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they already regarded the country as a province of their native land. Ribault determined to leave a colony; twenty-six composed the whole party, which was to keep possession of the continent. Fort Charles, the Carolina, Munitionem Carolinam, de regis nomine dictum. De Thou, l XLIV. 531, edition of 1626. so called in honor of Charles IX. of France, first gave a name to the country, a century before it was occupied by the English. The name remained, though the early colony perished. Hening, i. 552; and Thurloe, II. 273, 274. Ribault and the ships arrived safely in France. But July 20. the fires of civil war had been kindled in all the provinces of the kingdom; and the promised reinforcements for Carolina were never levied. The situation of the French became precarious. The natives were friendly; but the soldiers themselves were insubordinate; and dissensions prevailed. The commandant at Carolina repressed the turbulent spirit with arbitrary cruelty, and lost his life
ly issuing an ample patent. The first colonial charter; See the charter, in Hazard, i. 51—58; Stith's Appendix, 1—8 Hening's Statutes of Virginia at large, i. 57—66. In referring to this collection, I cannot but add, that no other state in theny, for which the vain glory of the king found a grateful occupation in framing a code of laws; See the instrument, in Hening, l. 67—75. Compare, also, Stith's Virginia, 37—41; Burk's Virginia, i. 86—92. an exercise of royal legislation which Nond the name of the powerful Cecil, the inveterate enemy and successful rival of Raleigh, appears at the head of chose, Hening, i. 81—88. who were to carry into execution the vast design to which Raleigh, now a close prisoner in the tower, had firsnder the sanction of existing laws, the constitution of Virginia was radically May 23. changed. The new charter In Hening, Stith, and Hazard, II. transferred to the company the powers which had before been reserved to the king. The sup
ndage. The clans of Virginia and Carolina, Hening, i. 481, 482. The act, forbidding the crime, colony favored their early enfranchisement. Hening, i. 257. But this state of labor easily admitt. Stith, 182; Chalmers, 49; Burk, i. 211; and Hening, i. 146, all rely on Beverley. This is, indeedites forbidden under ignominious penalties. Hening, i. 146. For many years, the Dutch were princicrease by a special tax upon female slaves. Hening, II. 84, Act LIV. March, 1662. The statute imarly engaged the attention of the assembly. Hening, i. 119. But legislation, though it can favor istration of Harvey. Burk, i. 275; II. 37. Hening, i. 123. 153. 1632 Meantime, a. change was ority of an original record. Burk, i. 274. Hening, i. 76. While these things were transactin and had been in the colony a twelvemonth. Hening, l. 28, Act 35. The commissioner unfortunately memorable acts of independent legislation. Hening, i. 122—128. Burk, i. 278—286. Stith, 318—32<
es, they levied and appropriated all taxes, Hening, i. 171, Act 38. secured the free industry of c. XI. in II. Mass. Hist. Coll. VIII. 29. Hening, i. 275. Sir William Berkeley was a courtier, ge, whose sagacious conjecture is confirmed in Hening, i. 290, Act 4, session of February, 1645. thep VI.} long in danger of being intercepted, Hening, i. 300, 301, Act 3. yet ten men were considercommerce in which they might engage. s. 21, Hening, i. 94, 95. The last charter was equally free commissioners, unanimously chosen governor. Hening, i. 371. See Stith, 199, who tells the story popular liberty established all its claims. Hening, i. 504, 505. The death of Cromwell made nat Richard Cromwell should be acknowledged. Hening, i. 511. Mar. 1659. But it was a more interesth vessels as were bound for a foreign port. Hening, i. 469. Proposals of peace and commerce betwe bounty was offered for their importation. Hening, i. 418. Conformity had, in the reign of Chap[43 more...]
ere is yet evidence, that commerce with the Indians was earnestly pursued under the sanction of the colonial government. Relation of Maryland, 4; ed. 1635. Smith's History of Virginia, II. 63 and 95. An attempt was made to obtain a monopoly of this commerce Rel. of Maryland, 1635, p. 10. by William Clayborne, whose resolute and enterprising spirit was destined to exert a powerful Chap VII.} 1621 and long-continued influence. His first appearance in America was as a surveyor, Hening, i. 116. sent by the London company to make a map of the country. At the fall of the corporation, he had been appointed by King James a 1624 member of the council; Hazard, i. 189. and, on the accession of Charles, was continued in office, and, in repeated com- 1625 missions, was nominated secretary of state. Ibid. 234 and 239. At the 1627 to 1629 same time, he received authority from the governors of Virginia to discover the source of the Bay of the Chesapeake, and, indeed, any par