Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 16, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for John Harris or search for John Harris in all documents.

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Fighting Governors of the Confederacy. --Governor Harris, of Tennessee, is with the Army of Tennessee; Governor Smith, of Virginia, commanded a brigade and was several times wounded in the first three years of the war; Governor Vance, of North Carolina, and Governor Watts, of Alabama, have each served a campaign, and, we presume, "smelt gunpowder," Governor Clark, of Mississippi, and Governor Allen, of Louisiana, both "smelt powder" and were desperately wounded in the battle of Baton Rouge, not to mention the other actions in which they have been engaged.
The Daily Dispatch: September 16, 1864., [Electronic resource], The inside History of the Chicago Convention. (search)
t they did. It does not satisfy the extreme men, yet they finally acquiesced in it, although Mr. Long, of Ohio, Jones and Harris, of Maryland, denounced the idea of placing McClellan upon it to interpret it. They endeavored to make a point against Mc make speeches denouncing "Little Mac;" but they were soon silenced and choked off by the masses assembled. Thus foiled, Harris of Maryland, and Long, of Ohio, were then got hold of and were prevailed upon to denounce McClellan in the Convention. Tan men wanted. They were delighted with the idea of the rabid peace clement denouncing him, and considered the action of Harris, Jones and Long one of the best cards they could have before the people. The charges of Harris were met by General MHarris were met by General Morgan, of Ohio, the gallant officer of Cumberland Gap fame, but the ultra peace men were only the more enraged. Their game was to defeat McClellan's nomination at all hazards; but the result showed that they had undertaken a task which they, with th
Mayor's Court, yesterday. --John Harris, white, Thomas White, and William Vaughan, free negroes, were called to undergo a continued examination on the charge of stealing a horse, valued at one thousand dollars, from Colonel Joseph Maye, of Buckingham county. Dr. John Maye, of Buckingham, testified that the horse belonging to his brother, Colonel Maye, was turned loose with his own horses in his private pasture; that he was stolen therefrom by Harris, and afterwards traced to Richmond, where he was sold to a Mr. Bass for eight hundred and fifty dollars. [The other testimony has already been published.] The two negroes and Harris were sent on for examinHarris were sent on for examination before the Hustings Court. Horace Hovan, a youth, was charged with stealing one hundred and fifteen dollars from Mrs. Patrick Sweeney. The charge was fully made out against the accused, but as in many other cases of a similar character, the extreme youth of the offender induced the Mayer to release him with an admoniti