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Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 34 0 Browse Search
Knight's Mechanical Encyclopedia (ed. Knight) 26 0 Browse Search
Cambridge History of American Literature: volume 2 (ed. Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939., Erskine, John, 1879-1951., Sherman, Stuart Pratt, 1881-1926., Van Doren, Carl, 1885-1950.) 18 0 Browse Search
Alfred Roman, The military operations of General Beauregard in the war between the states, 1861 to 1865 17 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 16 0 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 2 12 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Women and Men 10 0 Browse Search
Benson J. Lossing, Pictorial Field Book of the Civil War. Volume 1. 10 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: may 2, 1861., [Electronic resource] 10 2 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: may 17, 1861., [Electronic resource] 10 0 Browse Search
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Eliza Frances Andrews, The war-time journal of a Georgia girl, 1864-1865, chapter 8 (search)
tunates! history will yet do you justice. Your monuments are raised in the hearts of a people whose love is stronger than fate, and they will see that your memory does not perish. Let the enemy triumph; they will only disgrace themselves in the eyes of all decent people. They are so blind that they boast of their own shame. They make pictures of the ruin of our cities and exult in their work. They picture the destitution of Southern homes and gloat over the desolation they have made. Harper's goes so far as to publish a picture of Kilpatrick's foragers in South-West Georgia, displaying the plate and jewels they have stolen from our homes! Out of their own mouths they are condemned, and they are so base they do not even know that they are publishing their own shame. Aug. 22, Tuesday Charity and Mammy both sick, and Emily preparing to leave. I don't think the poor darkey wants to go, but mother never liked to have her about the house, and father can't afford to keep such
el Hanson, commanding. Hanson's, Thompson's, Trabue's, Hunt's, and Lewis's Kentucky Regiments. Second Brigade.-Colonel Baldwin, commanding. Fourteenth Mississippi Regiment, Colonel Baldwin. Twenty-sixth Tennessee Regiment, Colonel Lillard. Third Brigade.-Colonel J. C. Brown, commanding. Third Tennessee Regiment, Colonel Brown. Twenty-third Tennessee Regiment, Colonel Martin. Eighteenth Tennessee Regiment, Colonel Palmer. reserve. Texas Regiment of Cavalry, Colonel B. F. Terry. Artillery-Harper's and Spencer's batteries. Infantry-Tennessee Regiment, Colonel Stanton. By command of General Johnston: W. W. Mackall, Assistant Adjutant-General. General Johnston assumed the chief command at Bowling Green, devolving the active duties of the field upon his two division-commanders. Buckner has already been spoken of. But, though Hardee has been mentioned more than once, his relations to General Johnston entitle him — to fuller notice. William Joseph Hardee was of a good Georgia
mornings! The whole aspect of the country from Leesburgh to the river, north and east, and far in Maryland, was unbroken rolling land, but to the north stood a cluster of three isolated hills, the tallest and most conspicuous of which was called the Sugar Loaf. The Federals occupied the last-mentioned eminence on our approach, and from it they obtained a full view of all that transpired on our side of the river, with the advantage of being but fifteen miles distant from their forces at Harper's.Ferry, and the same from Poolesville, where General Stone commanded a large force. Their pickets lined the whole river from the Ferry to Washington, so that it was impossible for troops to approach the Potomac without being discovered, when the fact was instantly telegraphed from post to post to McClellan, who was now chief in command. To deceive the enemy, however, Evans had divided his force into small parties, with an over-allowance of tents; and as white canvas-covered wagons were co
e merit, while any dependents remain unprovided for. McClellan has attained his present flattering position by falsehood, and will seek to maintain it in the same manner. Falsehood is their settled plan of action. You remember the column of lies that appeared after Manassas, Leesburgh, etc. They have the most fertile imaginations of any race on the globe, and could battles be fought on paper, and with woodcuts, instead of powder and sabre-cuts, the Herald, Times, Tribune, together with Harper's and Leslie's illustrated papers, would settle the business in gallant style. Their illustrations are certainly the most extraordinary productions of the age; it suits the multitude, pays well, no doubt, and that is all any of them care for — they would squeeze a dollar until the eagle howled. I think the prisoners we took, said the major, could give a version of Seven Pines rather different from that published by McClellan. When Stone failed, and Baker fell at Leesburgh, McCle
expected to make from the rear of the Maryland Heights. It was known that nearly every gun on those heights pointed up the Shenandoah Valley, and little harm was expected from them when taken in reverse. On Friday, simultaneously with Jackson's appearance before Bolivar, west of the Potomac, a large infantry force of ours made its appearance at Solomon's Gap, and was three miles away eastward on the Heights, gradually approaching the highest point of the mountain-chain, which overlooks Harper's; Ferry at the river. A close inspection of the ground satisfied us that our attack in that direction would be up-hill work; the top of the heights having been cleared of superfluous timber, it was seen that the enemy had erected barricades of wood, from behind which light artillery could play upon our advance. The position was truly formidable, and, if provisioned and garrisoned properly, was capable of holding out for any length of time. Towards sunset, our men had gradually worked
