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The Daily Dispatch: January 2, 1862., [Electronic resource] 6 0 Browse Search
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Affray in Batesville, Miss. --An affray occurred in Batesville, Miss., on the night of the 24th inst., between J. T. Westbrook and Stirling Harris, of which the following are the particulars: Considerable cotton is stored about Batesville, and Westbrook, who, it seems, was burning fire-crackers and rockets, was asked to desist. One of the men making this request was Harris, between whom and Westbrook some old grudge existed. A quarrel ensued, resulting in a fight, in which Westbrook stabbed his antagonist in the head with a knife, inflicting a mortal wound. Mr. W. T. Merriman interfered to separate the parties during the affray, but only succeeded in getting a cut in the face from Westbrook's knife. As soon as Harris fell Westbrook fled, and although large parties were scouring the country in search of him, he has not been arrested. Westbrook is well known in Mississippi as the proprietor of "Westbrook's cotton gin," which received the premium at the last State Fair