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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing) 13 1 Browse Search
Francis Jackson Garrison, William Lloyd Garrison, 1805-1879; the story of his life told by his children: volume 4 4 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Carlyle's laugh and other surprises 4 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, John Greenleaf Whittier 2 0 Browse Search
Matthew Arnold, Civilization in the United States: First and Last Impressions of America. 1 1 Browse Search
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Browsing named entities in Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing). You can also browse the collection for Frederic Harrison or search for Frederic Harrison in all documents.

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Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pauperism in the United States. (search)
that only one in 713 persons, in thirty-two cities where there are charity organization societies which reported, contributed to their funds. These cities represented a population of about 7,250,000, and the number of contributors was only a little over 10,000. When we put this in contrast with the church-membership of the country, which comprises something like one-third of the population, or, if we count only adult members, one-fourth, we are reminded of the conclusion reached by Mr. Frederic Harrison and others that for social regeneration Christianity is a failure. Of course many cannot contribute money, but there is equal complaint of a lack of persons who are willing to contribute their time and sympathy as friendly visitors. Those who have read Tolstoi's book, What to do, will find there described the experience of every sincere friend of humanity who has attempted to secure genuine co-operation among the fortunate classes to help elevate the less fortunate classes out of t
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Pensions. (search)
an increase of $1,207,402. In the preceding thirty years the survivors of the War of 1812 and their widows received $44,841,640; Mexican War, $30,201,187; and Indian wars, $5,402,054. The total disbursements for pensions from July 1, 1790, to June 30, 1901, aggregated $2,763,350,033. The statement gives the following amounts of money paid pensioners under different administrations: President Grant's first term$116,136,275 Average per year29,034,064 President Grant's second term114,395,357 Average per year28,598,839 President Hayes's administration145,322,489 Average per year38,330,622 President Garfield's administration237,825,070 Average per year59,456,263 President Cleveland's first term305,636,662 Average per year76,409,165 President Harrison's administration519,707,726 Average per year129,926,931 President Cleveland's second term557,950,407 Average per year139,487,602 President McKinley's first term560,000,547 Average per year140,000,137 people's party
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Perry, Oliver Hazard 1785-1819 (search)
British squadron (see Erie, Lake, battle of). When Perry had fought the battle and his eye saw at a glance that victory was secure, he wrote in pencil on the back of an old letter, resting the paper on his navy cap, the following despatch to General Harrison, the first clause of which has often been quoted: We have met the enemy and they are ours: two ships, two brigs, one schooner, and one sloop. Yours, with great respect and esteem, O. H. Perry. Many songs were written and sung in merry, He chanced to take the belly-ache, We drenched him so with Perry. At the time of his great victory Perry was only master-commander, but was immediately promoted to captain, and received the thanks of Congress and a medal. He assisted Harrison in retaking Detroit late in 1813. In 1815 he commanded the Java in Decatur's squadron in the Mediterranean, and in 1819 was sent against the pirates in the West Indies. He died in Port Spain, Trinidad, Aug. 23, 1819. The name and fame of Perr
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Political parties in the United States. (search)
s bureau; Chinese immigration; strong government; opposes in general the policy of the other party in power. Whig party, 1834-54 Formed from a union of the National Republicans and disrupted Democratic-Republicans. Elected two Presidents: Harrison and Taylor. Favored non-extension of slavery; slavery agitation—i. e., right of petition and free circulation of anti-slavery documents; a United States bank; protective tariff; vigorous internal improvements; compromise of 1850. Opposed the Sders of this party, Webster and Clay. Republican, 1854.—Formed from other parties, principally from the Whig party, on the issues of the slavery question. Has elected six Presidents: Lincoln, two terms; Grant, two terms; Hayes, Garfield, and Harrison, one term; McKinley, two terms. Favored the suppression of slavery; suppression of the rebellion; all constitutional means to accomplish it, financial and otherwise; emancipation of slaves; prohibition of slavery throughout the United States; f
Harper's Encyclopedia of United States History (ed. Benson Lossing), Posey, Thomas 1750- (search)
rginia, and assisted in the defeat of Dunmore at Gwyn's Island. He joined Washington, in New Jersey, early in 1777; was transferred to Morgan's rifle regiment, and with it did valuable service on Bemis's Heights and at Saratoga. He commanded the regiment in the spring of 1778, and was finally placed in command of a battalion of Febiger's regiment, under Wayne, participating in the capture of Stony Point in July, 1779, where he was one of the first to enter the works. Colonel Posey was at the surrender of Yorktown, and was afterwards with Wayne until the evacuation of Savannah, in 1782. In February, 1793, he was made brigadier-general; settled in Kentucky; became State Senator and lieutenant-governor; was major-general of Kentucky levies in 1809; and United States Senator in 1812-13. He succeeded Harrison as governor of Indiana Territory in March, 1813; and in 1816 was made agent for Indian affairs, which post he held at the time of his death, in Shawneetown, Ill., March 19, 1818.