ntil they got wounds of this kind, there would be precious few soldiers married. Bullet wounds are common enough; but the hand-to-hand encounters, knightly contests of swords, the cleaving of headpieces and shattering of spears, are not incidents of modern warfare. The long rain has completely saturated the ground. The floor of my tent is muddy; but my bed will be dry, and as I have not had my clothes off for three days, I look forward to a comfortable night's rest. The picture in Harper, of Christmas eve, will bring tears to the eyes of many a poor fellow shivering over the camp-fire in this winter season. The children in the crib, the stockings in which Santa Claus deposits his treasures, recall the pleasantest night of the year. Speaking of Christmas reminds me of the mistletoe bough. Mistletoe abounds here. Old, leafless trees are covered and green with it. It was in blossom a week or two ago, if we may call its white wax-like berries blossoms. They are known as
e back the eight or nine thousand. That result followed on the 9th of September, when, Sheridan having superseded Hunter, the attack was made at the Opequon. And yet nothing is better established than the fact that up to the moment when he put his cavalry in motion against the Confederate left, General Sheridan had been virtually defeated. Every assault of his great force of infantry had been repulsed; and nowhere does this more clearly appear than in an account of the action published in Harper's Magazine, by a field officer, apparently of one of the Federal regiments. That account is fair, lucid, and records the precise truth, namely, that every advance of the Federal infantry was met and repulsed. Not until the ten thousand cavalry of General Sheridan advanced on the Martinsburg road, attained the Confederate rear, and charged them in flank and rear, was there the least wavering. It is true that from that moment the action was lost. Early's line gave way in confusion; his art
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., From the Rapidan to Frying-Pan in October, 1863. (search)
ned to the remarks of Stuart and his staff, until he thought he could get away. The quick eye of General Stuart, however, penetrated his disguise, and he was a prisoner. It was now night, and operations were over for the day. The retreat had been admirably managed. General Meade had carried off everything. We did not capture a wagon wheel. All was beyond Bull Run. The present writer here records his own capture, viz. one oilcloth, one feed of oats, found in the road, and one copy of Harper's Magazine, full of charming pictures of rebels, running, or being annihilated, in every portion of the country. On the next morning, Stuart left Fitz Lee in front of Bull Run, to oppose any advance of the Federal cavalry there, and, taking Hampton's division, set out through a torrent of rain to make a flank movement against General Meade's right beyond the Little River Turnpike. He had intended to cross at Sudley Ford, but coming upon the Federal cavalry near Groveton, a fight ensued, a
north of Martinsburg, and camped near the little village of Hainesville-Stuart continuing in front watching the enemy on the river. This was the state of things, when suddenly one morning we were aroused by the intelligence that Patterson had crossed his army; and Jackson immediately got his brigade under arms, intending to advance and attack him. He determined, however, to move forward first, with one regiment and a single gunand this he did, the regiment being the Fifth Virginia, Colonel Harper, with one piece from Pendleton's battery. I will not stop here to describe the short and gallant fight near Falling Water, in which Jackson met the enemy with the same obstinacy which afterwards gave him his name of Stonewall. Their great force, however, rendered it impossible for him to hold his ground with one regiment of less than four hundred men, and finding that he was being outflanked, he gave the order for his line to fall back, which was done in perfect order. It was at th
John Esten Cooke, Wearing of the Gray: Being Personal Portraits, Scenes, and Adventures of War., Roslyn and the White house: before and after. (search)
k floors, had not been removed. Here were the general headquarters of disease; the camp of the sick, the dying, and the dead. The arrangements were admirable. The alleys between the tents were wide; the beds of the best quality, with ornamental coverlids, brought probably by friends; and everywhere lay about, in admired disorder, books, pamphlets, magazines, journals, with which the sick had doubtless wiled away the tedious hours. Many Bibles and Testaments were lying on the ground; and Harper's Monthly and Weekly were seen in great numbers, their open pages exhibiting terriffic engravings of the destruction of rebels, and the triumph of their faction. Here were newspapers fixing exactly the date of General McClellan's entrance into Richmond; with leading editorials so horrible in their threatenings, that the writers must have composed them in the most comfortable sanctums, far away from the brutal and disturbing clash of arms. For the rest, there was a chaos of vials, medicines