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Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches 98 0 Browse Search
Thomas Wentworth Higginson, Letters and Journals of Thomas Wentworth Higginson 12 0 Browse Search
Mary Thacher Higginson, Thomas Wentworth Higginson: the story of his life 6 0 Browse Search
Edward L. Pierce, Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner: volume 3 4 0 Browse Search
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Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, The close of the War (search)
The close of the War Never before hast thou shone So beautifully upon the Thebans; O, eye of golden day Antigone of Sophocles. One bright morning in April, 1865, Hawthorne's son and the writer were coming forth together from the further door-way of Stoughton Hall at Harvard College, when, as the last reverberations of the prayer-bell were sounding, a classmate called to us across the yard: General Lee has surrendered! There was a busy hum of voices where the three converging lines ofLongworth would as soon have hired a sedan chair as a horse and buggy, when he might have gone on foot. Good pedestrianism was the pride of the Harvard student; and an honest, wholesome pride it was. There was also some good running. Both Julian Hawthorne and Thomas W. Ward ran to Concord, a distance of sixteen miles, without stopping, I believe, by the way. William Blaikie, the stroke of the University crew, walked to New York during the Thanksgiving recess-six days in all. The undergradu
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Longfellow (search)
r's face was reflected on Longfellow's as in a mirror. Hawthorne was a classmate of Longfellow, and in the biography of thr which are always friendly,--but never more than that on Hawthorne's side,--with one exception, where he thanks Longfellow fn; and Longfellow may be said to have opened the door for Hawthorne into the great world. Hawthorne's friendship for PresideHawthorne's friendship for President Pierce proved an advantage to him financially, but it also became a barrier between him and the other literary men of his . Longfellow frankly admitted that he did not understand Hawthorne, and he did not believe that anyone at Bowdoin College unew; but so far as genius was concerned, he believed that Hawthorne would outlive every other writer of his time. He had theenjoyed it. He may not have walked such long distances as Hawthorne, or so rapidly as Dickens, but he was a good walker. Hby storm, did not make so much of an impression on him as Hawthorne's Marble Faun, which he read through in a day and calls a
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, C. P. Cranch. (search)
all through the coming period of American literature. C. P. Cranch was affected by it, as Emerson, Longfellow and even Hawthorne, were affected by it. This, however, did not take place at once, and when Emerson's Nature was published, Cranch was atn the water. The scene is remarkably like a similar one on Concord River, about two hundred yards below the spot where Hawthorne and Channing discovered the body of the schoolmistress who drowned herself, as Hawthorne supposed, from lack of sympathHawthorne supposed, from lack of sympathy. It seems as if the original sketch must have been made at that point. It is of a deep rich coloring, smoothly and delicately finished,--a painting that no one has yet been able to find fault with. Rev. Samuel Longfellow, who knew almost every ter a shilling to obtain the document, and read it aloud to Cranch and a friend who was with him. Both mentioned in Hawthorne's Notebook. Cranch could never understand this, for it was the last thing he would have done himself without an invitat
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Doctor Holmes. (search)
pursued the even tenor of his way. Concord does not appear to have been attractive to him. He had a brother, John Holmes, who was reputed by his friends to be as witty as the Autocrat himself, but who lived a quiet, inconspicuous life. John was an intimate friend of Hon. E. R. Hoar and often went to Concord to visit him; but I never heard of the Doctor being seen there, though it may have happened before my time. He does not speak over-much of Emerson in his letters, and does not mention Hawthorne, Thoreau or Alcott, so far as we know, at all. They do not appear to have attracted his attention. We are indebted to Lowell for all that Doctor Holmes has given us. The Doctor was forty-eight when the Atlantic Monthly appeared before the public, and according to his own confession he had long since given up hope of a literary life. We hardly know another instance like it; but so much the better for him. He had no immature efforts of early life to regret; and when the cask once was tap
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Chevalier Howe. (search)
r to avenge their comrades on the field of battle or to die with them. He did not like a hypocritical morality, which he said too often resulted in the hypocritical sort. He complained of this in Emerson's teaching, which he thought led his readers to scrutinize themselves too closely as well as to be too censorious of others; and he respected Emerson more for his manly attitude on the Kansas question than for anything he wrote. He always continued to be the chevalier. He was like Hawthorne's gray-haired champion, who always came to the front in a public emergency, and then disappeared, no one knew whither. When the Bond Street riot took place in 1837, there was Doctor Howe succoring the oppressed; in 1844 he joined the Conscience Whigs and was one of the foremost among them; he helped materially toward the election of Sumner in 1851, and for years afterwards was a leader in the vigilance committee organized to resist the Fugitive Slave law. He stood shoulder to shoulder wit
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, The War Governor. (search)
on, as well as for the Indian traditions connected with it. John A. Andrew's grandfather, like Hawthorne's father, lived in Salem and both families emigrated to Sebago, the former locating himself in the small town of Windham. At the time when Hawthorne was sailing his little boat on the lake, at the age of fourteen, John Andrew was in his nurse's arms,--born May 31, 1818. Like Hawthorne and LHawthorne and Longfellow he went to Bowdoin College, but did not distinguish himself there as a scholar,--had no honors at commencement. We are still in ignorance concerning his college life, what his interests wehim, took him by the arm and marched several times around the hall with him. He then went to Mrs. Hawthorne, inquired what her husband was writing, and explained the battle of Gettysburg to her, drawing a diagram of it on a letter which he took from his coat pocket. Years afterwards Mrs. Hawthorne spoke of this as one of the pleasantest interviews of her life. He would come in late to dinner a
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Dr. W. T. G. Morton (search)
shire. It passed the Senate by a small majority, but was defeated by the mud-gods of the House-defeated by men who were pilfering the national treasury in sinecures for their relatives and supporters. In the history of our government I know of nothing more disgraceful than this,--except the exculpation of Brooks for his assault on Sumner. Doctor Morton was a ruined man. His slender means had long since been exhausted, and he had been running in debt for the past two or three years, as Hawthorne did at the old manse. Even his house at Wellesley was mortgaged. His business was gone, and his health was shattered. He felt as a man does in an earthquake. The government could not have treated him more cruelly unless it had put him to death. It was now, as a final resort, that he went to see President Pierce, always a kindly man, except where Kansas affairs were concerned; and Pierce advised him to bring a suit for infringement of his rights against a surgeon in the navy. Doctor
Frank Preston Stearns, Cambridge Sketches, Centennial Contributions (search)
has become a spell to conjure with. The Hawthorne centennial: Hawthorne as art critic When Hawthorne as art critic When the Marble Faun was first published the art criticism in it, especially of sculptors and painters wagain by the recent centennial celebration. Hawthorne himself was the most perfect artist of his ter in which it comes together there,--and in Hawthorne's time the two leading parties were the Stortten in poetry, has very much the quality of Hawthorne's shorter sketches. And tales much older thould rise up against me if I were to support Hawthorne's condemnation of nude Venuses and the guiltigure in the Niobe group at Florence. But Hawthorne's description of the Faun of Praxiteles stane Marble Faun may not be the most perfect of Hawthorne's works, but it is much the greatest,--an ep planning and acting he philosophizes. Of Hawthorne, on the contrary, we know nothing except as efined from all other members of his class. Hawthorne certainly did not resemble Scott, Dickens, o[17 more...]