old writer once said, Happy are the people who have no history.
This is only another mode of expressing the quiet happiness of the calm, contented life in which so many of our New England towns moved on, with little to record and little to disturb them.
ons, often acting as a wholesome check upon the exuberance of her sister.
Let me mention an incident which will give you some idea of Miss Mary's —shall I say character?
One morning as I passed her window on my way to school she called to me— Mr. Harlow, are you a sinner?
I pleaded guilty, quoting the assembly's catechism as evidence.
Well, said she, if you are a sinner, come and take tea with us to-night; a few of our friends will be here to pass the evening, and they will all be saints but