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The Daily Dispatch: March 25, 1863., [Electronic resource] 2 0 Browse Search
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fficer or private, he shall suffer such punisb not inconsistent with military law at the Court may direct." And that the title of the bill be amended so as to read, "An act to regulate impressments." Several members explained their position insert-Gard to the report, and Mr. Brown, of Miss., obtaining the floor, called the previous question. The ayes and noes were demanded by Mr. Simms, and resulted: Ayes--Messrs. Baker, Barnwell, Brown, Caper Lon. Davis, Dortch, Hayner Henry, Bill, Hunter, Johnson of Ga., McEwell, Mitchell, Oldham, Orr, Feyton, Paelan--17 Noes.--Messrs Clay, Commes, Sparrow--4. House of Representatives.--House met at 11 o'clock and was opened with prayer by Rev. Henry A. Wise. Mr. Boteler, of Va., moved a suspension of the rules, to allow him to call up the bill reported some time since from the Committee on Ordnance. The motion did not prevail. Mr. Royston, of Ark, moved that the House proceed with the consideration of