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Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 2., The development of the public School of Medford. (search)
. 1819Mch.-April, 1820Peter T. Gray 1819Nov.-Nov. 1820Nathaniel Cogswell 1820Nov.-Feb. 1821William H. Furness1820from Medford 1821Feb.-Oct. 1822George W. Osborne1820from Bostonb. 1779 d. 1876 1821Nov.-July, 1826Luther Angier 1822Jan.-Feb. 1822Calvin Lincoln1820from Hingham 1823Jan.-Feb. 1823George W. Burnap1824from Merrimack 1827Jan.-June, 1827Jacob Gutterson 1827June-May, 1828William B. Duggan 1828May-Sept. 1832Amos P. Baker 1832Oct.-June, 1833Seth Pettee 1833June-May, 1834Thomas S. Harlow 1834May-April, 1835Alexander GreggHigh School established 1835 FromTo 1835May-Aug. 1838Benjamin F. Tweed 1838July-April, 1840James G. Foster 1840May-Nov. 1842Benjamin F. Gilman 1842Nov.-Aug. 1843Thomas Starr King 1843Aug.-Apr. 1846Aaron K. Hathaway High School in third School-house 1835-1844 1835May-Aug. 1835Charles Mason 835Aug.-Mch. 1836Luther Farrar 1836April-Feb. 1841Daniel H. Forbes 1841Mch.-April, 1844Isaac Ames 1844April-Sept. 1844M. T. Gardner The easterly
Membership of the Society. Number previously reported256 Rev. Charles W. Loomis1 — 257 Honorary members. Hon. T. S. Harlow, M. E. Chandler, Charles Cummings3 — 260 Deaths, 4; dropped, 3; withdrawals, 714 —