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Rebellion Record: a Diary of American Events: Documents and Narratives, Volume 10. (ed. Frank Moore) 38 0 Browse Search
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans) 6 2 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 15. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 4 0 Browse Search
The Daily Dispatch: March 7, 1865., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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men could have done better than Generals Lane and McGowan and Colonel Brockenbrough. The light division, (A. P. Hill's,) although unfortunately deprived of the presence of their gallant commander, showed on this day that the spirit with which he had inspired them by success, on so many battle-fields, was still present; and each and all did their duty. A list of killed and wounded has been furnished. I cannot close this report without adding, that my personal staff, Captains Finney and Harrison, Lieutenants Selden and Heth, and acting engineer officer, W. O. Slade, deserve my thanks for their gallantry and coolness on all occasions during the battle. For acts of individual gallantry, I respectfully refer you to the reports of brigade and regimental commanders. I have the honor to be, very respectfully, Your obedient servant, H. Heth, Brigadier-General. Report of Brigadier-General Rodes. headquarters D. H. Hill's division, May 25, 1863. Major A. S. Pendleton:
ore than a picket demonstration. Jaded, worn, and thirsty, the men laid down to pass a cheerless, comfortless night on the battlefield. It affords me much pleasure here to record a Samaritan deed rendered to my division during the night by Colonel Harrison, of the Thirty-ninth Indiana, and a part of his mounted regiment. The men were very thirsty, but the distance to water was so great that but a few could hope to get permission to go for it. During the night Colonel Harrison brought us some Colonel Harrison brought us some four hundred canteens of good water. They were distributed among my men as equitably as possible, and proved the cooling drop to the thirsty soldiers. Estep's battery was refitted during the night, and was ready for service the next morning. Between midnight and daylight of the morning of the twentieth I received an order to move my command to a position on the slope of Missionary Ridge, to be held there as a part of the reserve of the army in the coming conflict of the morning. The moveme
the battle, with the available force (which near exceeded two thousand men) not on other duty, such as guarding the flanks, we fought the enemy vigorously and successfully, killing and wounding large numbers, and capturing two thousand prisoners, one hundred wagons and teams, a large amount of other property, and eighteen stand of colors, all of which were turned over to the proper authorities. To Generals Wharton and Martin, commanding divisions, and Colonels Wheeler, Morgan, Crews and Harrison, commanding brigades, I tender my thanks for their zeal, energy, and gallantry during the engagement. To General Davidson and Colonel Hodge, who commanded the troops which joined me on the expedition across the Tennessee River, I tender my thanks for their good conduct, and that of their troops during their advance upon McMinnville, and to General Martin and Colonel Avery for their gallant assistance in the capture and destruction of the wagon train, and to General Martin and his command p
rty killed, and two thousand two hundred and thirty-four wounded. The nation is again called upon to mourn the loss of gallant spirits who fell upon the sanguinary field. First of these, Brigadier-General J. W. Sill, commanding First brigade, Third division. He was noble, conscientious in the discharge of every duty, brave to a fault. He had no ambition save to serve his country. He died a Christian soldier, and in the act of repulsing the enemy. Such names as Roberts, Shaeffer, Harrison, Stem, Williams, Reed, Houssam, Drake, Wooster, and McKee, all field officers, and many other commissioned officers, of the right wing, who fell vindicating their flag, will never be forgotten by a grateful country. All of which is respectfully submitted, A. Mcd. Mccook, Major-General United States Volunteers. Major-General Thomas' report. headquarters centre Fourteenth army corps, Department of the Cumberland, Murfreesboro, January 15, 1868. Major C. Goddard, Adjutant-General
made it pretty certain that a crossing was about to be attempted. At the same time, the pontoon bridge of the enemy was moored at Chattanooga, as if to cross over troops at that point. All the crossings were closely watched, and the troops held in readiness for any movement. On the eighth, the river was cleared of all rebel troops above Chickamauga, and I directed Minty to cross over at the mouth of Sale Creek, reconnoitring the country well in his front, and move cautiously down to Harrison, always controlling one of the fords neat him, so as to cross back if it should be found necessary. Before the order could be obeyed, a heavy cavalry force confronted him on the opposite side of the river, and the crossing was not attempted. On that night, however, they all retired from above Frior's Island, and at eleven A. M., on the ninth, from their works opposite that island. The city of Chattanooga was also evacuated the same morning, and the troops of General Wagner crossed ov
