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Emilio, Luis F., History of the Fifty-Fourth Regiment of Massachusetts Volunteer Infantry , 1863-1865 121 1 Browse Search
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain 88 0 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War: Volume 2. 43 5 Browse Search
General James Longstreet, From Manassas to Appomattox 21 1 Browse Search
Southern Historical Society Papers, Volume 13. (ed. Reverend J. William Jones) 11 1 Browse Search
William Tecumseh Sherman, Memoirs of General William T. Sherman . 9 1 Browse Search
Robert Underwood Johnson, Clarence Clough Buell, Battles and Leaders of the Civil War. Volume 4. 5 1 Browse Search
The Photographic History of The Civil War: in ten volumes, Thousands of Scenes Photographed 1861-65, with Text by many Special Authorities, Volume 10: The Armies and the Leaders. (ed. Francis Trevelyan Miller) 4 0 Browse Search
William Boynton, Sherman's Historical Raid 4 0 Browse Search
The Atlanta (Georgia) Campaign: May 1 - September 8, 1864., Part I: General Report. (ed. Maj. George B. Davis, Mr. Leslie J. Perry, Mr. Joseph W. Kirkley) 3 1 Browse Search
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Your search returned 44 results in 8 document sections:

George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 3: through Harper's Ferry to Winchester—The Valley of the Shenandoah. (search)
't do it, and you only trotting. The man belonged to a New York cavalry regiment, so he told me; was a private, and on duty as orderly, carrying despatches to General Banks. It was very amusing to see his look of astonishment and hear his delicate apology as he found he had been chasing a colonel of infantry in the dark,--but, I do think that horse is a stunner, he still insisted. I next tried the horse with those of our cavalry, and found that he beat them all in leaping; indeed, General Hatch, commanding the cavalry, acknowledged there was no horse in his command that could compete with him. His jump was not a flying leap, it was really a jump. He approached the fence or bar slowly, and preferred to do so at a walk; then slowly rising on his hind legs threw over his fore-feet, following with the rest of his body with a muscular energy that would unseat a careless rider. I found I could travel across the country without stopping to take down fences. I have often seen our p
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 4: the Valley of the Shenandoah (continued)—Return to Strasburg. (search)
f his men — shot at his post by some expert and remorseless Rebel hunter — lying dead at the station. Once, however, the enemy failing to make the bridge in time, were overtaken by our cavalry, and prisoners were brought into Harrisonburg by General Hatch. One of the Rebel officers, being greatly annoyed at the triumphant tones of our men, turned to rebuke them, at which the storm began to rage with such violence that Hatch ordered the prisoner to maintain silence. While my brigade was encaHatch ordered the prisoner to maintain silence. While my brigade was encamped in the field, I made my own headquarters within the house where dwelt the owner of the domain. She was an elderly matron of very strong secession proclivities, and given to lamentation over the destruction which three thousand soldiers brought to her fields. There were no fences left to divide tillage from pasture, or grain-fields from roads. When her complaints were loudest, I informed her of the capture of New Orleans, of which we had just heard through the War Department; enlightened
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 5: return to Strasburg (continued)—Banks's flight to WinchesterBattle of Winchester. (search)
ed a spark of life in the lifeless scene. General Hatch of the cavalry was sitting by my side, speter under escort of cavalry and infantry. General Hatch, with nearly our whole force of cavalry anonel Donelly in front, myself in rear, and General Hatch with his cavalry as rear-guard,--instructenducted thus far under orders to report to General Hatch if practicable. General Banks also direct troops were our cavalry, under command of General Hatch, proceeding to join the head of the columnd through Middletown, Jackson turned to attack Hatch, impressed with the belief that the latter wasntending to turn off where the main body under Hatch left the pike; but mistaking the point, dashedr, but all his baggage had been captured. General Hatch confirmed my fears of the numbers of the e as had not haply escaped, had been captured. Hatch dwelt with much feeling upon the mistake made he charge of the rear properly belonged to General Hatch, for two reasons: it had been assigned to [18 more...]
