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The Daily Dispatch: April 5, 1862., [Electronic resource], Death of Confederate prisoners at St. Louis. (search)
Logan, company G, 42d Tenn.; B. F. Gray, company D, 15th Ark.; Samuel Brown, company D, 48th Tenn., Albert Kinard, company A, 48th Tenn. J. M. Burney, company K, 30th Tenn, Clarey, company Tenn. March 4.--John Hicks, company 7th Texas, J T Fuller, company C, 42d Tennessee; L R. D. Bigble, 80th Tennessee, Geo. W Doneal, 48th Tennessee; Wm Branden, company G, 42d Tennessee, Green Stacy, Combs's battery, Tennessee, N. P Shutz, company B, 4th Mississippi, Robert Rose, 11th Arkansas. Wm S Harris, company C, 4th Mississippi. Henry Dempsey company D, 10th Tennessee. March 5.--J M Girard, company C, 4th Mississippi, W. H. Roney, company K, 30th Tennessee, J B Ford, company A, 21st Alabama, J H Sturdivant, company A, 4th Mississippi. March 6.--Uriah Contey, company H, 27th Alabama, Lieut John M Cook, company K, 32d Tennessee, G W L Barnes, company G. 4th Mississippi, T Mosely, company C, 30th Tennessee. Wm. Fancell, company A, 47th Tennessee. From Blukley, company E. 80th Te
on. Wounded — Lieut G A Neal, thigh, and left on the held; Sergt D H Lawson hand; Serg't A. P Henderson, arm, left on the field; Slorp Wm F Francisco, leg; J H Davidson, foot; G F Lawson, abdomen; H F Neal, both thighs and left on field; J H Harris, hand; W M Wolfe, thigh; J W Lanson, face Missing — T B Richardson Will Berry Co. E, commanded by Capt T S. Gibson 41 men in action Killed Lieut J C Willis, John R Kirk James Jones Wounded Capt Gibson, J W Orr, slightly M Co H commanded by Capt R E Grant--55 men in action. Killed — Cor Jos. Rhea Wounded — A N Corcut, shoulder, knee, hand and foot; Sam Buchanan, both legs; Ar Ried, body; T J Roe, head; Isaac Thomas, abdomen Missing — W A Hand, W J Harris. Co. I, commanded by Captain R E Cowan--37 men in action. Killed — W A Kilgore, M Miller, Ellas Ray Wounded--Captain Cowan, body, severely;* Lieutenant C H Preston, slightly; Thomas Short, head; James Short, do; Charles Short,
l particulars of the great battle at Shiloh.--The correspondent of the Savannah Republican telegraphs on the day of the fight that "the battle field is a wooded, broken country, presenting opportunities for a great variety of manœuvres and independent operations by comparatively small bodies of men." Among the prisoners taken by the Texan Rangers in Major Crockett, of Ohio. Another dispatch says that Col. Bate, of Tennessee, was killed. The Atlanta Confederacy apprehends that Governor Harris was in the fight, and received a mortal wound; but hopes the rumor is unfounded. The church bells of Knoxville, Tenn., were rung on Monday last in honor of the glorious victory at Shiloh. Captured. Commander Haunter, of the Confederate gunboat Guines, captured on the 2d instant, off Mobile, the Yankee schooner Isabel, from Key West, for Ship Island, commanded by Master's Mare Post, U. S. N. Mr. Fost missed his recoining, and entered Mobile Bay instead of the Sound near Ship
wounded. Capts. Walker and Wille both wounded — the latter since dead.--Lieut. Gregg, of Jonesboro', and Lieut. hea, of Blountville, both wounded. Knoxville boys all safe." It appears from a statement in the Memphis Avalanche that Governor Harris, of Tennessee, was in the battle. That paper says: This is a spirit worthy of the ancient and best days of our Commonwealth. Let those who a short while since were so ready to censure Gov. Harris go and do likewise. We wonder where Gov. Harris go and do likewise. We wonder where the Military Governor, Andy Johnson, was when the trenchant steel shimmered 'neath the April sun, and the death shot hurled in battle on the banks of the broad Tennessee? Was he near the front of danger then as the Governor of our choice? The Atlanta Confederacy gathers the following items about the battle of Monday from a gentleman just arrived from Chattanooga: Buell's army numbered some 64,000 men, and ours 35,000. We took between 6,000 and 7,000 prisoners and all the batteri
ard to the death of Gen. Johnston, the Atlanta Commonwealth says: The death wound of Gen. Johnston was inflicted on the calf of his right leg, and was considered by him as only a flesh wound. Soon after receiving it he gave an order to Governor Harris, who was acting as a volunteer aid to him, who, on his return to General Johnston, different part of the field, found him exhausted from loss of blood, and reelingin his saddle. Hiding up to him, Governor Harris asked, "Are you hurt? " tGovernor Harris asked, "Are you hurt? " to which the now dying hero answered: "Yes, and I fear mortally," and then, stretching out both arms towards his companion, fell from his horse, and soon after expired. Fort Pulaski. We publish in another column an original account of the first day's siege of Fort Pulaski. With regard to our force in the fort previous to its surrender, the Savannah Republican, of Friday, says: The fort is commanded by Chas. M. Clinstead, of this city, Colonel of the 1st volunteer regiment of Sa
y torn by a shell. He tell and died soon afterwards, but not until the enemy had again given way all along the lines. He died in the arms of Col. Wm. Preston, of Kentucky, his aid and brother-in-law, and former U. S. Minister to Spain, while Gov. Harris, of Tennessee, another aid, supported his head. Thus a brave soldier and skillful officer has gone down before the red tide of battle. He fell in the very arms of victory, with our flag upraised and advancing under the mighty impetus givdney Johnston was struck no less than three times, while in the act of leading a charge upon the enemy's camp, twice in the body and once in the leg. The latter severed the femoral artery, and soon after he fell from his horse into the arms of Gov. Harris, of Tennessee, who was acting as his aid, and died upon the spot. His only words were: "My wound is mortal." His life oozed away as gently as that of an infant, and without a struggle the great General rested in his last sleep, undisturbed by