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The Daily Dispatch: October 20, 1862., [Electronic resource] 4 0 Browse Search
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ches were received here from Nashville to-day. The rebels were in large force near that city on the 14th. They sent a flag of truce demanding the surrender of the town. Gen. Negley declined. The Federal force was ample for the defence. Gov. Harris, Maj. Gen. J. R. Anderson and Brig. Gen. Forrest are in command of the rebels. The guerrillas after the Ohio Steamboats. The Confederate guerrillas are destroying a number of boats on the Ohio river. The N. Y. Herald says: A pa company of Charlestown, Massachusetts, has voted to assume the war tax without extra charge to the consumers. Lieut. E. S. Roberts, of Company H, 2d Miss; John Wilson, 1st Va; George Munroe, 8th Va.; and James A. Daley, Richard Drake, Willoughby Harris, and J. W., Brown, conscripts, were released from the Old Capitol, at Washington, on the 14th instant, on taking the oath of allegiance. Secretary Stanton has telegraphed Gen. Nettle to send no more contraband into Illinois until furth