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Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book IV:—the first autumn. (search)
even o'clock, hoisted the white flag. Cut off by Fort Clark from all communication with the land, he had no means of escape left. More than seven hundred prisoners, twenty-five pieces of artillery, with or without carriages, and two strong works, were surrendered to the Federals by the capitulation, signed a few days after. Butler and Stringham, appreciating the importance of their conquest, determined not to abandon it. The small garrisons which they left there were soon reinforced, and Hatteras became the base of naval and military operations along the whole coast of North Carolina. The capture of these forts, which had not cost the Federals a single man, was one of those unquestionable successes of which until then Fortune had been very sparing towards the North. It was the first step in a direction where many others still more decisive were to follow. The superiority of the guns on board the Federal vessels over the barbette batteries which the Confederates opposed to them wa
Comte de Paris, History of the Civil War in America. Vol. 1. (ed. Henry Coppee , LL.D.), Book V:—the first winter. (search)
the Southern States were carrying on with England, was occupied on the 25th of March. Moorehead City, situated opposite, and Washington, on Tar River, had already been similarly occupied a few days before. But the Beaufort inlets were commanded by an old Federal fort contemporary with Fort Warren, Fort Monroe, and all the casemated works constructed on the American coast on the plans of General Bernard; this was Fort Macon, situated at the extremity of a long sand-bank similar to that of Hatteras. It was occupied by rebel troops, and could only be reduced by a regular siege. More than fifteen days were consumed in preparing for this operation, which did not commence until the 11th of April. Besides, owing to the nature of the ground, a few regiments were sufficient to invest it. The rest of the troops were occupied, for the most part, in serving as garrisons, small but numerous. Reno's brigade, being available, was sent by Burnside to land at Elizabeth City, on the north, whenc