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advancing its interests and making it more useful to the community. While living in Stoneham he became a member of the local Post of the Grand Army. In the summer of 1876 he was appointed to the Medford High School, and from that time his life was lived peacefully but forcefully in our midst, and grew to be such a part of us that it seemed as if he had always belonged to us. The vacation of 1880 was spent in a walking tour through England and Scotland in company with his friend, Mr. George S. Hatch of Medford. He labored to the very end in the interests of this community, and to him in the full vigor of life, with unabated mental power, death came suddenly on January 27, 1903. Arising in the morning to prepare for his daily school work, he seemed in usual health, but before he had made himself ready for breakfast, he complained of vertigo and was persuaded to lie down for a short time. The usual symptoms of apoplexy appeared, and before long he became unconscious, and at 5.
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 20., What the women of Medford are doing in the present War crisis. (search)
. Charles Holyoke president and an active board of directors. Mrs. Willard Dalrymple had charge of a very successful concert given at the Medford theatre through the courtesy of Manager Hackett. Thirteen hundred tickets were sold and a goodly sum realized for relief work. Mrs. B. F. Haines and her efficient committee were much appreciated in social service work. The Surgical Dressings Committee is composed of Mrs. George L. Bachelder, chairman. Mrs. William B. Lawrence. Mrs. George S. Hatch. Miss Fannie B. Chandler, secretary. Miss Ruth Carroll, treasurer. Since starting its work in November, 1915, it has prepared 84,130 dressings, which were sent to the Peter Bent Brigham hospital for sterilization and then carefully packed and sent abroad to be used by all the allied nations. During the summer of 1916 the committee made 2,731 Red Cross dressings, which were stored in Boston for future use. These have since been forwarded for use among our wounded at the front. L
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 24., Medford Historical Society. (search)
ie E. Durgin. John A. C. Emerson. Will C. Eddy. Wilton B. Fay. Wilson Fiske. George O. Foster. Blanche Foster. Viola D. Fuller. George S. T. Fuller. Ella J. Fuller. Frederick W. Fosdick. Eliza M. Gill. Adeline B. Gill. Frank S. Gilkey. Sidney Gleason. Hall Gleason. J. H. Googins, Mrs. T. P. Gooding, Mrs. Charles M. Green, Dr. J. N. Gunn. Charlotte B. Hallowell. Velma L. Hamlin. Catherine E. Harlow. Life Member. David R. Harvey. Samuel C. L. Haskell. George S. Hatch. Charles M. Hayden. Martha E. Hayes. John H. Hooper. E. V. Hooper. Elizabeth W. Howe. D. Webster Johnson. Philip A. Jerguson. Charles S. Jacobs, Mrs. Frances E. Jackson. George H. Lane. Carolyn R. Lawrence. Life Member. Rosewell B. Lawrence. Life Member. William B. Lawrence. Life Member. William Leavens. Emma D. Leavens. Agnes W. Lincoln. Life Member. Charles H. Loomis. Lewis H. Lovering. Life Member. Frank W. Lovering. Clara C. Lovering. Moses
Medford Historical Society Papers, Volume 29., Medford Historical Society. (search)
Wilson Fiske. Hon. Frederick W. Fosdick. George O. Foster. Mrs. Blanche W. Foster. Mrs. Viola D. Fuller. George S. T. Fuller. Mrs. Ella J. Fuller. Edward J. Gaffey. Miss Adeline B. Gill, Waltham. Sidney Gleason. Hall Gleason. Miss Annie Gleason. Mrs. T. P. Gooding. Mrs. J. H. Googins. Dr. Charles M. Green. J. N. Gunn, New York City. George J. Hackett. Miss Charlotte B. Hallowell. Life MemberMiss Catherine E. Harlow. David R. Harvey. Samuel C. L. Haskell. George S. Hatch. Miss Martha E. Hayes. Life MemberMrs. Charles S. Jacobs. Philip A. Jerguson. D. Webster Johnson. J. Stevens Kadesch. George H. Lane. Edward H. Larkin. Life MemberHon. William B. Lawrence. Mrs. Emma D. Leavens. Life MemberHon. Lewis H. Lovering. Frank W. Lovering. Mrs. Clara C. Lovering. Moses W. Mann. Mrs. Elizabeth J. C. Mann. Frank L. Mason. George B. Means. Mrs. Mabel W. Meloon. Joseph C. Miller, Jr. Ernest B. Moore. Mrs. Grace M. Moore. Winthrop