Browsing named entities in The Daily Dispatch: April 11, 1861., [Electronic resource]. You can also browse the collection for Helper or search for Helper in all documents.

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The Daily Dispatch: April 11, 1861., [Electronic resource], Correspondence of the Richmond Dispatch. (search)
nuel, to say nothing of the Red Republican, Schurz, (is that his name?) the White Republican, (I suppose we may call him,) Cassius M. Clay, and the election of that hybrid, Hannibal Hamlin, to preside over the deliberations of a body once graced by the presence of a Davis, and a Toombs, and a Benjamin, and which yet embraces among its members a Hunter and a Mason, a Clingman and a Breckinridge. Were other evidence wanting, we could find it in the recent election of a Sherman, an endorser of Helper, and a Wilmot, the original Proviso man, to seats in the same body. The pious Lovejoy and the terrible Hickman, the martyr Summer and the Natick Cobler, the yellow John Brown,(not the black) and the filial descendant of the canonized John Brown, all boast of membership in this eminently conservative and pacific Administration, of which the fugitive Lincoln is the recognized head. What a party ! Isn't it glorious to be in full fellowship with such a party, and to be called "brethren" by suc