Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: January 18, 1864., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Heenan or search for Heenan in all documents.

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tor, amid loud cheers, immediately followed by Heenan, who was similarly received. Colors were now tants began to dress. Choice of ground won by Heenan, and then came the referee; some wrangling too delivered another stinger on the cheek. Then Heenan retaliated by a severe counter with his left, Rapid deliveries followed on both sides, when Heenan threw his man with just such similar ease as ice more planted his left upon the "jaw," while Heenan delivered his right with marked precision and ighting very fast, and were evidently blowing, Heenan bleeding at the mouth, and had clearly copped n. King also showed cochineal from his lips. Heenan shot out with his right, but did not appear toe round was finished by a heavy body-blow from Heenan, which made the sailor stagger back, and the gis pins. Round 25 and last — Sayers soused Heenan well with cold water, and got him once more tos to the ground. This was a settler, for when Heenan tried to leave his corner for another round he[20 more...]