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John M. Schofield, Forty-six years in the Army, Index (search)
92 H Hall, Willard P., lieutenant-governor of Missouri, 101; letter to S., Oct. 21, 1863, 101, 102 Halleck, Maj.-Gen. Henry W., relieves Fremont from command of Department of the Mississippi, 54; S. reports for duty to, 54; assigns S. to co19; reconnoitering Hood's movements at, 210, 213, 214; military movements at, 219, 230 Human nature, 428 Hunt, Maj.-Gen. Henry J., suggests the establishment of a light-artillery school, 426, 427 Hunter, Maj.-Gen., David, factional troublesawrence, Kan., massacre at, 77-79, 234; mass meeting at, 80 Lawrenceburg, Ala., Hood's movement via, 201 Lazelle, Col. Henry M., commandant at West Point, investigates the Whittaker case, 445 Leavenworth, Kan., plans in, for retaliation on Mar, 74, 235; troubles on the Kansas-Missouri border, 78 et seq.; abolition of, see emancipation; negroes. Slocum, Maj.-Gen. Henry W., to accompany Sherman to Savannah, 165, 317; proposal that he abandon Atlanta, 307, 308; strength, 308 Smith,