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 6: battle of Winchester (continued)—Federal retreat across the Potomac to Williamsport. (search)
valry was tired. Where was Steuart with his three cavalry regiments,--Ashby's, Munford's, and Flournoy's,--to oppose General Hatch with less than one (he had, as it will be remembered, less than nine hundred men at Strasburg). Undoubtedly a feeble in praise of the part taken by my brigade during the retreat. On the thirty-first of May a paper was handed me by General Hatch, Williamsport, Md., May 31, 1862. To the Hon. Edwin Stanton, Secretary of War. The undersigned officers of the tle of Winchester on Sunday last, and throughout the retreat from Strasburg to this place. N. P. Banks, M. G. C. John P. Hatch, Brig.-Gen. Cavalry. S. W. Crawford, Brig.-Gen. U. S. V. A. S. Williams, B. G. C. 1st Div. Geo. S. Greene, Brig.-Gsburg to Winchester to learn his brother's fate. Colonel De Forrest, then in command at Martinsburg, was ordered by General Hatch to send with Mr. Dwight an escort of ten men,--men who can remember what they see of the enemy and his strength. Let
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 7: the Army of Virginia under General PopeBattle of Cedar Mountain. (search)
d any citizen of Williamsport, under the circumstances, have dared to steal him. All search proving vain, I sought General Hatch, who invited me to attend with him, in the afternoon, a review of his cavalry, where, he suggested, in riding between given, the cavalry command gave me three rousing cheers. That's .for your accusing them of stealing your horse, said Hatch, laughing. How the fellow that did steal that horse must have smiled! for the horse was there, but I did not recognizle, destroy a railroad bridge there, and break up communications. But on the seventeenth of July Banks reported that General Hatch, commanding the cavalry, had started on his march with infantry, artillery, and train-wagons, and had at that date suat Culpeper on the 7th from Waterloo Bridge. Pope's cavalry was distributed as follows: General Buford, who had relieved Hatch, was with five regiments posted at Madison Court House, with his pickets along the line of the Rapidan from Barnett's For
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Chapter 9: battle of Cedar Mountain (continued). (search)
risoners; Surgeon Leland (early in the action), Lieutenants Oakey, Browning, Grafton, and Robeson, were wounded; Captain Russell was a prisoner. Corporal Bassett, Bright, Dyer, Flemming, Hazelton, Livingston, and Sergeant Whitten, of Company A; Gilson and Corporal Oakes, of Company B; Brown, F. H. Cochrane, Francis, Corporal Gray, Hines, Jewell, Stonehall, and Williston, of Company C; Bickford, Corporal Fay, and Corporal Wilcox, of Company D; Ide and Sparrow, of Company E; Sergeant Andrews, Hatch, Howard, and Hoxsey, of Company G; Corporal Cahill, Corporal DeWeale, and Duffy, of Company H; Sergeant Willis, of Company I; and Conlan, Daly, Livingstone, Montague, Roberts, and Watson, of Company K,--were killed. Corporal Buxton, Gilman, and Spalding, of Company A; Stephens (J.), of Company B; Donovan, of Company C; Daniels, of Company E; Moore, of Company F; Dillingham, Greene (M.), Smith, and First Sergeant Williston, of Company G; Sylvester, of Company I; and Hauboldt, of Company K,w
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, chapter 14 (search)
Appendix A. Abstract from return of the Army of Virginia, Major-Geneial John Pope, U. S. Army, commanding, for July 3, 1862. series i. vol. XII. part 3, p. 623, Offlcial Records of the War of the Rebellion. Including Hatch's cavalry, 158 officers and 3101 men present for duty. Command.Present for duty.Aggregate present.Aggregate present and absent.Remarks. Officers.Men. Headquarters staff and escort 35164219233 Warrenton, Va. First (Siegel's) Army Corps: Headquarters stafn 149303235204763*Sperryville. Milroy's brigade 110239727523787* Near Woodville, Va. Total First Corps614124851248519820 Second (Banks's) Army Corps: Headquarters staff 121212 Near Washington, Va. First (Williams's) Division Including Hatch's cavalry, 158 officers and 3101 men present for duty.4589629103118246* Culpeper Court House,Va. Second (Augur's) Division228445851157184* Near Washington, Va. Total Second Corps698140871605820442 Third (McDowell's) Army Corps: Headquarter
George H. Gordon, From Brook Farm to Cedar Mountain, Index (search)
ge S., commands a brigade under Banks, 226, 257. H Hall and Lounsburg, telegraph operators, who saved a bridge from destruction, 172 (note). Hamilton, General, commands Federal troops in Civil War, 62, 113, 114. Hardy, Captain, 76. Hatch, General, commander of Federal Cavalry, 162. Forms the rearguard in Banks's retreat from Strasburg, 201. Is met by Stonewall Jackson at Middletown (Va.), and fights an unequal battle, 209, 210. Retreats towards Strasburg, and fights again, anforce at Cedarville, 189. Is hindered in his advance on Strasburg by disobedience of his orders, 198. Hopes to capture the whole of Banks's force before the latter can leave Strasburg, 208. Advances to Middletown, where he has a fight with General Hatch, 209. His disappointment at not capturing Banks at Strasburg, 212. Delayed by the delinquency of Ashby's cavalry, 213. Advances to Newtown, where he is checked by General Gordon, 214. He enters Newtown at last as a conqueror, 218,--and pu