only casualty of any importance. One gunner, private Harrison, Company G, lost a finger by some inadvertencet or relieve Brigadier-General Taliaferro, and Colonel Harrison's Thirty-second regiment of Georgians proceedeand prisoners. Brigadier-General Hagood, with Colonel Harrison's regiment, assisted in the final repulse. oft South Carolina volunteers; Colonels Olmstead and Harrison, of the Georgia volunteers; Lieutenant-Colonel P. el of a carronade, which was soon replaced. Colonel Harrison, of the Fifty-fourth Georgia regiment, relieveof the navy. So soon as it had been finished, Colonel Harrison opened fire upon the enemy's working parties nhe Twentieth South Carolina regiment, relieved Colonel Harrison in command of the troops on Morris Island. Th Brigadier-General Hagood and Colonels Keitt and Harrison, who have commanded the advanced posts on Morris Iier-General R. S. Ripley, Fort Sumter: What has Harrison's regiment effected? Troops thrown on Morris Isla
mmand, numbering about eighteen hundred men, across Hiwassee River, at and above Rencannon's Ferry, by ten o'clock on the night of the nineteenth instant. I immediately took up the line of march for the rear of Philadelphia, the distance to the point where I expected to strike the Philadel-phia and London road being fifty miles. The weather was very disagreeable, and the roads were in. very bad condition, rendered worse every hour by the incessant showers that had been falling since I left Harrison. Men and officers bore up astonishingly under the circumstances, having, in crossing the river and making the march, lost two nights' sleep in succession. On arriving near Philadelphia, I communicated with Colonel Dibrell, suggesting that he had better move up and make a demonstration in the front, so that I could without interruption and undiscovered, make the enemy's rear; and reaching Pond Creek, a point to the left of and opposite Philadelphia, I intercepted and captured a foraging tr
refer to, as I suppose a full report of all the circumstances will be made up by the officer in command of that detachment, who succeeded the late unfortunate Major Harrison. It seems, that on arriving near Coosawhatchie, the enemy divided into two detachments, one of which ambuscaded thet rain as above referred to, and the otherafter this train passed Grahamville another train arrived from Savannah with the Thirty-second and--------Georgia regiments, under the command of the gallant Colonel Harrison. Unfortunately, they arrived at Coosawhatchie after the enemy had retired, and thus were denied the pleasure which they seemed earnestly to desire, of havined RiflesWounded severely. Sanders GloverPrivateRutledge Mounted RiflesWounded slightly. T. G. BucknerLieutenantCo. K, 3d S. C. V. CavalryWounded severely. J. J. HarrisonMajorCo. K, 11th S. C. V.Killed. G. W. MonroePrivateCo. C, 11th S. C. V.Wounded slightly. C. RushPrivateCo. B, 11th S. C. V.Crushed by railroad train, dead.
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 2: (search)
erman Flying Artillery, Capts. D. Werner and H. Harms; Company C, Eleventh volunteers, Capt. Josiah Bedon, and detachments from the Eleventh under Capt. D. S. Canaday. Maj. Arthur M. Huger, of the Charleston artillery battalion, was in command of the front batteries, and of the whole fort after Col. John A. Wagener was disabled. The guns in Fort Beauregard were manned by the Beaufort artillery; Company A, Eleventh volunteers, Capt. Stephen Elliott, and Company D, Eleventh volunteers, Capt. J. J. Harrison; Captain Elliott directing the firing. The infantry support at Walker was composed of three companies of the Eleventh and four companies of the Twelfth, and a company of mounted men under Capt. I. H. Screven. The fighting force of Fort Walker then, on the morning of the 7th of November, preparing to cope with the great fleet about to attack, was represented by thirteen guns, manned and supported by 622 men. The infantry support at Fort Beauregard was composed of six companies of the
Brigadier-General Ellison Capers, Confederate Military History, a library of Confederate States Military History: Volume 5, South Carolina (ed. Clement Anselm Evans), Chapter 5: (search)
ut the wire, and tore up two or three rails. A train carrying a portion of the Eleventh regiment and one company of Abney's battalion, under the command of Maj. J. J. Harrison, unhappily ran up just in time to receive a volley from the party on the railroad, by which the engineer was killed and Major Harrison lost his life. LieMajor Harrison lost his life. Lieutenant-Colonel Johnson, with his cavalry, arriving at this juncture, the Federal force retreated and joined the force retiring from the bridge. The destruction of several bridges over marshes and creeks, which are numerous in the tidewater section, so impeded Colonel Johnson that he dismounted his men, and thus moved three compahree of its monitors, had saved Wilmington from the threatened attack. About January 1, 1863, the division under Gist was returned to General Beauregard, except Harrison's Georgia regiment, Nelson's battalion, the Twenty-fourth South Carolina, and the three batteries, Preston's, Waities' and Culpeper's. These, with Clingman's bri
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