Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: September 12, 1863., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Haymond or search for Haymond in all documents.

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ll amending and re-enacting the 109th section, of the act imposing taxes for the support of the State Government. Mr. Haymond, of Marion, presented a resolution, which was agreed to, that the special Committee on Salt be instructed to inquire w Mr. Fleming: Of ascertaining the cost of the manufacture of salt per bushel by the State agent, Jno. N. Clarkson. By Mr. Haymond, of Marion: Of extending the term of the first class militia, when called out, from six to twelve months, and that the. Shackelford: Of exempting from taxation those counties which have been, or may be, occupied by the public enemy. By Mr. Haymond, of Marion: Of offering bounties to female heads of families for the domestic manufacture of cloths of all kinds. is necessary to prevent the illegal arrest and imprisonment of citizens of Virginia by the military authorities. Mr. Haymond, of Braxton, offered a resolution that it be referred to the Committee of Courts of Justice to inquire into the expedi