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George Meade, The Life and Letters of George Gordon Meade, Major-General United States Army (ed. George Gordon Meade), chapter 6 (search)
ard for Franklin, and I feel sorry for him. I had a visit yesterday from a Mrs. Harris, a lady belonging to the Sanitary and Christian Commissions, who has been c hotel, dined, and spent the evening with Mr. Odell, member of Congress, and Judge Harris. The next day, Saturday, I was with General Halleck till 3 P. M., when I weour. I also ought to have stated that the evening before, after leaving Judge Harris, I was persuaded by Mr. Harding and Cortlandt Parker to go to Speaker Colfax's vening. From the Department I went to the Capitol, where I saw Mr. Cowan and Judge Harris. They both said they would see that the same number of copies of the proceeel Bliss. But few persons understand the allusion in the last sentence. Senator Harris told me that, after I was confirmed, he received a letter from Burnside, saying he was glad of it, and that I deserved it. I told Senator Harris I had no personal feeling against Burnside, and no desire to injure him. Deserters still cont
56-358, 360, 379, 390, 391, 401, 409, 410, 415-419, 422. Hardie, J. A., II, 1, 2. Harding, Geo., I, 336; II, 165, 167, 171, 176, 178, 183, 184, 187, 208, 220, 253, 266. Harding, Mrs. Geo., II, 266. Hare, George Harrison, I, 69. Harris, Judge, II, 166, 167, 265, 266. Harris, Mrs., II, 144. Harrises, II, 165. Harrow, Wm., II, 87, 89. Hart, Patrick, II, 80. Hartranft, John F., I, 267. Hartsuff, G. L., I, 355; II, 164. Haupt, Herman, I, 12. Hawley, Parson, II,Harris, Mrs., II, 144. Harrises, II, 165. Harrow, Wm., II, 87, 89. Hart, Patrick, II, 80. Hartranft, John F., I, 267. Hartsuff, G. L., I, 355; II, 164. Haupt, Herman, I, 12. Hawley, Parson, II, 152. Hays, Alexander, II, 65, 87, 100, 105, 109, 140. Hays, Harry T., II, 50, 51, 92, 93. Hays, Wm., II, 363. Hazlett, Charles E., II, 84, 331, 339. Heckman, Lewis, II, 52. Heintzelman, Samuel P., I, 250, 253, 278, 279, 284, 365. Hemper, Gen., II, 129. Henderson, Governor, I, 105. Henry, Dr., I, 363. Henry, Major, II, 276. Henry, Professor, I, 217. Henry, Wm. S., I, 168. Herberts, I, 9. Herrera, Gen., I, 34. Heth, Henry, II, 24, 26, 32, 47-50, 52, 69